How about thinned out the herd?
Sold 5,000 painted plastic fellas a few months back and 10,000 metal 54mm pieces a few weeks ago.
Will keep my 1000 piece WW2 Pacific War 'Hope to find a venue for'Japs& Jarheads/tanks/LVTs/blasted
bunkers/Zeros/trucks/bodies et al..And will continue to buy all 'comers'in that area.
Same,same A.E.F vs.pre-Nazis
As both eras are slow sells,I do have many hand-built/altered/painted WW2 pieces in plastic & metal.
Still in the 'game'but not as heavy.
And again,someday..oh I know not soon,Britains might bestow a metal Jap on said market..
WW1 A.E.F.-Britains but any taker out there....U.S.Chauchat gunners,rifle grenadiers,37mm gunners,,97 Winchester
Trench gun,Hotchkiss/Vickers/Browning1917 MG teams...yeah ..BARs as well.Stoke's morter to boot.
WW2 Japs with pole charges, magnetic A-T mines,satchel charges(USMC here as well),Marines with shotguns & 37mm A-T
guns,60mm morters..I'm leaving stuff out here but it's waaaaay past my bedtime.Nite all.