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  1. M

    Yes I like the new Britains too. An antique store in my town had some older britains in the...

    Yes I like the new Britains too. An antique store in my town had some older britains in the window. So the next time they are open I am going to go check those out.
  2. M

    London Show report and pics

    Does anyone know when the JJ War of 1812 stuff will be available or any other infromation on them
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    Neal's Gift to his Daughter

    The pipers look like Irish Guards so I would think the band is the same.
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    Operation Market Garden

    I love all the releases and can't wait to get them. I just thought of something now the K&C jeep now at $115 is more than what they were selling the actual jeeps for after the war for $100 each. My grandpa told me that story he also said that a M1 was only $10. I know this is a whole...
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    American Napoleonics

    I just really hope that JJ's new line is 1812.
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    New John Jenkins Releases for October

    On the original post I think it says that all 3 sets will be a release of 500 each.
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    Some Imperial pics

    WOW great collection
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    Charles Biggs Premier Series

    Irish guards or some Canadians
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    Any one know

    That was not our only objective though we wanted to stop impressment on our american sailors which we did. Also we wanted to end british military support of native american tribes which we also did. Not to get to technical but the annexing of Canada was not stated in the declaration of war...
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    hippiefest- the tour

    I am a highschooler too i started collecting in '00.
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    Britains #8807 21st Lancers?

    I think that the british army started using kahki uniforms in Sudan after 1885. So I guess it just depends on which battle. Though I am not definite because I think I read that on wikipedia and the information on that site is not always correct.
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    Trophy Highland Square in the Sudan

    Really like the figures I just got some trophy sudan - gordons advancing in khaki blackwatch advancing in kahki and sudanese infantry. Thanks for the pictures
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    imperials back

    Ok thanks alot I will send you my information.
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    imperials back

    Mike it would be great if you could send me the imperial catalogs when you get them finished I will p.m you my address and everything if you can send them to me. I am interested in seeing more sets because I just added my first imperial figure to my collection earlier this week.
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    Toy Soldiers in Movies & TV Shows

    On the channel cn8 on the comcast network on a show called The Art of Living they featured Jim Hillestad and took a little tour around the museum and he showed how to make a diorama.
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    My favorite commanders

    I do not know much about WWI at all but I am pretty sure that the U.S. generals like Pershing did not want to fight like the british and other countries had been fighting but develop a new way to win the war instead of trench warfare. Then the british generals suggested that the only way to win...
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    imperials back

    Thanks for all the pictures guys I really appreciate it.
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    imperials back

    I am interested in buying some imperial sets from London Bridge. I want to get the NZ series but the only thing is that I have no idea what any of them look like because there is no photos on there website so I was wondering if someone like vandilay or others could post some pictures of them so...
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    Ancient Egyptian Line

    I don't know if this is the chariot you were talking about because I really know nothing about the Egyptian line but there is a AE03 Chariot Set for $149 on Also the AE01 and AE15 sets are both on there.
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    WW II Vets I have known

    One of my grandfathers was a Staff Sargent in the 88th Infantry Division. He served in Italy then later in Austria because his division was assigned to be a peace keeping force. I do not know much about my other grandfather except that he was a yeoman 3rd class in the USN. My cousins...