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    futur set autrian

    Within 30 days? That seems awfully quick. How can you find out anything in such a short time? The word barely gets out. As someone else has suggested, why not ask the community what they would like to see? This would be the perfect forum for such a survey.
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    EF New British Infantry

    How do these Brits and Zulus compare, size-wise, with Conte's and CTA?
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    BMC Toys

    Yup, they were cheap; around $20 at Toys R Us. I used to buy all these sets for my kids when they first came out, back in the '90s. We had great fun with these toys.
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    World War I Plastics

    I would love to see photos of these. Would you care to post some?
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    New Publius WWII

    What is the blue guy in the last photo? What company is he from and is he part of a set?
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    Pvblivs: the Hundred Year's War

    I think we all agree that the figures are well done; it's really the price that is the issue. I do want to say something about the plastic. Some of the figures are a brittle plastic (The WW2 Russians and the Vikings), but most are a soft, pliable plastic that is not subject to breakage. I have...
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    Conversions of Weston’s Mexican Bandits into Villa’s Bodyguard, the Dorados

    Very impressive. I only wish I had the talent and patience to make buildings like yours. I do some conversions, and many of them look quite nice, but I can't paint worth a darn. Don't have good fine motor skills. So, I admire people who can do what you have done. Great job and keep sharing...
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    Conversions of Weston’s Mexican Bandits into Villa’s Bodyguard, the Dorados

    Very impressive set-up. Besides Weston and AIP, what other companies did you use? I don't recognise most of the federales. Also, what company are the buildings from? OR, did you make them yourself?
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    Merry Christmas from Ye Blue Boare Inn

    I did see something, somewhat related on the television in October, a "linguistics" expert said that " Ye" (with the raised "e") means "the" while "Ye" means "you"...however I suppose this is olde news to everyone but me. Yes, that is exactly right, "Ye olde shoppe" (and it was raised only in...
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    Merry Christmas from Ye Blue Boare Inn

    Hi Ivanhoe, I have a question for you. Nothing to do with toy soldiers, but with linguistics. On the header of the message thread , you write "Ye.....Inn" but on the 'card' itself "The .....Inn" Any reason for the difference in spelling? Just curious.
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    Expeditionary Force ancients

    I use Locktite super glue and have had no trouble with the shields (or any pieces from any other EF sets). Get the gel, not the liquid. I tried that first and glued myself to the figures a lot or had the glue run down the figures--it was just too hard to control. Also, do NOT get the stuff in...
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    North West Frontier Wargaming

    How many other 54mm wargamers do we have on the forum? Mike HI Mike, I don't know how many other wargamers there are on the forum, but let me tell you of my experience. I had soldiers back when I was a kid in the late 60s and early 70s. Loved 'em, but put them away when I got older. When I...
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    New "Russian" figures

    Does anyone know where these can be purchased?
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    Publius Battle of Brest-Litovsk

    Does someone have a photo of these guys? I am not sure that I know them. thanks!
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    WW1 Turks???

    Reamsa did WW1 Turks a number of years ago. They were part of the Lawrence of Arabia series and went along with their Arabs. They can still be picked up from various sellers. I think ATS still sells them, as he sells all sorts of Reams items.