Thanks George, can't turn down a good steak house at least one night, not much on Chinese, the Crab Shack sounds good, maybe some Natty Bo's to go along with some Blue Crab!!! and about that time my O's should be wrapping up the East title ^&grin as far as a 42.00 burger {eek3} that's cutting into soldier money so I'll pass on that one!!...Sammy
Yeah, I can't tell you how thrilled I'll be when the LET'S GO O'S!!! have the AL East wrapped up by Chicago; has Dumbo hit another nine home runs this week too by the way?
Anyway, enough about that, my blood is boiling just thinking about it........................
There is a place down the street called Portello's, it's legendary, outstanding italian beef sandwich, hot dogs, Gary loves it there, Hans Hedrich has been nice enough to get me and my faithful sidekick Larry lunch there on Sunday, it's out of this world.
Larry and I also found a great breakfast joint down the street a ways, it's great food and beats the price of the buffet at the hotel, plus it's good to get out of the hotel and relax for breakfast and dinner. Larry and I go to Olive Garden, the steak house (Mike Miller loved it last year) and the pub across the parking lot among other places while we're at the show.
We don't eat crap food when we travel (Larry pays for all the meals, he just doesn't know it, so we'll keep that between us...............:wink2

And don't forget about the Treefrog/Sierra/whoever the third sponsor is/dinner on Friday night with the yet to be announced guest speaker, so there you go, that sums it all up as far as meals.....................