American Civil War.... (3 Viewers)

Brad - I agree, a Lincoln figure is a great suggestion, would just need to determine the proper setting for him. The more I learn about him, the more I too am impressed. By far and away the greatest US President and certainly worthy of a some type of special set down the road at some point.

For me, it would have to be him giving the Gettysburg Address. Maybe with a small group of civilians. Also it would be an excuse to make Union soldiers in full dress uniforms. It appears from a image that I saw that the soldiers were artillery. Probably Heavy Artillery from the Washington defenses. It would be an awesome vignette.
Another great vignette would be General Hancock sending in the 1st Minnesota to plug the gap in the Union lines on the second day.
Brad - I agree, a Lincoln figure is a great suggestion, would just need to determine the proper setting for him. The more I learn about him, the more I too am impressed. By far and away the greatest US President and certainly worthy of a some type of special set down the road at some point.

There are some very interesting bios about him (to say the least). One I really like is the two volume set by William Miller, that looks at various crucial events in life. Not really straight history, more like extended essays and very engrossing. Another good one from last year is by Ronald White.
At some point (a long time down the road I'm sure) I would hope you would do Lincoln. I would love to see how you do him. I have read many biographies and analyses of our greatest President and never grow tired of learning about this man.

this is one of the few things we agree to disagree on! I just am not a big government guy and to me that is what I come away with studying Lincoln. He had to preserve the Union and to me Strong Central Government. Now, playing what if, I sure wouldnt mind being a Texan right now, being in the Political/Eco Development world for a living, I can tell you , they don't need Washington.

I in my heart of hearts think the North and South would have gotten along just fine if they went their separate ways in 1861. I would still enjoy "visiting" up North today, but I wouldn't be that upset if Washington didn't exist in its power today. I know my pocket book would be happier too.

Ok, I don't want to threadcrap this thread (which I probably just did), its just that greatest terminology that gets me.

I think that "Greatest" is a superlative that is used more often than it should, but as far as the Union goes, he was the right man at the right time. Washington probably has a greater claim to Greatest, because he was first and set the tone for every president after him.
I don't know. For better or worse, the Civil War is a huge factor in our common American character. Almost 150 years later it has the power to touch a nerve. It also makes for awesome historical discussion. I am looking forward to this series.
Brad - I agree, a Lincoln figure is a great suggestion, would just need to determine the proper setting for him. The more I learn about him, the more I too am impressed. By far and away the greatest US President and certainly worthy of a some type of special set down the road at some point.

Since Gettysburg is the theme of your new Civil War release... why not Lincoln on a stage delivering the Gettysburg Address! :cool:
The Greek philospher Haraclitus wrote over two thousand years ago "Character is destiny" defining it further as "the attributes or features that make up and distinguish the individual that becomes more interesting where it deals with men and morale in battle"

The ACW characters suggested on these posts as future FL figures are all good ones and all get my vote but one tragic Gettysburg Brigade commander who I believe deserves his own figure and has been completely forgotten especially in our TS world is Pickett's Third Brigade general BG Dick Brooke Garnett who really on the third day in July should have been in a Confederate field hospital after being severly kicked in the leg by his horse that had swiftly developed into a fever.

He had been accused of cowardice by Jackson the year before at the Battle of Kernstown when Garnett ordered his men to fall back after they had completely run out of ammunition and were in danger of being flanked by a superior enemy. His subordinates supported his wise decision but Jackson could not stand the idea of The Stonewall Brigade retreating under any circumstances. Garnett was arrested and Jackson went so far as to try and stop him from being reassigned anywhere in the ANV but downright refused to court martial him even when Garnett demanded one. Only Lee's intervention of not wanting to waste the talents of a brave brigadier saved him when he transferred him to Longstreet's Corps.

After Jackson's death the stigma followed Garnett right up to Gettysburg culminating in him refusing to dropout of the advance up Cemetery Ridge because he could not walk. Subsequently, he rode in front of his regiments and was shot to pieces by ball and canister just in front of the stone wall.

I have always admired this tragic but valiant character and would very much like to see FL produce a fine mounted figure of this very brave Son of Virginia within their forthcoming Gettysburg series.

This is what I had in mind and since this sounds like a series that may go beyond Gettysburg another could be a recreation of the painting of Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation.

When it comes to who are considered to be the greatest the top three are in this order are Washington, Lincoln and FDR. You cab debate all you want but he rid this country of the scourge of slavery although that was never his original intent, feeling that over time it would die out. What he didn't want was for it to be expanded beyond the original parameters of the Missouri Compromise. The Southern states fought for this right and it was a meaningless one because those areas probably agriculturally wouldn't been hospitable to slavery. Lincoln was a moderate but the fire eaters couldn't see that and the war came. Lincoln wouldn't let this noble experiment be ended.

As far as Lincoln ushering in big government that was probably inevitable. Other countries didn't experience civil wars and they too are afflicted with it.

Sorry for hijacking the thread.

Since Gettysburg is the theme of your new Civil War release... why not Lincoln on a stage delivering the Gettysburg Address! :cool:
Thanks Matt there goes the dam* mortgage; the wife's new car; the next three years vacations and a host of other very very unimportant luxuries of life.

Anyone wanting to buy an old collection of 1500 ACW figures contact the Reb:D


1500 ACW figures......:eek:
Thanks Matt there goes the dam* mortgage; the wife's new car; the next three years vacations and a host of other very very unimportant luxuries of life.

Anyone wanting to buy an old collection of 1500 ACW figures contact the Reb:D

Congratulations Bob. I am thrilled for you mate. Fortunately for my mortgage, car payments, vacations and other luxuries, this one will leave me unscathed. That is unless he does Mosby.;):D However, I can hardly wait to see what magice you work with these magnificent figures in your most artful and appreciated diorama scenes. Now that is really something worth looking forward to.:eek::cool:
Thanks for the response Matt but there in lies the rub. This is why you always ask about the scale. No standardization. Probably means a pass on my part but good luck with it.
I am not sure you understood Matt's post completely. If they are the same size as the Napoleonics they are in fact quite standardized. Moreover I can confirm that the FL Napoleonics are fully size compatible with the Britains Napoleonics. You can see them mixed together in my British Guard photo series. So if the Britains ACW are the same size as their Napoleonics, their sizes would work quite well together. Of course the best option is to try one as see for yourself. I am sure if you pick a popular figure, you will be able to quickly resell it if you don't like the mix. Reb has 1500 or so other manufacturer figures he needs to replace.;):D
I am not sure you understood Matt's post completely. If they are the same size as the Napoleonics they are in fact quite standardized. Moreover I can confirm that the FL Napoleonics are fully size compatible with the Britains Napoleonics. You can see them mixed together in my British Guard photo series. So if the Britains ACW are the same size as their Napoleonics, their sizes would work quite well together. Of course the best option is to try one as see for yourself. I am sure if you pick a popular figure, you will be able to quickly resell it if you don't like the mix. Reb has 1500 or so other manufacturer figures he needs to replace.;):D
Yes I understood Matt's position perfectly. He doesn't know if they are size compatable. He also didn't know if his Naps were the same size as Britain's Naps and apparently doesn't care much if they are in either case. As I don't collect the Nap period I have no clue either. You say they are compatable, that at least gives me a glimmer of hope that the Civil War will be close.
I also don't collect later war figures or eastern theater specific stuff so that narrows the possibilities down even further. I may pick up one to see if they will work. I have several figure that are not compatable with my other figures and to keep accumulating them is a waste but sometimes that is the price of knowledge.

P.S. Reb send them to me and claim them as a tax right off. Reason: Helping the less fortunate.
Let me start by saying that FL figures are beautifully made and historically accurate.
I have some of their Napoleonic range.
I was not enthralled with the square bases although I see their point on "fitting" together pieces for a diorama. The problem is that battlefields were rarely flat and devoid of natural or man-made obstacles.

The ACW range has the more versatile oval bases.
If you collect ACW Britains, Conte and CS figures they really don't blend with the more detailed FL figures. In addtion if you want to create larger dioramas the cost of FL is prohibitive for most collectors.
I assume the cost of FL ACW figures will be in the $45 to $50 range while the other makers above can be obtained in the low $20 range.
Personally I enjoy a 50+ piece diorama to really show action and get the feel of the actual battle. Just too expensive with FL.
FL can be used for small dioramas or individual display but I wouldnt recommend them for mixing with other makers.
Thanks for the insight NYsoldier. I can't see dumping hundreds of Britains and Conte figures either. I am in the process of building a large diorama of the action around the Manse farm/ peach orchard area.
I guess I am not really a toy soldier collector so much as a diorama builder and a very slow lazy one at that.:(

The peach trees in bloom and the grass mats are driving me insane. I got disgusted and quit working last year and really haven't started back good yet.
In addtion if you want to create larger dioramas the cost of FL is prohibitive for most collectors.
I assume the cost of FL ACW figures will be in the $45 to $50 range while the other makers above can be obtained in the low $20 range.
Personally I enjoy a 50+ piece diorama to really show action and get the feel of the actual battle. Just too expensive with FL.
FL can be used for small dioramas or individual display but I wouldnt recommend them for mixing with other makers.[/QUOTE]

Not if your rich.:DI may get some of the personality figures or have a small vignette of Little Round Top if he does 20th Maine and 15th Alabama
Let me start by saying that FL figures are beautifully made and historically accurate.
I have some of their Napoleonic range.
I was not enthralled with the square bases although I see their point on "fitting" together pieces for a diorama. The problem is that battlefields were rarely flat and devoid of natural or man-made obstacles.

The ACW range has the more versatile oval bases.
If you collect ACW Britains, Conte and CS figures they really don't blend with the more detailed FL figures. In addtion if you want to create larger dioramas the cost of FL is prohibitive for most collectors.
I assume the cost of FL ACW figures will be in the $45 to $50 range while the other makers above can be obtained in the low $20 range.
Personally I enjoy a 50+ piece diorama to really show action and get the feel of the actual battle. Just too expensive with FL.
FL can be used for small dioramas or individual display but I wouldnt recommend them for mixing with other makers.
I think that cost comparison is a bit overstated. It is rare these days to find many figures in the low $20. At least when I look for alternatives in my periods of interest I see them more in the high $20s to $30s. Of course, that is still a difference and the same dollars will net you probably 2/3rds less FL figures but they are still priced in the diorama building range, it just may take a wee bit longer to make one. I would note that it is more a question of choice than absolute price. People here routinely buy many armored vehicles in the $200 plus range. That would get you 4 or more FL figures so it is more a question of preference that actual budget limits.

FWIW, I also think they fit in fine with many of the Britains Napoleonics; at least I enjoy displaying them that way.:) I take it you didn't care much for the displays I posted with that mix; your right of course.
Not if your rich.:DI may get some of the personality figures or have a small vignette of Little Round Top if he does 20th Maine and 15th Alabama
I think that cost comparison is a bit overstated Mark. It is rare these days to find many figures in the low $20, at least when I look I see them more in the high $20s to $30s. Of course, that is still a difference and the same dollars will net you probably 2/3rds less FL figures but they are still priced in the diorama building range, it just may take a wee bit longer to make one. I would note that it is more a question of choice than absolute price. People here routinely buy many armored vehicles in the $200 plus range. That would get you 8 or more FL figures so it is more a question of preference that actual budget limits.
FWIW, I also think they fit in fine with many of the Britains Napoleonics; at least I enjoy displaying them that way.:) I take it you didn't care much for the displays I posted with that mix; your right of course.[/QUOTE]

I think you mean 4 or more assuming each figures is $50.00 each.
I agree Bill that most figures are $30 or more but I've found that if I really want something I always find a way to get it.:DBring on VLAD!
I think that cost comparison is a bit overstated Mark. It is rare these days to find many figures in the low $20, at least when I look I see them more in the high $20s to $30s. Of course, that is still a difference and the same dollars will net you probably 2/3rds less FL figures but they are still priced in the diorama building range, it just may take a wee bit longer to make one. I would note that it is more a question of choice than absolute price. People here routinely buy many armored vehicles in the $200 plus range. That would get you 8 or more FL figures so it is more a question of preference that actual budget limits.
FWIW, I also think they fit in fine with many of the Britains Napoleonics; at least I enjoy displaying them that way.:) I take it you didn't care much for the displays I posted with that mix; your right of course.

I think you mean 4 or more assuming each figures is $50.00 each.[/QUOTE]
Yes you seemingly were too quick for my edit; you might want to edit your correction now.;):)
I would think that for someone like Bob this would be a daunting challenge (unless he can work out with Matt some sort of a quantity discount in exchange for great diorama photos) whereas for me who doesn't really build dios but just wants a few great looking figures this would not be as challenging.

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