Re: Walking Dead

If I were a citizen of the Hilltop community and saw Rick coming to 'help', I'd take to my heels, considering Rick's past history with other communities such as Hershel's farm and the Governor's hometown, not to mention his own prison paradise. Rick bad for resale value. {sm2} -- Al
Re: Walking Dead


I thought about buying and reading the novels to stay in tune with the story, but I'm glad I didn't as I wouldn't want to know what lies ahead for our little band of merry survivors.

The shock factor can't be overstated...........
Re: Walking Dead

The quickest 40+ minutes of the week

Mate, the Mrs's nodded off halfway through this episode which she's not done before, so i never got to see the last 20minutes or so.

What I did think was odd, was how the Hill-Top folks hardly raised an eyelid when Rick's mob walked in armed to the teeth.....am I missing something?
Re: Walking Dead

I thought about buying and reading the novels to stay in tune with the story, but I'm glad I didn't as I wouldn't want to know what lies ahead for our little band of merry survivors.

The shock factor can't be overstated...........

George, you would be upset with the direction of the novels as in non stop word balloons ( characters never stop talking ), touchy /feely lectures about morality or lack there of, and folks always killing other folks. Also, the shows do not always follow the written path. I am finding the book to be depressing and am contemplating quitting it. ( they just killed off an entire community of minor characters by other humans.) Each new group of baddies introduced is that much more evil than the last....I am getting tired of it all..Michael
Re: Walking Dead

George, you would be upset with the direction of the novels as in non stop word balloons ( characters never stop talking ), touchy /feely lectures about morality or lack there of, and folks always killing other folks. Also, the shows do not always follow the written path. I am finding the book to be depressing and am contemplating quitting it. ( they just killed off an entire community of minor characters by other humans.) Each new group of baddies introduced is that much more evil than the last....I am getting tired of it all..Michael

I find it comical that this far into the reality of a world full of zombies, there's a guy out there who throws on a suit every morning when he rolls out of bed.

He's not even doing the old, tired, pander to John Q Public bit that politicians do; jeans, an oxford shirt and a blue sport coat, or better yet, take of the sport coat and roll those sleeves up, that will show America you're just a regular guy and one of us.......................
Re: Walking Dead

Anymore I have to take my blood pressure medication before watching this show. My own fault for continuing to watch and I keep reminding myself, it's just a show, it's just a show :tongue:. So many "why" questions I feel like a two year old asking their parents " but why did they do this dad?" in between commercial breaks. Why haven't the Wolves found this Hilltop place or for that matter the scouts from Alexandra who have been doing this long before Rick and his merry band of "guns for hire" showed up. Carol must have been back in the kitchen baking cookies this episode that's why we didn't see her.
My guess is the confrontation with Nagen isn't going to end well for a main character. My money is on Maggie ( although they shouldn't be letting a pregnant woman go on a killing raid) or ginger boy Abraham( he better put those dress blues back on for his funeral). I wrote Glenn off a few episodes ago and he seems to have more lives than my cat.
WWJD bracelets are back in !! LOL!!
Re: Walking Dead

Anymore I have to take my blood pressure medication before watching this show. My own fault for continuing to watch and I keep reminding myself, it's just a show, it's just a show :tongue:. So many "why" questions I feel like a two year old asking their parents " but why did they do this dad?" in between commercial breaks. Why haven't the Wolves found this Hilltop place or for that matter the scouts from Alexandra who have been doing this long before Rick and his merry band of "guns for hire" showed up. Carol must have been back in the kitchen baking cookies this episode that's why we didn't see her.
My guess is the confrontation with Nagen isn't going to end well for a main character. My money is on Maggie ( although they shouldn't be letting a pregnant woman go on a killing raid) or ginger boy Abraham( he better put those dress blues back on for his funeral). I wrote Glenn off a few episodes ago and he seems to have more lives than my cat.
WWJD bracelets are back in !! LOL!!

I gave up on asking "why" during and after the shows, I've saved a fortune on therapy sessions as a result. At this point, I take it for what it is, a show about zombies.

At this point, it's totally played out, they've basically been in the same area of the country for the entire show give or take a few miles, from an RV park type encampment to a farm to a prison to a gated community...........I'm still trying to figure out how the community wiped out that entire horde of zombies and only had three casualties, two right out of the chute, a third a few seconds later, they wiped them all out with hand held weapons and no one got so much as a scratch.

I'm more interested in this point with Fear the Walking Dead; across to the Left coast, out to sea, we'll see what develops there on April 10th, Ruben Blades won't tell me a thing as I've asked him and his reply is "Wait until April 10th"..........................
Re: Walking Dead

Bloody episode tonight. I am beginning to question the direction the group is taking here. They have now become the aggressors and the line between surviving and living is blurring with the line of surviving and taking from others. It is beginning to feel a little 'off' to me. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Bloody episode tonight. I am beginning to question the direction the group is taking here. They have now become the aggressors and the line between surviving and living is blurring with the line of surviving and taking from others. It is beginning to feel a little 'off' to me. -- Al

It's blurring for sure.

So they meet up with a new group, they work out a deal to go wipe out another group for food, no questions asked.

Now two of their group are hostages.

I think there are five more episodes to go, we'll see how it plays out..............
Re: Walking Dead

It's blurring for sure.

So they meet up with a new group, they work out a deal to go wipe out another group for food, no questions asked.

Now two of their group are hostages.

I think there are five more episodes to go, we'll see how it plays out..............

So far, close to the book plot, which has me cringing over what is going to happen next...Who would expect a Negan to allow the killers of at least 30 of his guys.( biker gang and compound gang )to get off scot free? I am watching these episodes with closed eyes and some angina..Michael:(
Re: Walking Dead

So far, close to the book plot, which has me cringing over what is going to happen next...Who would expect a Negan to allow the killers of at least 30 of his guys.( biker gang and compound gang )to get off scot free? I am watching these episodes with closed eyes and some angina..Michael:(

I havent read the books but I agree. Maggie foreshadowed this very thing when she said to Rick "Its going to cost us something". No doubt. Major (and minor) character deaths are coming, as well as the end to some of those burgeoning romances, I would guess.

I missed last weeks episode but recorded it. I chose not to watch it till just before last nights. I found it quite enjoyable watching two new episodes back to back. I may do so again -- on purpose.

Course, Ill have to be careful about what I read in the week between.
Re: Walking Dead

I havent read the books but I agree. Maggie foreshadowed this very thing when she said to Rick "Its going to cost us something". No doubt. Major (and minor) character deaths are coming, as well as the end to some of those burgeoning romances, I would guess.

I missed last weeks episode but recorded it. I chose not to watch it till just before last nights. I found it quite enjoyable watching two new episodes back to back. I may do so again -- on purpose.

Course, Ill have to be careful about what I read in the week between.

This is one of those series I'd enjoy more if I could binge watch it, say three or four episodes at a time, but the problem like you said is I'd to avoid certain sections of certain websites I frequent to avoid spoilers. Even at that, this series is so popular somone would say something that I'd overhear and it would ruin things for me.

I've been warned by several people who have read the comics that when Negan finally appears, a major character is going to die. It was funny last night watching that episode as I kept thinking he was going to pop up and off someone, yet he did not as he was not in the compound.

Wouldn't it have made a lot more sense for Rick and his group to scout the site several times first with Jesus and the other guy to make sure everyone was actually at the compound when they attacked it.

Common sense would dictate that, but sometimes with this show, common sense goes out the window..............
Re: Walking Dead

This is one of those series I'd enjoy more if I could binge watch it, say three or four episodes at a time, but the problem like you said is I'd to avoid certain sections of certain websites I frequent to avoid spoilers. Even at that, this series is so popular somone would say something that I'd overhear and it would ruin things for me.

I've been warned by several people who have read the comics that when Negan finally appears, a major character is going to die. It was funny last night watching that episode as I kept thinking he was going to pop up and off someone, yet he did not as he was not in the compound.

Wouldn't it have made a lot more sense for Rick and his group to scout the site several times first with Jesus and the other guy to make sure everyone was actually at the compound when they attacked it.

Common sense would dictate that, but sometimes with this show, common sense goes out the window..............
The whole plan stunk of amateur hour, with absolutely no prep-work in terms of scouting or a plan B if things went bad and once again the group keeps dividing itself in the face of an unknown number of enemies. Every time the group splits up, things go to Hades. As George points out, basic survival dictates that you know your enemy (numbers and location), but Rick went in without a clue of either, plus the aforementioned overconfidence that now seems to be the order of the day. The writers are setting the group up for a lot of pain, unless they wuss out. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

I keep wondering: Where are the Navy Seals? Surely they and other Spec Ops teams would be the ultimate Alpha group in the new world order?
Re: Walking Dead

I keep wondering: Where are the Navy Seals? Surely they and other Spec Ops teams would be the ultimate Alpha group in the new world order?
Rather a good question and taken a step further, what about the US Navy ships at sea such as carrier groups or the sub fleet? I'm also guessing that the nuclear fire solution was never resorted to.:wink2: -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Rather a good question and taken a step further, what about the US Navy ships at sea such as carrier groups or the sub fleet? I'm also guessing that the nuclear fire solution was never resorted to.:wink2: -- Al

The back story to how everything went to pot, has never been explained. ( Even in the books) . I am guessing that is why Fear the Walking Dead was created. Needs better writing and less hammy acting to be taken seriously as an addition to the WD universe. Michael
Re: Walking Dead

The back story to how everything went to pot, has never been explained. ( Even in the books) . I am guessing that is why Fear the Walking Dead was created. Needs better writing and less hammy acting to be taken seriously as an addition to the WD universe. Michael

I think it would be great if the two casts meet up eventually and the two shows merge into one; that may be difficult though as it looks like their voyage out to sea does not last long based on the previews I've seen.................
Re: Walking Dead

Have to say a word in defense of poor Rick and his merry band. He was only a sheriff, not much if any military trng. And certainly none for most of his followers, with one or two exceptions. So their tactics may be a little sub par. {sm2} I spent yrs working with Rangers/light infantry and SF ODAs with airborne infil. Really didn't know much about their tactics once they unhorsed the back end of my acft. I would probably make more errors than Rick and gang. {eek3} Chris
Re: Walking Dead

You guys are way over analyzing this. It's a show, entertainment, not history. The director/writers strove to create tension in audience in the confrontation and they did and with the coming attractions they continued that sense of tension, which I'm sure the audience will feel when they sit down to watch the next episode next week.

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