Re: Walking Dead

A good theory. Didn't we see similar markings on dead zombies back down south? Have to wonder how Morgan would keep pace with the group once out of Georgia. Anyone else get a creepy feeling about the scarlet letter 'A' that the Suburbanites are wearing? -- Al

Scarlett A? If my classical reading memory still serves, that was a sign Adulterers had to wear for shame back in Puritan days of yore, according to Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Given Rick was tagged with the A by the son of the blonde gal, perhaps that's a bit of foreshadowing to complement their already obvious flirting? I think she sports one too. Haven't seen em on anybody else that I recall.

Don't expect that will end well.
Re: Walking Dead

Lets face it, it's all going to hit the fan very quickly and when it does it's going to be messy......

I don't see many of the towns-folk surviving either, they just don't seem up to it and seem to be living on planet Noona. {eek3}
Re: Walking Dead


Just have seen episode 13
I think Alexandre Dumas is back ( He was paid by the numbers of words he was writing )
It's what's now happening; scenarists are paid by the numbers of scenes .... filling, filling, filling ... mainly boring, boring, boring...
Tipicaly to be clear, episodes 1 to 8 are perfect exemples of that, could be reconstructed in 2 episodes
And I'm a fan...
I think peoples who are not, are long gone ... But no, surprisingly ( for me) the audience is going up . Happy I am, there will be a season 6
Re: Walking Dead

I don't think the town folks are all that innocent,and have we met them all that is a pretty big wall to put up with so few people.
Re: Walking Dead

I'm guessing the town folk turn out to be normal folks and it is Rick or Carol who create an issue with their inability to be trusting. There will be some conflict and eventually the zombies or some outsiders will sack the town. The writers have already played the town that is not as it appears card with the Guv.
Re: Walking Dead

If humanity survives and that boy, Carol and her cookies will be the stuff of fairy tales.
Re: Walking Dead

Good episode tonight. Bunch of story lines going and all were interesting. Abraham has found his 'thing' again, Carol and Rick are going to have to deal with a domestic situation, and there were two particularly gruesome deaths...chomp, chomp. I just knew that reverend was no good.:wink2: And Eugene has become a hero, of all things. Good show. Now I must go and send a fax to Cleveland. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Wow. One of the top episodes of the entire series. Brutal. Unsettling. Disturbing. Horrific. Inspiring. Redemption. Cowardice. Justice. Betrayal. Etc etc

Do these Alexandria people ever go on a run that doesn't get FUBARed? Incompetence compounded with arrogance is a disastrous combo in the real world, much less one inhabited by Walkers.

The priest has never been an asset to the group. They save him again and again and he poisons the well. Just because someone wears a collar and carries a bible doesn't make them a man of the cloth. Maggie will make sure he gets his just reward.

Between Carols ex and Pete there sure are a lot of wife beater scums amongst the survivors. What's up with that? I would think the Walkers would offer more than enough opportunity to engage in violent behavior. Take the rage outside the walls, put it to good use. I think I agree with Carol's suggestion. Although she's maybe getting a tad too comfortable with taking folks out as the only viable "solution".
Re: Walking Dead

Wow. One of the top episodes of the entire series. Brutal. Unsettling. Disturbing. Horrific. Inspiring. Redemption. Cowardice. Justice. Betrayal. Etc etc

Do these Alexandria people ever go on a run that doesn't get FUBARed? Incompetence compounded with arrogance is a disastrous combo in the real world, much less one inhabited by Walkers.

The priest has never been an asset to the group. They save him again and again and he poisons the well. Just because someone wears a collar and carries a bible doesn't make them a man of the cloth. Maggie will make sure he gets his just reward.

Between Carols ex and Pete there sure are a lot of wife beater scums amongst the survivors. What's up with that? I would think the Walkers would offer more than enough opportunity to engage in violent behavior. Take the rage outside the walls, put it to good use. I think I agree with Carol's suggestion. Although she's maybe getting a tad too comfortable with taking folks out as the only viable "solution".

Once you kill without any punishment/consequences, then it becomes that much easier..each and every time, thereafter.....At least, that is what my therapist says..Not sure why I go through soooo many? Michael
Re: Walking Dead

I do not believe we are in Kansas anymore. Diana's sons death, the betrayal of the preacher, the wife beater to be exposed, Rick's folks now in charge of most leadership positions, Daryl's new man crush relationship^&grin, Sasha's descent into maddness, Carol's new child rearing skills.the cowardice of the settlements runner, the failure of the former construction foreman ..means a wild 2 episode ride into the season ending episode.. Michael
Re: Walking Dead

Prior to viewing the current episode, I was thinking how long it's been since someone was attacked and ripped to shreds by walkers, we haven't seen that too often in this series lately.

Yikes; so much for that.

Didn't see the second one coming at all, a bit of a shocker.

As others have said in this thread, the last two episodes are going to get bumpy, so strap yourselves in.

If you don't think so, check out the look the former congresswoman gives Rick at her son's grave in the preview for the next episode.
Re: Walking Dead

The cracks are starting to show now......My guess is the coward who left Glen & Eugene & co in the poo, will flap his gums like a big baby when they return to the compound and blame Glen and the others for the death of the congress-woman's son. Either way she's not going to be happy, especially after the preachers back-stabbing rant.
Re: Walking Dead

Prior to viewing the current episode, I was thinking how long it's been since someone was attacked and ripped to shreds by walkers, we haven't seen that too often in this series lately.

Yikes; so much for that.

Didn't see the second one coming at all, a bit of a shocker.

As others have said in this thread, the last two episodes are going to get bumpy, so strap yourselves in.

If you don't think so, check out the look the former congresswoman gives Rick at her son's grave in the preview for the next episode.

I was wondering about all those graves. Did they bury her son in a shoe box? There didn't seem to be a whole lot left of him. The whole insiders vs outsiders story arc is starting to play out. Good to see the zombies finally show up.
Re: Walking Dead

Noah got a gruesome death scene, weird why Tyreses was so boring considering he had much more longevity on the show. Was a good episode last night and I am sure the final two episodes will just get better and leave us hanging until the fall.
Re: Walking Dead

Boring!I'll take a boring death over Noah's and Aiden's deaths any day.^&grin
Re: Walking Dead

Well, Rick has taken the mystery out of it. They're headed for a shootout at the OK Corral. You know the gang isn't going to let Rick get booted without a fight or without going with him. Still can't figure out the 'W' zombies. The finale ought to be pretty good, depending on how far towards an answer about Alexandria we get. :rolleyes2: -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Well, Rick has taken the mystery out of it. They're headed for a shootout at the OK Corral. You know the gang isn't going to let Rick get booted without a fight or without going with him. Still can't figure out the 'W' zombies. The finale ought to be pretty good, depending on how far towards an answer about Alexandria we get. :rolleyes2: -- Al

Not sure if Rick's group is totally Rick's group anymore. There is starting to be resistance among his friends to his moods. I could see Michonne, Glen, Maggie and Eugene all staying on. Maybe..Michael
Re: Walking Dead

Have to say Ricks moodiness is starting to grate on me too. His leadership skills, other than when in a brawl, are highly questionable.

The excuse that I'm messed up because bad stuff has happened to me doesn't work in the ZA. Everybody is in that camp. If you can't handle it you will be culled from the herd.

Michonne and the Red Haired army guy seem the best hope for reasonable, smart, courageous leadership. Ricks only salvation could lie in a demotion back to deputy sheriff or similar. At least while behind the walls. He should be out on runs, give him an outlet for his aggression. There is relatively nothing to do patrolling the docile streets of Alexandria.

All bets are off if the Wolves make their play for Alexandria. An outside enemy will likely unite the troops.
Re: Walking Dead

Rick really has become Shane, it just took him longer to get there. It is evident that he needs to decompress if he is to live in a 'civilized' environment again. It is obvious, however, that something has to be done about the wife-beater, the coward, and the traitorous minister. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Actually I'm with Rick he's right, the fantasy-land that the good folks of Alexandria live is are miles away from reality and what is really happening outside the walls......and those walls won't stop everyone.

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