What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ? (1 Viewer)


That is very nice indeed I really like these type of paint jobs. A mate once did a sturmtiger half bovington and half tri camo and, it looked superb. Very interesting aquisition

My new "Day & Night" Spitfire.
Picked up John Jenkins Set 2 of The Brithish Light Infantry Royal Marines Firing it's a great action set an looking forward to what John has in store for us next..........The Lt.





That is very nice indeed I really like these type of paint jobs. A mate once did a sturmtiger half bovington and half tri camo and, it looked superb. Very interesting aquisition

Thanks Mitch. I was tracking this paint scheme for quite a while. Luckily I was able to score one for a decent price last week.
Great SPit CNQ! Chris

Thanks. After doing some searching over the internet, it looks like this paint job is very rare and is only made in a limited number by 21st Century Toy Maker; And they all sold out long ago. I am so lucky to find one for my collections ^&grin .
Picked up John Jenkins Set 2 of The Brithish Light Infantry Royal Marines Firing it's a great action set an looking forward to what John has in store for us next..........The Lt.





Very nice looking figures, Congrats on them. :smile2:
Received a C Sanderson figure as a gift from the Scarlet Pimpernal of Crown Military Mintuers while staging and photographing ACW figures he'll be featuring for sale. IMHO he may be a Boer Famer created by CS. Enjoyed the time both Nicholas and I spent together yesterday at play.........The Lt.

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I picked up three AZW WBritain sets at the toy soldier show at Cantigny Park today.

20100 British Royal Artillery Major Smith Mounted and Zulu Vinette
20085 Water Cart set
20089 British Royal Artillery set "Last Shot"

For anyone who attends the Chicago Show, I would recommend a trip to Cantigny Park. The park hosts The First Division's museum which includes a tank park. The tank park has 11 tanks from the M1917 Light tank to the M1 Abrams and various field guns. The museum is about 30 to 45 minutes away from the hotel, it is well worth the trip.

Here is the link

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I have ordered the Gettysburg Cavalry Playset from
Toy Soldiers of San Diego.
However, it won't arrive for about two weeks.
My Christmas Gift to myself.
Won these Starlux (Atlas Editions) - so all in metal - on e-bay recently, and had them delivered today. They will mostly require some small repairs and a re-paint, as they were bought with this in mind for a very low price for all 37 of them. I've started the repairs already, by fixing the horse with the broken legs at the front of the picture! Had to dry up the dishes first though - to take the pic!^&grin Some great fun in store with these lads! johnnybach.

Trophy of Wales

EGYPT and THE SUDAN series



This is a bit of a "Holy Grail" set as it very rarely appears for sale complete, I had been looking for it for some time.

I was very lucky to already own the Anglo Zulu War version

set# TD2 - REVEILLE - 24th FOOT



Trophy of Wales

KINGS ROYAL RIFLE CORPS from the TEL EL-KEBIR series which was part of the main EGYPT and THE SUDAN series


set#S.8 is the catalogue number for each individual kneeling figure

set#S.10 is the catalogue number for each individual standing figure


Wonderful additions, Martyn {bravo}}
The "Reveille" sets are particularly nice.
Won these Starlux (Atlas Editions) - so all in metal - on e-bay recently, and had them delivered today. They will mostly require some small repairs and a re-paint, as they were bought with this in mind for a very low price for all 37 of them. I've started the repairs already, by fixing the horse with the broken legs at the front of the picture! Had to dry up the dishes first though - to take the pic!^&grin Some great fun in store with these lads! johnnybach.


Hi JB,
that's a fine job lot you got yourself there.
I'm sure you will turn all of them into splendid figures for a most colorful display :salute::
Hi JB,
that's a fine job lot you got yourself there.
I'm sure you will turn all of them into splendid figures for a most colorful display :salute::

Yo - Konrad - started on 'em already. Fixed the two broken legs on the front horse (drilled, pinned & Glued) - and begun the strip/repaint. I learned something new about the horses in the process - they are not cast from the usual soft-mix that the separate soldiers are made from - but cast from a harder crystaline metal - more like the stuff that dinky toy cars are made from. Took a while to drill enough of the legs to insert a pin in them!
I also had to use a priming coat of paint for the horse, (quite rare for me) - as paint was flaking from the bare metal of the broken horse. I'll post a pic of him again - once he's completed. I think that they are a very nice range of Napoleonics indeed - and those that are damaged are quite easily fixed and re-painted. jb

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