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  1. CannonFodder1971


    If I can recall that Irish ref had made quite a few bad calls. I've never seen a ref attack fans though. However, I saw on the TV much much of the Toulouse game earlier in the year, when Trevor Brennan managed to receive a lifetime ban for attacking an Ulster fan. In an act of self-censorship...
  2. CannonFodder1971

    Xm002-02 & Xm002-03 ??????

    Brad, The EA05 release was one of K&C UK's 3 different club members' figure for 2003. The XM releases were Xmas sets from Hong Kong in 2002, all repackages of ordinary sets, e.g. XM02-05 was AK11 and WS34 in a red box.
  3. CannonFodder1971

    St. Petersburg miniatures

    Since I've posted this I was amongst quite a few others on the forum who've received the general e-mail regarding the death of Elena Svortsova. In the circumstances the Sineus studios piece will go on eBay for the listed cancer research bodies. (Unfortunately the MissionFish system only applies...
  4. CannonFodder1971

    Zulu War

    I think one problem many of the manufacturers find difficult to overcome is that the Zulu warrior sets will not be bought in multiples by collectors in the same manner that standing, kneeling, reloading and other orthodox military poses will sell for the British firing lines. (On the other hand...
  5. CannonFodder1971

    St. Petersburg miniatures

    Hi, Before I go the eBay route I'm offering the following 3 figures for sale to Forum members. They're 54 mm miniatures. AeroArt St. Petersburg Collection Mongol Archer (#5163). Excellent condition. Original box included. Will post photos later when I can scale down the file sizes. Retails in...
  6. CannonFodder1971

    Legal Assistance Request

    Chris, You could try to have your dealer agree to loan you the figures you want on an irrevocable agreement that he invoice you in 2008 for everything to which you end up getting in December. Technically you'd be ok if the contract with your wife specified the term 'purchase'. However, and...
  7. CannonFodder1971

    Old vs. New

    I had the Corsair at one stage and had the option of the Bf109 but turned it down because these polystone monsters weighed a ton: shipping costs were crippling, i.e. killing off any potential liquidity in buying/selling because if you tire of it you're stuck with it. I'd imagine a new range of...
  8. CannonFodder1971

    Falklands War??

    A 1/30th scale Nimitz or Forrestal would only measure about 30 metres or 100 feet long. You could replace your driveway or have your neighbours agree to give up their front gardens for the greater good that is an authentic K&C masterpiece. Unfortunately I could see Gordon taking a while to...
  9. CannonFodder1971

    Poll for Greek Figures

    If he was entering the 'ancients' theatre then it'd need to take on a big theme. Certainly the Trojan War (the Iliad) and the return home (the Odyssey) would provide plenty of subject material, and in a Bronze Age era, and thus a clear distance from all the Athens, Sparta etc -v- Persians that...
  10. CannonFodder1971

    Name for Crusades

    Ah but Cruz had connotations of Penelope Cruz and Tom Cruise, of which I'd greatly prefer the former to the latter. As for Top Cat, well Hanna Barbera did better. Btw was Mutley the same dog in 'Catch the Pigeon' as 'Wacky Races' or did they just use similar sketches? Crusades could be...
  11. CannonFodder1971

    Name for Crusades

    Here in Ireland there's a company called C&C. (The name is an abbreviation of Cantrell and Cochrane, soft drinks makers who merged with the Bulmers cider brewing company. Bulmers don't have the rights to the name outside Ireland and so sell cider as Magners. In fact Bulmers used to make it at...
  12. CannonFodder1971

    K&C Zulu, Gordon Highlander

    Brad, It's the matte GH 03.
  13. CannonFodder1971

    K&C Zulu, Gordon Highlander

    Hi, I'm attempting to make room/financial resources available for 8th Army, Arnhem and so forth, and thus I'm shedding one or two figures for areas that I've decided not to collect. For forum members here are 2 offerings: GH 03 Gordon Highlander, piper. Although not as rare as the Seaforths...
  14. CannonFodder1971

    A few new Warbirds

    The Swordfish looks fantastic, and I can recall various tales re Lt Cdr Eugene Esmonde's exploits in attempting to stops the Scharnhorst's "Channel Dash" so it'd be of great personal interest. However, I'm tight for space as it is, and would prefer a few small vignettes and dioramas than...
  15. CannonFodder1971

    El Alamein

    Interesting that you should mention El Alamein. Recently one high profile veteran died: Not a pleasant chap from my perspective, as many obituaries breathlessly and unquestioningly recall his...
  16. CannonFodder1971

    K&c Increases Prices : I need Another Job!

    Ha ha, is Andy the Last King of Scotland? Seriously though the Chinese have been doing somersaults to prevent their economy overheating, but they are the raw material equivalent of a gigantic vacuum cleaner at present, sucking in huge quantites and in effect setting the price in the global...
  17. CannonFodder1971

    Limited Edition Fallschirmjager

    They look fantastic. PM01 was Napoleon, and PM02 was a British Napoleonic figure for the dealers. I've no idea what the others were. (The Crusaders had an (S) reference after their ordinary numbers).
  18. CannonFodder1971

    Happy Birthday Moderators!

    Happy birthday Brad and Dave. You share a birthday with cat-stroking Bond villian par excellance Donald Pleasence, the irritating Bob Geldof and countless others:
  19. CannonFodder1971

    Rugby world cup 2007

    She would've been infinitely better than any of the Irish front row. Hm, come to think of it why bother using her as a prop: she'd probably be faster than most of the Irish backs. (We'll probably never know: they just knock on every ball they get so they rarely break into anything beyond walking...