Another stupid episode.I'm beginning to hope that the zombies win.That new one doesn't look too good either,tough girls and nerdy boys {eek3}.Looks like they are trying to attract a younger audience to this one.:rolleyes2:
Was cruising along just watching, ho-hum, when the whole Negan leads Alpha to her daughter thread got going. Really enjoyed how that all played out. By far, the highlight of what has been a so-so season. Negan is the only character that has any interest/mystery to him at this point. Still don't trust him but he sure is making things interesting, thank goodness, as the show really needs it. At least now I have a good reason to hang in, just to see where this whole Negan thing goes. -- Al
Was cruising along just watching, ho-hum, when the whole Negan leads Alpha to her daughter thread got going. Really enjoyed how that all played out. By far, the highlight of what has been a so-so season. Negan is the only character that has any interest/mystery to him at this point. Still don't trust him but he sure is making things interesting, thank goodness, as the show really needs it. At least now I have a good reason to hang in, just to see where this whole Negan thing goes. -- Al
Yeah I guess I liked the season finale.Not sure how Darryl and friends got through that herd so quick.:rolleyes2: Also how did the herd know to go to the cliff? As far as they new show they could not pick a better group to dislike than this bunch.{eek3} The know it all nerd,the big doofy guy,the rebellious pretty girl and the chunky brilliant girl.And don't forget the rugged *** guy and tough as nails girl going out to rescue them.Don't forget the guys in white in the original show.Well, I guess the Season 10 finale was worth the wait simply to see Beta get his reward. Rather liked it. Can't say the same thing for the new spin-off. I am not sure I will be able to watch a bunch of teens trying to make their way in the 'brave new world', and I'm certainly not thrilled with the new 'men in black' that have dropped in. -- Al
Well, I guess the Season 10 finale was worth the wait simply to see Beta get his reward. Rather liked it. Can't say the same thing for the new spin-off. I am not sure I will be able to watch a bunch of teens trying to make their way in the 'brave new world', and I'm certainly not thrilled with the new 'men in black' that have dropped in. -- Al