Re: Walking Dead

I'm losing track of how many people approach this group offering them some sort of wonderful sanctuary.

I hope we're not in for a bunch of non zombie episodes as we get to know the new folks in this latest little slice of heaven...................

Agree mate I hope not but once men start kissing each other it usually turns to S@#T ^&grin
Re: Walking Dead

I'm losing track of how many people approach this group offering them some sort of wonderful sanctuary.

I hope we're not in for a bunch of non zombie episodes as we get to know the new folks in this latest little slice of heaven...................

Why is the biggest threat to humanity surviving always other humanity, when it comes to this show. This formula for the original book, which makes it interesting, also makes it tedious for TV. It took 67 issues in print for our group to get here some 65 episodes later. To date, they have killed more humans in the book than Zombies. Not sure what a similar accounting would find for the series, but I would prefer more Zombie involved vs human interaction. Some of the classic TV episodes interface both..the 2 girls/Carol and the flowers...Rick/women with Zombie head boyfriend... Guv,Andrea being chased in the factory....Merle/GUV/Zombie ambush, Shane/chubby guy leg shot..All had human vs human drama but not at the expense of the Zombie universe. Michael
Re: Walking Dead

Why is the biggest threat to humanity surviving always other humanity, when it comes to this show. This formula for the original book, which makes it interesting, also makes it tedious for TV. It took 67 issues in print for our group to get here some 65 episodes later. To date, they have killed more humans in the book than Zombies. Not sure what a similar accounting would find for the series, but I would prefer more Zombie involved vs human interaction. Some of the classic TV episodes interface both..the 2 girls/Carol and the flowers...Rick/women with Zombie head boyfriend... Guv,Andrea being chased in the factory....Merle/GUV/Zombie ambush, Shane/chubby guy leg shot..All had human vs human drama but not at the expense of the Zombie universe. Michael
I think the problem comes from the rather limited threat the zombies pose, unless they catch the survivors by surprise or are in huge numbers. The zombies move so slowly as to be a mere annoyance when they are small in number. The zombies real strength is the loss of focus/lack of attention that the survivors tend to exhibit on occasion. Throw a good wall or a deep stream in the way and the zombies are no problem. Catch the zombies in small or equal numbers and the zombies SHOULD be no real threat. Of course, there is always the unknown of hand-to-hand combat but the guns should greatly offset that, except where noise might be a problem. I guess my point is, the zombies need an energy boost of some sort. A mutation or something. Unless the zombies can increase their threat level through an increase in mobility, the writers have to use other humans as the main threat. Perhaps some sort of zombie caffeine...:rolleyes2: -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Humans offer the most interesting threat, of course. I mean, zombies are zombies. No nuance, no variation, same thing over and over again. If special effects are to one's liking, the creative methods they construct to off yet another horde of zombies are of interest, I guess. But frankly there is plenty of real life horror for me. Deadly disease, accidents, crimes, they happen everyday. Sometimes to friends or relatives. Since these real life horrors often win out, I prefer celluloid escapism where the horrors are defeated. "The Road" is one of my least favorite movies of all time because it was so unrelenting negative.

Now, that said, Im a big fan of the WD. How humans deal with "end of the world" scenarios, no matter the cause, is a fascinating topic for some reason.

What I think has become a little too simplistic with WD is that almost all the humans not in Ricks group are bad. Maybe that will change here. (Surely some good intentioned folk would survive. And no doubt the Grimes Gang could use a freshen up. I expect Rick gets clean shaven in the next episode or two.)

The zombies are at their most effective when there as a threat and not so much in actual attack mode. We know the gang will win almost all those battles. When I was a kid I loved explosions and battles, blah blah blah. Now that Im older tensions and drama interest me more. The master of this is Quentin Tarantino, IMO. He creates heart pounding emotion with dialogue; his action sequences are almost comedic by the time they arrive, and actually RELEASE tension.
Re: Walking Dead

If you think too much about a show like WD, it starts to lose its appeal. Like why do the zombies bother to eat if they can't starve to death and why don't they eat each other? Where is the military and government? If Rick and company can stumble around on foot and fight the zombies hand to hand, then certainly the army would have survived. The zombies have become so tame I keep waiting for the baby to go ninja and take one out. I was watching the remake of "Dawn of the Dead" and after watching the WD zombies for so long it was a bit shocking to see zombies that could chase people down. It might also help to have more backstory on what caused the zombies in the first place. Are these only people who died recently or is every dead person coming back?
Re: Walking Dead

If you think too much about a show like WD, it starts to lose its appeal. Like why do the zombies bother to eat if they can't starve to death and why don't they eat each other? Where is the military and government? If Rick and company can stumble around on foot and fight the zombies hand to hand, then certainly the army would have survived. The zombies have become so tame I keep waiting for the baby to go ninja and take one out. I was watching the remake of "Dawn of the Dead" and after watching the WD zombies for so long it was a bit shocking to see zombies that could chase people down. It might also help to have more backstory on what caused the zombies in the first place. Are these only people who died recently or is every dead person coming back?
I keep saying that the zombies need to mutate to a more dangerous level, although something as dangerous and fast as the zombies in World War Z, 28 Days Later, or I Am Legend would end the series pretty rapidly.{eek3} --Al
Re: Walking Dead

If you think too much about a show like WD, it starts to lose its appeal. Like why do the zombies bother to eat if they can't starve to death and why don't they eat each other? Where is the military and government? If Rick and company can stumble around on foot and fight the zombies hand to hand, then certainly the army would have survived. The zombies have become so tame I keep waiting for the baby to go ninja and take one out. I was watching the remake of "Dawn of the Dead" and after watching the WD zombies for so long it was a bit shocking to see zombies that could chase people down. It might also help to have more backstory on what caused the zombies in the first place. Are these only people who died recently or is every dead person coming back?

This is on point.

The remake of Dawn of the Dead was awesome, I must have watched it 50 times, it never gets old. Great make up, special effects, likeable characters, fast zombies that really pose a threat.

The Walking Dead is a good series, I'm at the point with it where it's starting to get boring to me. Like Doug said; they've been wandering around Georgia (basically outside of Atlanta) for all this time. Where is the military, the government, anybody other than wingnuts like the Governor or the cannibals at Terminus.

I'm starting to wonder how long a series about zombies will hold my attention................
Re: Walking Dead

This is on point.

The remake of Dawn of the Dead was awesome, I must have watched it 50 times, it never gets old. Great make up, special effects, likeable characters, fast zombies that really pose a threat.

The Walking Dead is a good series, I'm at the point with it where it's starting to get boring to me. Like Doug said; they've been wandering around Georgia (basically outside of Atlanta) for all this time. Where is the military, the government, anybody other than wingnuts like the Governor or the cannibals at Terminus.

I'm starting to wonder how long a series about zombies will hold my attention................

Would have to agree, last week had that familiar feeling about it and a wee bit of deja-vu going on. We really don't want to be dealing with yet another group of nutter's & cannibals. He's hoping the group face something a little different for a change, otherwise I can see myself drifting away.....
Re: Walking Dead

Ok, now they are homebodies again. Red flag- handing over the guns. Too many hidden agendas for me to figure out. Now that the group has reached Alexandria (right across the Potomac from DC) and have finally left Georgia in the distance, is Morgan Jones still on their trail? Did I miss something? Where did the priest go? So many questions, so little time. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Not sure about Morgan Jones but the priest is still with them, we was in the background when they were handing over their guns.
Re: Walking Dead

Not a bad episode.

Some observations;

So they went from a governor to a congresswoman who reads people well and wanted to be a poker player; ok then.

Ten minutes after they arrive, Rick is the new sheriff in town, what a trusting group.

What's with the video taping; nice acting job by Carol, with the Leave it to Beaver get up and being so warm and glowing over that dirtbag she was married to.

Why are the wall braces on the outside; wouldn't that make it easier for a threat to tamper with them; pretty solid looking, even a kid can scale them in ten seconds.

Loved it when Carl said to the girl "you don't like me do you?"..........would have been great if she said "You're not a bad kid, but ****can that stupid looking hat."

How many people live there, 15, 20?

Rick was awesome at the end; how long before they take over the place, this won't get dragged out too long I think.

The longer I watch the show, the more I come to the realization that I could never hack it if zombies walked the earth and there was no cure/end to it.

What is the point of surviving? No TV, no phones, no internet, no electricity, how long before you run out of food and water? I'd become a full blown booze hound or I'd go back to an old vice like dip or chew or smoking, who cares at that point. What sort of future is there; constantly being on the lookout for zombies, what a way to check out, getting ripped to shreds or, being offed by some dirtbag human who's up to no good.

Surviving is pointless, that's not living; besides, no toy soldier shows to go to, what's the point?..............:wink2:
Re: Walking Dead

I think the big question now is how long before the plot lines start going from the day to day survival to the big picture? How long can they sustain interest in what has made the show successful to this point? The human interactions. Once they move on to solving the zombie question then the show turns into something else. More like Z-Nation. TV consumes an enormous amount of material and no matter how good the characters eventually the audience wants something new to happen. It's a bit of a curse. Eventually you have to jump the shark to sustain interest but that is only a short term solution.
Re: Walking Dead

I don't know where the writers can take this show as long as the gang lives the happy suburban life of 'Leave It to Beaver'. Darryl doesn't fit, Rick doesn't fit, Sasha and Carol don't fit. The group needs the freedom of the open road to thrive.:rolleyes2: Zombies with a 'W' and the wildcard Morgan are mysteries. Got to put the gang back on the road where they belong. Even with the intrigues of Suburbia, I am growing disinterested. What's next, a 9 to 5 with a timeclock for everyone? With a motorcycle in his future, Darryl could pull a 'Then Came Bronson' and travel the highways and byways of America. I smell a spinoff.:wink2:{eek3} -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Flip the W over, maybe M for Morgan ?
A good theory. Didn't we see similar markings on dead zombies back down south? Have to wonder how Morgan would keep pace with the group once out of Georgia. Anyone else get a creepy feeling about the scarlet letter 'A' that the Suburbanites are wearing? -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Have to admit I was a bit down on them settling in to this new version of paradise, but the last two episodes have been very good; Carol's conversation with that kid was spectacular, she is brilliant on this show.

I was and continue to be on edge as I watch this as I keep waiting for the @#$% to hit the fan and the "real" Alexandria to emerge, or, Rick and the gang to take the place down and have it all for themselves.

The next few episodes leading to the season ender should be must see TV.
Re: Walking Dead

Isn't Alexandria the home of the original Krispy Kreme donuts ?

The show doesn't always follow the comics that closely.

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