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    Resale market collapse

    Since I don't know what you paid for the collections, nor what you received when you sold them (retail price?; retail plus 10%?; less than retail?), I learn nothing from your post as to the status of the resale market. All I know is that you are making a huge profit. But if you bought the...

    Resale market collapse

    It is refreshing to see an opinion based on data.

    Broken in the boxes

    Thank you for your prompt and courteous post. I think that the retailer has already asked you to send a replacement, albeit belatedly. I have e-mailed the retailer to find out for sure. I apologize to all for my earlier post. I was frustrated with the retailer, not the manufacturer. Still...

    Broken in the boxes

    I'm glad that someone is happy. I'm still waiting for my replacement for my damaged soldier, which I requested from the retailer on June 8th...

    Toy soldier painting tutorial from ATKM

    Great instructions. Thanks for taking the time to share. Can people hire you to paint toy soldiers for them? That is, soldiers other than ones for sale on your website?

    Ney's Rearguard 1812

    King's Man: Did you paint Ney yourself? It is an impressive paint job.

    K&C Horsa on ebay

    Why does it say "King and Country" on the box of the Horsa if it's not K&C????

    Broken in the boxes

    I appreciate the good service. I should have added to my post that I know that I can easily get a replacement that will be in perfect condition.

    Broken in the boxes

    Mine had a very loose upraised arm as well, which fell off when I gently placed the flag in it. I could glue it back on, but I am not that good with touch-up paint. One horse leg needs touch-up paint as well.
  10. JAGCDR

    Collectors Showcase & K&C

    If you go to my page on this forum you will see a picture of a Collector's Showcase ACW figure adjacent to a K&C ACW figure. You can see that the Collector's Showcase is somewhat smaller. The main difference that I notice is that the skin tones on Collector's Showcase figures are much darker...
  11. JAGCDR

    UK Customs fees from the USA

    I think that what they are trying to say is that VAT applies above £40 and customs duties apply above £135 (unless the amount of the duty is less than £9). So the point of the first statement is to set the threshold for the VAT. That's my best guess anyway; hope it answers your question. Chris
  12. JAGCDR

    UK Customs fees from the USA

    That doesn't seem fair...
  13. JAGCDR

    UK Customs fees from the USA

    The following site states that items below £40 are exempt from customs duties and VAT. Scroll down to section 2.7: That...
  14. JAGCDR

    UK Customs fees from the USA

    What does the seller have to lose on the deal if he marks it as a gift? His integrity. I applaud sellers who refuse to label something they just sold as a gift. They are refusing to lie.
  15. JAGCDR

    Mk003 (s)

    I wasn't trying to encourage civility in my last post; I was annoyed by your post telling me that I didn't mean what I said. You still don't understand what I meant in my post containing the idiom, but I don't think a long explanation would help much. And I know what "syntax" means, but I...
  16. JAGCDR

    Mk003 (s)

    So, I try to encourage civility and someone decides to correct me by overanalyzing my idiom? This time I will use plain language to avoid misunderstanding: Be nice. Picking apart the post of someone advocating civil behavior is beyond pointless and, in this case, shows a misunderstanding of...
  17. JAGCDR

    Mk003 (s)

    I don't have a dog in this fight, but I just can't figure out why MarkeytMaker keeps getting slammed on this thread...
  18. JAGCDR

    Mk003 (s)

    I appreciate all that the moderators do. However, the rude posts were commented on by someone who had "moderator" written below his name. One of my inferences was that this person was, in fact, a moderator. My question was raised because said "moderator" commented on instead of acted upon the...
  19. JAGCDR

    Mk003 (s)

    There is a rule against "rude" posts on this forum. Violators have their post removed and receive an infraction. Two posts on this thread are beyond rude, yet the posts remain, and I infer that no infraction was imposed. I am just curious as to why the "rude rule" is not applied here, and...
  20. JAGCDR

    K&C Categorization question.

    I would like to thank the person who created this database. I have referred to it many times. What a great resource!