American Civil War.... (2 Viewers)

I would think that for someone like Bob this would be a daunting challenge (unless he can work out with Matt some sort of a quantity discount in exchange for great diorama photos) whereas for me who doesn't really build dios but just wants a few great looking figures this would not be as challenging.
I have no doubt Bob is up to it.;):D
I wonder if FL or any other manufacturer for that matter, provide discounts for very large purchases? They may even allow this through one of their vendors, if the customer deals with one exclusive vendor. This would have to be advantageous to all parties. Although, I never see this advertised...
Part of the quandary that I and no doubt other Brit FL collectors have is that the US tag of $45.00 translates into $67.50 per FL figure here in the UK which slightly :eek: tends to inhibit purchasing an initial decent size dio army of say just 100 figures makes the eyes water when that equates into $6750 however, the quandary continues.

Currently I have more than a fair size ACW collection from practically every manufacturer whose catalogue at one time or another carried Rebs & Yanks and some that still do. But a large proportion of these haven't been out of their boxes for some considerable time for a number of reasons eg Tedtoy, early Tradition or Britains figures are not now particularly realistic looking when placed for example against the current K&C; CS or WB in a Civil War scenario or Diorama.

However, like some of you guys this collection as taken years to put together and apart from those mentioned I have more than a few hundred other figures that I am extremely fond of and have absolutely no intention of "mustering them out" or disbanding the regiments. But I also know that the majority of my existing Army of the Potomac & the ANV will not mix easily with the FL figures-not so much in usual scale difference of height and girth but rather more as a clash of the actual look of what I consider to be practically museum quality figures when put against a basic toy soldier look which to be perfectly honest adorn most of the fellas in my stash - except for 3 very fine mounted Petersburg figures which I never include in any of my dios for that exact reason-for me my "Russian Yanks" are just not toy soldiers.

So-What to do? because any serious ACW figure collector can't possibly not get involved with this forthcoming FL Gettysburg series and obviously keeping within the parameters of one's budget I'm still working on coming up with a satisfactory solution. No doubt half of my existing collection (those that I still kinda like but never take out of the box-category) will find themselves on Ebay and TS auctions over the next couple of months as some of them now are getting quite rare. Hope based on "must have" springs ever eternal :D


In this regard, you may want to let people know on the Forum when you are posting auctions.

In this regard, you may want to let people know on the Forum when you are posting auctions.

Will do Brad but with all due respect and after being a member of our forum for nearly three years I do believe I could count our ACW brotherhood on one hand-Unless of course I've missed something. Very similar to an apparent lack of Lincoln fans:D

I too, have accumulated a rather large collection of ACW figures from different sources, all great figures in their own right and very compatible with each other. I don't have any intention, at the moment, to sell that collection for another. Depending on space restrictions, one solution to the dilemma, is to collect FL ACW figures to recreate different parts of the Gettysburg battle. The fact that FL is starting out with the Buford/Heth encounter is ideal, since none of my current ACW collection is based on dismounted US calvary battling Confederates. Many decisions to be made for sure... I like those samurais too! :D :)
I too, have accumulated a rather large collection of ACW figures from different sources, all great figures in their own right and very compatible with each other. I don't have any intention, at the moment, to sell that collection for another. Depending on space restrictions, one solution to the dilemma, is to collect FL ACW figures to recreate different parts of the Gettysburg battle. The fact that FL is starting out with the Buford/Heth encounter is ideal, since none of my current ACW collection is based on dismounted US calvary battling Confederates. Many decisions to be made for sure... I like those samurais too! :D :)

A fine and valid point-slowly slowly catchee monkee-I can already see in my still boyish imagination a cracking looking dio of Buford's trooper's giving old Harry Heth the shock of his life when he finally realises these are not local militia. But.........then Reynolds will arrive ahead of his I Corps and say to John Buford "Now let's really kick old Harry up the pants" and...well I'm sure you get the picture.
We Brits call it "Addiction" and methinks some of you Yanks suffer from the same malady as we do ;)

Will do Brad but with all due respect and after being a member of our forum for nearly three years I do believe I could count our ACW brotherhood on one hand-Unless of course I've missed something. Very similar to an apparent lack of Lincoln fans:D



That's probably true although I'll go for part of the second hand :) regarding the brotherhood. However, there are a lot of people who read this Forum as guests so that extent, as they might say in Brooklyn "it can't hoit."
It needs to be mentioned again that some of the troopers in the FL line of dismounted Union Cavalry are adorned with Spencer repeating carbines and Blakeslee ammunition boxes. However, to accurately assert that the Union Cavalry used this equipment at Gettysburg is probably factually incorrect. Yes parts of the 5th and 6th Michigan Cavalry were equipped with Spencer repeating rifles but not carbines. Also the Blakeslee box did not become issue until 1864. The point is the FL troopers are tremendous and very worthy of late war say late 1863 onward depiction. But from a historical accuracy standpoint that combination of Spencer Carbines and Blakeslee boxes was probably not on the field at Gettysburg. For an 1864 depiction of Federal cavalry the FL dismounted troops are the gold standard absolutely so a diorama of say battles at Haws Shop, Yellow Tavern or Trevilian Station the FL line is perfect.
Yes I understood Matt's position perfectly. He doesn't know if they are size compatable. He also didn't know if his Naps were the same size as Britain's Naps and apparently doesn't care much if they are in either case. As I don't collect the Nap period I have no clue either. You say they are compatable, that at least gives me a glimmer of hope that the Civil War will be close.
I also don't collect later war figures or eastern theater specific stuff so that narrows the possibilities down even further. I may pick up one to see if they will work. I have several figure that are not compatable with my other figures and to keep accumulating them is a waste but sometimes that is the price of knowledge.

P.S. Reb send them to me and claim them as a tax right off. Reason: Helping the less fortunate.
Fair enough, in case you are interested in more than what I say you can see for yourself the mix in the following FL thread, posts 1, 2, 3, and 23.
There are a fair number of Britains scattered among the most FL square. I have also posted some closeup size comparison photos which you can see here at post number 3:
I understand all to well the unusable trial figure experience. I have my own collection of those that I mostly keep now to show comparisons.
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Will do Brad but with all due respect and after being a member of our forum for nearly three years I do believe I could count our ACW brotherhood on one hand-Unless of course I've missed something. Very similar to an apparent lack of Lincoln fans:D

I don't know Bob but 90 replies and near 1800 views in 2 days says there is some interest. Of course I appreciate that some of us are simply interested observers of this period (made more so by your contributions:cool:) but still, those are fair numbers....;):D
Oh my god.

I was just saying to the missus this morning, 'You know that when we come back from Gettysburg later this year I'm going to want to collect ACW don't you'.

And then wallop!!! I discover this thread.I'm sunk,broke,doomed you name it,but I'm going to want some of these.

Really nice figures Matt.I think I've finally taken the FL bait;)

I don't know Bob but 90 replies and near 1800 views in 2 days says there is some interest. Of course I appreciate that some of us are simply interested observers of this period (made more so by your contributions:cool:) but still, those are fair numbers....;):D

You could be right Bill but then again I put the high attendance figures down to the possibility of anticipating some fur flying -if you get my drift:D

I am wondering if I can afford much FL artillery when that is released, and mounted figures too! I can see small groups of soldiers, but yes for larger dios I will stick to Britains and others.

And count me among the Lincoln fans. A big fan actually!!
Another great vignette would be General Hancock sending in the 1st Minnesota to plug the gap in the Union lines on the second day.

Yes, that would FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And something very new for collectors.
Oh dear,having discovered this thread I'm now thinking of Cavalry,Artillery etc and what Matt has up his sleeve.:cool:

And Bob,if you're reading this mate,I might be bombarding you with ACW questions second half of this year mate;)

Dont falter Rob,just read Matt's "How great i am post" it certainly made me change my mind about First legion,and as to what he may have up his sleeve i can only presume it will be "I can walk on water".I particularily like the "there really isnt even anything close "part,thats the real winner for me.If Matt really cared about his customers/collectors,he should have re read his opening sentence and stopped there "As an MFR" should have read RFR (removed from reality).Hold on to your "no substitute" mantra Rob.I really feel for Mark and David at TMT,i was looking at placing a substantial First Legion order with them,before i read Matt's post,so kudos to Matt for denying two decent guys a good customer. Ken
Great. The Revolutionary War series had just convinced me to dip my toe in the matte pool, and now this! I think I'll need to take out a third mortgage.

You know, Collis' Zouaves charging across the Slaughter Pen at Fredericksburg would make a beautiful diorama. Carl Roechling's painting of Collis' charge has always fascinated me.

This is going to be GREAT! Archer's Tennessee boys, J. Davis's Missississippians & Pettigrews men of N. Carolina fighting it out with the Iron Brigade, and Red Legged Devils from Brooklyn NY - This stuff just never gets old. I know this is all probably a ways down the pike, but I'm pretty sure they're all marching to the sound of the guns.

Don't forget Brockenbrough's cursed Virginians! A more poorly-officered brigade never fought in so many tough spots.


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