"War Park" New Brand 1/30 figures - Kharkov LSSAH (2 Viewers)

Everything has just started.We will inform you as soon as the buying pattern is definitely settled.
And now,we hope to find a low-freight and quick way for customers to buy models.

Sir, I just placed a direct order for the KH001,KH002 KH003and KH004....Payment sent via pay pal....How long will it take to receive these fine looking Kharkov Germans:salute::
I did. Results unequivocal. Russia and Europe very size aware, Anglo saxon environment depending on collecting preferences. I noticed the answer had a lot to do with which brands the dealer was representing, so I did not give much value to the results.

Then did a survey of manufacturers (KC, FL, Britains & JJD) and those results were different from your statement. Therefore, I ask you support your statement.

It is most impressive that you consulted Russian, European (France, Germany and Italy I am guessing) and "Anglo Saxon" dealers to support your view. Pity you did not give much value to the results. Pretty sure the 4 producers would have had quite varying views.

As an Anglo Saxon / Aussie dealer my experience is based on selling five current five brands (ie K&C, JJ, WB, CS and TG) and previously selling Conte and East of India. Have also read multiple such threads here over about 12 years.

Compatability of figures would be great but the reality is it never going to happen.

In my experience subject matter is the first choice a new buyer will consider. With many series there is no option (ie. current JJ Aztecs , WB Vikings, KC English Civil War, JJ WW1 aircraft, TG Pacific Aussies, CS Iraq to name a few). In some areas there are multiple choices such as ACW and Naps where most brands have done them. At this stage factors such as price and variety in the series come into it. Some collectors will stick to one brand but others are happy to mix. The reason people will be happy to mix is because one brand does not have all the poses they seek. Then they are prepared to go with others that may be slightly different in size, style and colour. I often use Zulu v 24th as an example. I have had Conte and WB series. Personally I would not mix Red 24th but no problem mixing Zulus who are not so uniform. However if you like the Conte's Michael Caine and Stanley Baker you might have been tempted to use them with Britains.

The "scale" issue is much more of a factor for those combining WW2 figures and armour and this is reflected in threads here. Such posters are concerned about figure size relative to tanks and combining them with other brands. Not only do the figures have to work together to their satisfaction but so do the vehicles. A look at the many scale threads reveals it is a very small band who make multiple posts about the subject. For example if you looked at Australian comments in these threads you would probably find well over 50% of them made by one person:)salute::). Katana's scale comments alone would outnumber the comments by European, Russian and Australian members.

However you dont see ACW or Nap collectors lamenting the fact brands might not mix together. IMHO it is the WW2 armour fans where scale is a particular issue and I am guessing many are former model kit makers where attention to detail is more of an issue. Good luck to them but in my world it does not rate as in issue in a shop environment.

For mail order the buyer might not be sure and it should be easy to ask any dealer to take quick pics comparing current different brands or figures with a vehicle etc.

Just my $2 worth but feel free to discount my thoughts as just my opinion. I did however consult 100 collectors before making this post so it is "unequivocal" although I did not give much value to some who did not agree with me.^&grin
After all the talk and discussion:rolleyes2:.....Bottom Line is SCALE MATTERS...(as well sculpt and painting styles). ....no matter if we're talking WWII or NAPS.... Especially when you are mixing figures from different manufacturers.:salute ......Some minor variances will work.............BUT....1:28th figures will NEVER work with 1:30th.....1:30 scale Tanks NEVER work with 1:28th scale figures EVER.^&grin........And 1:28th scale Tanks do not work with 1:30th scale figures.....Just the facts.:wink2:
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I agree that concern for scale appears most among WWII collectors matching figures and armor; where differences are most obvious. Also collectors that have come into the TS hobby from modeling are more concerned with scale issues.

I think the success of First Legion and its adherence to scale between figures and armor are indicative of a trend to greater scale accuracy in the hobby. WWII is the largest line for most TS manufacturers and this trend will affect them if they maintain the legacy paradigm of small armor and large figures ala K&C and TG. TCS and FL are two different scales; 1/28 and 1/30, but in both cases their armor and figures are realistic in terms of size compatibility. The trend will continue and grow IMO.

Most people are aware of scale and some have an eye for detail. However I believe they are not major considerations for most collector's based on my forum experiences and discussions with dealers and ts manufacturers.
I agree that concern for scale appears most among WWII collectors matching figures and armor; where differences are most obvious. Also collectors that have come into the TS hobby from modeling are more concerned with scale issues.

I think the success of First Legion and its adherence to scale between figures and armor are indicative of a trend to greater scale accuracy in the hobby. WWII is the largest line for most TS manufacturers and this trend will affect them if they maintain the legacy paradigm of small armor and large figures ala K&C and TG. TCS and FL are two different scales; 1/28 and 1/30, but in both cases their armor and figures are realistic in terms of size compatibility. The trend will continue and grow IMO.

You might want to have another look at the product ranges of Jenkins, Thomas Gunn and Britains and you might notice WW2 is not their largest line. Jenkins would be WW1 or FIW, TG definitely Ancients and Britains would be something from 1800's like Naps, ACW or Zulus. The WW2 armour guys on this forum collect from a 5 year period but non WW2 collectors can be getting items from ancient times through to WW1. A big difference from a sales point of view is that many non WW2 series lend themselves to collectors buying multiples of same figure (ie. Romans, Naps, 24th foot etc). My best selling figures are rarely WW2.

I look forward to your further posts about trends in the hobby.
I agree that concern for scale appears most among WWII collectors matching figures and armor; where differences are most obvious. Also collectors that have come into the TS hobby from modeling are more concerned with scale issues.

I think the success of First Legion and its adherence to scale between figures and armor are indicative of a trend to greater scale accuracy in the hobby. WWII is the largest line for most TS manufacturers and this trend will affect them if they maintain the legacy paradigm of small armor and large figures ala K&C and TG. TCS and FL are two different scales; 1/28 and 1/30, but in both cases their armor and figures are realistic in terms of size compatibility. The trend will continue and grow IMO.

Wrong again. WW II is not the most important range for FL or those who collect FL. Try looking at Napoleonics, for example. It may seem on this Forum that WW II is all that collectors care about but as Brett has accurately pointed out that is just not the case. You make the mistake of equating what collectors talk about here with popularity worldwide. This Forum is just a segment of the base of collectors.

For me, scale has never been the be all in purchasing a figure although it is to some. Lastly, as has been pointed out, manufacturers are not trying to maintain scale consistency with other companies. They want you to buy their figures, not figures of other companies. That may make some collectors apoplectic but that is economic reality. Remember that for many this is a hobby but for many others it is a business and a livelihood. I think collectors often forget this.

We all know what Emerson said about consistency :wink2:
War Park also have AFVs. High-quality and reasonable price is our goal.
That's the next.
Size matters if you are interested in realism. A TCS WWII figure looks pretty silly with a Figarti Tiger I or an FL Panzer III IMO. Ditto FL figures look pretty silly next to a TCS Kingtiger. Some figures are so oversize they look realistic with 1/25 scale Tamiya Panzers.Tamiya provides excellent 68mm tall figures with their 1/25 scale Panzers. The same size as many K&C, TCS and TG figures in my collection. Also the Tamiya figures do not have bases to confuse the issue of actual figure height.

Julie has posted many size comparison photos that have been very valuable in determining the suitability of using figures from company B with figures from company B. The size comparison figures from War Park are equally useful; except where the scale has been mislabeled for some reason. I would like to see a size comparison photo of the War Park figures with FL and WB figures.

Realism? Really? LOL LOL

These are painted miniature figures! They will never be anything but. The guns dont fire. The helmets arent real. The tanks can be crushed into a million pieces by a child of 10 years of age.

If you want realism join the military or seek employment as a mercenary. If you are beyond the age, then become a reenactor or go to work in an Army/Navy store. At least the equipment there is life size.

Otherwise you are just deluding yourself that this "hobby" is anything other than a pleasurable pursuit of expensive toys. No one, other than you, thinks, worries or cares whether your figures are "historically accurate" or not.
Yesterday,the first batch of War Park figures has been sent out.Meanwhile,War Park is contacting several dealers.
For now,if you want to purchase War Park models,you can go the following way.

For example,if you want to buy KH001~KH006 six figures.
Price:251.7$(6 figures)+Shipping cost(It's about 28$)
Express:DHL,6~10 Days
Information: 1.Name 2.Address 3.Telephone number 4.What you order. Send them to germanlightingwar@163.com

And then , I will send package ASAP.:salute::
Realism? Really? LOL LOL

These are painted miniature figures! They will never be anything but. The guns dont fire. The helmets arent real. The tanks can be crushed into a million pieces by a child of 10 years of age.

If you want realism join the military or seek employment as a mercenary. If you are beyond the age, then become a reenactor or go to work in an Army/Navy store. At least the equipment there is life size.

Otherwise you are just deluding yourself that this "hobby" is anything other than a pleasurable pursuit of expensive toys. No one, other than you, thinks, worries or cares whether your figures are "historically accurate" or not.

I wish I'd said that :)
I wish I'd said that :)

This applies to me too! I never thought that I collect anything else than toy soldiers. If I will buy War Park, the reason will be that I like them, not because they are compatible with other companies or as realistically as possible etc.
This applies to me too! I never thought that I collect anything else than toy soldiers. If I will buy War Park, the reason will be that I like them, not because they are compatible with other companies or as realistically as possible etc.
Well said; the reality check from different corners of the globe :) Vive la difference! If every company made the same figures, there would be only one company. And that would be the end of choice. Be careful what you wish for...
W. Britains has a couple of new Kharkov German figures that will go well with the War Park figures. The price is in the same range.
W. Britains has a couple of new Kharkov German figures that will go well with the War Park figures. The price is in the same range.

I would expect if WB run true to form that we will see a hell of a lot more war park figures before we collectors in Australia see any WB releases

I would expect if WB run true to form that we will see a hell of a lot more war park figures before we collectors in Australia see any WB releases


Was thinking that myself, and I wouldn't be paying money upfront for any WB pre-production figures the way things look.

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