Search results

  1. G

    New Releases For December 2017 - The Conquest Of America

    Two more definite buys. Glad to see this range growing. It would be cool if eventually they produce some of the Indian opponents of the Aztecs (such as the Zapotecs or Tarascans....these are better choices than the Tlaxcalans who eventually helped the Spanish conquer Tenochtitlan, because...
  2. G

    Novembers figure releases are here!

    He would have addressed these troops from his throne or a platform raised specifically for the occasion. And as you note, he never held a severed head.
  3. G

    Novembers figure releases are here!

    The new figures are excellent, as always. However, I wish to express my disappointment with Xerxes. As presented, he is a diminished King of Kings. He would never hold a severed head, as this both reduces his majesty and makes him (however ironically) more human. He would have been presented...
  4. G

    New Releases For November 2017 - The Conquest Of America

    I can't wait for these to be released! One of my favorite topics since childhood (which seems now to have been just after Cortes landed....).
  5. G

    TG spartans & FL hoplites

    I hope this not the way things turn out. I am perfectly ok with the Immortals wearing Persepolis dress (which would be a sort of "dress uniform"), or with them wearing the standard Persian clothing (preferably with Nick Secunda's research on clothing colors). Although I love the movie 300...
  6. G

    New World or Aztecs!

    First of all, thank you to all the guys who are taking pictures of Chicago for those of us who are less fortunate! Secondly, this is absolutely awesome. Aztecs are one of my grail toy soldier lines, and one that I never thought would happen. I could not have asked for a better firm to...
  7. G

    New Releases for September 2017 - The Ancients Collection

    These are amazing! Definitely going to be buying these guys. long before they are at the dealers?
  8. G

    JJD, K&C, WB and Oryon Collection for sale

    Darrell, pm sent. TRW 012 is sold.
  9. G

    Tom Gunn Romans Rom001a and Rom005a

    I am doing just the opposite (want to trade for some of my painted Zulus?). Keeping the cosmos in balance since 1953.....
  10. G

    Spears & swords for 54/60mm figures?

    That is an amazing resource site! Thanks for mentioning it here. I think I will try the brass rod approach since I only need three or four spears. I would love to substitute swords, but recreating Achaemenid swords is a bit beyond my skill level.
  11. G

    Spears & swords for 54/60mm figures?

    Is there any source for metal spears (and swords) for 54/60 mm figures? I have had several Del Prado cavalry arrive with every spear broken. Not a big deal to drill out the hand, but I cannot find any replacement weapons. Any sources out there? Thanks!
  12. G

    kronprinz , end of the special discount

    I placed an order for a number of figures, my third order. I will miss the discount as it allowed me slightly larger orders. I had hoped to get into the Napoleonics before it expired. Oh well, it certainly will not stop me for making many future orders. A superb product, and great people to...
  13. G

    kronprinz, starnge days

    This seems a gloomy sentiment. I actually have the impression that things in the "new toy soldier" world are going well. I am a new buyer. Years ago my collecting was in 54mm glossy like Trophy, which I still have, but I am a convert to the new style. New figures from all five major producers...
  14. G

    How do Del Prado cavalry scale with others?

    Thank you, Mike and Brad. That information is helpful. Sounds like the cavalry would either fit or be a touch smaller. Perfect! I'm primarily interested currently in the 19th century (and eventually, Ancient) cavalry.
  15. G

    How do Del Prado cavalry scale with others?

    I purchased some Del Prado foot figures on a lark sometime ago and was amazed (depressed?) to discover how massive they were set against any of the other makers. I am wondering, are their mounted cavalry figures as huge in proportion as their infantry? Many times I have found that cavalry...
  16. G

    Plantagenet Knights of Agincourt: English Set #3

    I have the Plantagenet English Knights of Agincourt set #3: Humphrey, Earl of Stafford, with his banner bearer, Sir Piers Mauly. The set is in excellent condition. There are two small chips on the shaft of the banner (where it contacts the hand and the foot of Sir Piers), otherwise everything...
  17. G

    Are Matte figures "sealed"?

    There is no need to seal gloss paints like Humbrol (or oils, I suspect, although I have not extensively painted with them). Gloss has a built-in resistance. It may be that modern matte paint has improved in this area. I was just curious about long term wear on modern matte figures if they are...
  18. G

    Are Matte figures "sealed"?

    I am an old miniature gamer (both old, and an old gamer). Since we always "sealed" our figures after painting with Dulcote (or similar product), I wonder if matte miniatures are sealed in any fashion. Glossy toy soldiers of course have their own protection built into the paint (glossy paint...
  19. G

    Mahdist War Soldiers

    I'm not certain about the Brit in khaki, but the Dervish is by Frontline. Have a couple myself.
  20. G

    Which maker has the smallest vehicles?

    All these replies have been very useful (and educational). Much information that I was previously unaware of. I appreciate the responses. Thank you all.