Things that annoy me (5 Viewers)

Claiming that a political appointee is an "agent" or "asset" of some foreign government like Russia when there is absolutely no evidence of such. We have been there and done that once. That would be treason if it were true. A very serious crime. To throw that allegation around simply because someone expresses a viewpoint that might be construed as favorable to Russia or some other foreign country is reckless.
The bs press attack is already starting. Why our press is so biased is beyond comprehension and sad.
I'm a true crime buff. Was watching the new excellent Netflix miniseries about the JonBenet murder. I've believed someone in the family was involved for many years but if so, the dad is the best liar in history. He is very believable in my opinion in his denial that he had anything to do with this crime. It was staged as a kidnapping/sex crime. That would seemingly rule the mother out although she is a bit kooky. So what is left? Perhaps the ten-year old brother committed the crime by cracking his sister on the head with the flashlight and then the parents or mom stage the event to protect him. If so, it would be completely nutty to garrot their dead six-year-old and write a ransom note. The ransom note was apparently written in the home on a notepad used by the mother. Perhaps some mental case did enter the property, write the note, and commit the crime. And that is why there is a lot of weirdness about the facts. Regardless, they seem no closer today than they were 20 plus years ago to solving.

There is currently an extremely bizarre case going on in LA where a woman traveling from Hawaii to NYC to visit her aunt landed at LAX for a connecting flight. For some inexplicable reason, she never got on the connecting flight but her ex-boyfriend who she was traveling with did. There are reports that she has been seen at a local bookstore. Enter her grief stricken father who flies for Hawaii to join the search. Having no success, he suddenly commits suicide. Still no sign of Hannah Kobayashi who remains missing. A strange world.
I'm a true crime buff. Was watching the new excellent Netflix miniseries about the JonBenet murder. I've believed someone in the family was involved for many years but if so, the dad is the best liar in history. He is very believable in my opinion in his denial that he had anything to do with this crime. It was staged as a kidnapping/sex crime. That would seemingly rule the mother out although she is a bit kooky. So what is left? Perhaps the ten-year old brother committed the crime by cracking his sister on the head with the flashlight and then the parents or mom stage the event to protect him. If so, it would be completely nutty to garrot their dead six-year-old and write a ransom note. The ransom note was apparently written in the home on a notepad used by the mother. Perhaps some mental case did enter the property, write the note, and commit the crime. And that is why there is a lot of weirdness about the facts. Regardless, they seem no closer today than they were 20 plus years ago to solving.

There is currently an extremely bizarre case going on in LA where a woman traveling from Hawaii to NYC to visit her aunt landed at LAX for a connecting flight. For some inexplicable reason, she never got on the connecting flight but her ex-boyfriend who she was traveling with did. There are reports that she has been seen at a local bookstore. Enter her grief stricken father who flies for Hawaii to join the search. Having no success, he suddenly commits suicide. Still no sign of Hannah Kobayashi who remains missing. A strange world.
Re: the JonBenet murder, been 28 yrs since her death and I guess the family will never be at rest from ghoulish media scrutiny. The ransom note demanded the amount of money the father received as a bonus, if my memory is correct. So it was someone known to the family.
High on my list of 'things that annoy me' are people that harass wildlife. Of course they will say it's for public education or what ever, but usually it's to provide entertainment and boost their Youtube channel while making themselves out to be some sort of superhero.

For some reason these film clips appear on my Youtube feed, ok it's most likely because I always watch them, so there's that.

Just yesterday I was watching the video below featuring 'Dingo Dinkelman' who is South Africa's version of Aussie Steve Irwin (Crocodile Hunter).

Africa's Black Mamba:

I thought to myself that this guy may be even crazier than Steve Irwin and likely to end up the same way. And Crikey, just 30 minutes ago another video came up on Youtube advising that Dingo had died from a Green Mamba bite just last month. Like most Aussies, I've come in contact with a number of snakes over the years, they are not as common as most people think, nor are they usually aggressive, except for a certain Coastal Taipan a few years ago that reckoned I should be the one to back down, and I did, those things have no fear. However I think I would be more scared of a Black Mamba as depicted in the video above, a different species to the Green Mamba that killed 'Dingo', but obviously not something to be taken to lightly.

Australia's Coastal Taipan:

High on my list of 'things that annoy me' are people that harass wildlife. Of course they will say it's for public education or what ever, but usually it's to provide entertainment and boost their Youtube channel while making themselves out to be some sort of superhero.

For some reason these film clips appear on my Youtube feed, ok it's most likely because I always watch them, so there's that.

Just yesterday I was watching the video below featuring 'Dingo Dinkelman' who is South Africa's version of Aussie Steve Irwin (Crocodile Hunter).

Africa's Black Mamba:

I thought to myself that this guy may be even crazier than Steve Irwin and likely to end up the same way. And Crikey, just 30 minutes ago another video came up on Youtube advising that Dingo had died from a Green Mamba bite just last month. Like most Aussies, I've come in contact with a number of snakes over the years, they are not as common as most people think, nor are they usually aggressive, except for a certain Coastal Taipan a few years ago that reckoned I should be the one to back down, and I did, those things have no fear. However I think I would be more scared of a Black Mamba as depicted in the video above, a different species to the Green Mamba that killed 'Dingo', but obviously not something to be taken to lightly.

Australia's Coastal Taipan:

Lets face it Oz the worlds full of idiots seeking fame and fortune on the net. Why on earth would you play silly buggers with a snake......should have nicknamed him drongo! I guess someone has to be the slow one at the back of the herd...... :oops:;)🤦‍♂️
Re: the JonBenet murder, been 28 yrs since her death and I guess the family will never be at rest from ghoulish media scrutiny. The ransom note demanded the amount of money the father received as a bonus, if my memory is correct. So it was someone known to the family.
Agreed, it will be someone known to the family and likely familiar to JonBenet herself. Why anyone parades a child like that is beyond me.
Lets face it Oz the worlds full of idiots seeking fame and fortune on the net. Why on earth would you play silly buggers with a snake......should have nicknamed him drongo! I guess someone has to be the slow one at the back of the herd...... :oops:;)🤦‍♂️

Yep, there's way to many idiots aggravating animals, and it encourages more idiots to copy them. The restrictions on keeping wild animals needs to be stricter, imo the only people that should have venomous snakes are those in Zoos or people that milk snakes for antivenom, not a job I'd volunteer for, you only need a slight distraction, get to close to the bitey end of a snake and the bugger will give you some payback ;)
I thought to myself that this guy may be even crazier than Steve Irwin and likely to end up the same way. And Crikey, just 30 minutes ago another video came up on Youtube advising that Dingo had died from a Green Mamba bite just last month. Like most Aussies, I've come in contact with a number of snakes over the years, they are not as common as most people think, nor are they usually aggressive, except for a certain Coastal Taipan a few years ago that reckoned I should be the one to back down, and I did, those things have no fear. However I think I would be more scared of a Black Mamba as depicted in the video above, a different species to the Green Mamba that killed 'Dingo', but obviously not something to be taken to lightly.

Australia's Coastal Taipan:

Had not heard of him but just read he was allergic to snake venom and instantly went into shock when bit. Fools often die young.
Agreed, it will be someone known to the family and likely familiar to JonBenet herself. Why anyone parades a child like that is beyond me.
Was in town and passed a large group of young girls, under the age of 10, gathering for a cheerleader competition. The mothers had painted their faces with heavy makeup and they looked like very young hookers.
Getting a book via Amazon and having it arrive looking like someone chainsawed the cover and binding. Imagine the employee who puts a damaged book like that in a box to send to a customer. I'm not talking a small crease but the book actually being cut. The postal box it came in was not damaged.
Getting a book via Amazon and having it arrive looking like someone chainsawed the cover and binding. Imagine the employee who puts a damaged book like that in a box to send to a customer. I'm not talking a small crease but the book actually being cut. The postal box it came in was not damaged.
Very infuriating for sure, and takes away from the enjoyment of reading the book, when it's damaged like that, and you just know it's going to be a pain trying to get it replaced.
But hopefully it'll work out for you, yhough the experience it does kind of take the shine off the thing all the same.
The Sendle freight company annoy me, this is the second time I've purchased something on ebay that was being handled by Sendle, the parcel still hasn't arrived after 9 days from a location where 2 to 3 days is the usual, unfreakin believable. I'm so pizzed with Sendle that from here on I won't buy anything from anyone that uses this company, absolutely hopeless :mad:
Had not heard of him but just read he was allergic to snake venom and instantly went into shock when bit. Fools often die young.

Allergies are getting more common with people handling venomous snakes, especially guys that milk snakes for antivenom, if they don't have a EpiPen handy, they will die in minutes from anaphylactic shock, personally I would consider alternative employment ;)
Getting a book via Amazon and having it arrive looking like someone chainsawed the cover and binding. Imagine the employee who puts a damaged book like that in a box to send to a customer. I'm not talking a small crease but the book actually being cut. The postal box it came in was not damaged.
This one pisses me off also. I immediately click refund and replace. I make them send me a book until it arrives in "NEW" condition. ON one instance after 3 tries, Customer Service called me and asked why I was abusing returns. I went off and sent all the photos (that were already on my account) while on the phone. There was an awkward 20 second silence, the rep came back on and said I will be transferring you to a supervisor, on hold for another 5 mins, supervisor - apologized profusely and send me a $25 Gift card and explained that they get a lot of returns, etc. I explained that if you would just use a smaller box with bubble wrap, this may not be an issue. Pretty sure I confused said supervisor. Anyhow, they are the worst packaging known to man.
Was in town and passed a large group of young girls, under the age of 10, gathering for a cheerleader competition. The mothers had painted their faces with heavy makeup and they looked like very young hookers.
Yeah its quite scary when you think about it. Why would you sexualize you daughter in that way, its basically child abuse, however society seems to accept it.
Yeah its quite scary when you think about it. Why would you sexualize you daughter in that way, its basically child abuse, however society seems to accept it.
And I don't get why parents allow young children to get their ears pieced, seems weird to me but I didn't have any daughters, so what would I know.

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