American Civil War.... (1 Viewer)

I gotta say guys, this new FL range announcement is very exciting, as was the prior unveiling of the American Revolutionary War. I've had a keen eye on FL for some time now, waiting patiently for one of their range unveilings to align itself with my personal collecting tastes. Even though FL has yet to manufacture lines of my primary interest, I must say it has been very difficult, now more than ever, not delving into any of their many ventures. All of their products appear to be absolutely fantastic, although I must admit, I have only seen their earliest line in the flesh. (I hope someday FL comes to the Westcoaster.) That being said, as impressed as I was w/ those early works, I'm certain they are even better now. What I really like about FL is that they really seem to commit to developing an entire range in a sweeping depth not always available to us from other sources. They cover things w/ an eye for historical accuracy and relevance that it almost becomes a living, breathing history lesson. I certainly like this kind of passion. This might be obvious but such passions are certainly not fueled by monetary gain alone. And that's one thing that really makes this hobby fun; most of the manufacturers are just as nuts as we are about toy soldiers:p! I'm pleased to say FL certainly fits right into this category:). And I enjoy reading the (nice) comments of the FL owners describing their treasures. Congratulations to all of those who can claim ownership to such fine creations. I will someday join the FL ranks full tilt, but in the interim, I continue to watch this company's amazing growth trajectory w/ great interest. Their success means the hobby is alive and well indeed, and it serves to drive the innovation and creativity of all competitors. I (selfishly) hope that someday they may bring to life Rome and her many enemies, the vast and rich era of ancient Greece, or the many clashes of the Crusades, amongst many other eras and subjects of interest. I would also like to thank FL for generating such genuine excitement in our community. As many have said before, this is truly the golden age of collecting w/ so much to choose from. There is always room for artistry of this quality and breadth.

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If I can take this down to basement level,its a shame the disagreements have stopped discussion of these excellent looking ACW figures:(.

Yes, It is a shame...This new series looks excellent and althoughI do not collect ACW....The General Custer image on horseback with flag that was posted has me considering this range...:)
Apart from the figures themselves what attracts me is the fact that 22 figs will be released to start with,I do appreciate depth in my collections.So can I ask you FL fans about the retirement policy,I wouldn't be able to buy all these at once so how long is the average FL fig around before it heads off to the Happy hunting grounds?

Rob,.....Hopefully we will not have to play the "retirement" game.....I do not suspect that they will be sold by collectors anytime too soon....They would probably be sold at a loss....But fortunately we all seem to like the product so much we would NEVER sell them anyway:)....My strategy is to make purchases gradually stay within a couple of ranges.....hopefully that will work...Best Frank
I gotta say guys, this new FL range announcement is very exciting, as was the prior unveiling of the American Revolutionary War. I've had a keen eye on FL for some time now, waiting patiently for one of their range unveilings to align itself with my personal collecting tastes. Even though FL has yet to manufacture lines of my primary interest, I must say it has been very difficult, now more than ever, not delving into any of their many ventures. All of their products appear to be absolutely fantastic, although I must admit, I have only seen their earliest line in the flesh. (I hope someday FL comes to the Westcoaster.) That being said, as impressed as I was w/ those early works, I'm certain they are even better now. What I really like about FL is that they really seem to commit to developing an entire range in a sweeping depth not always available to us from other sources. They cover things w/ an eye for historical accuracy and relevance that it almost becomes a living, breathing history lesson. I certainly like this kind of passion. This might be obvious but such passions are certainly not fueled by monetary gain alone. And that's one thing that really makes this hobby fun; most of the manufacturers are just as nuts as we are about toy soldiers:p! I'm pleased to say FL certainly fits right into this category:). And I enjoy reading the (nice) comments of the FL owners describing their treasures. Congratulations to all of those who can claim ownership to such fine creations. I will someday join the FL ranks full tilt, but in the interim, I continue to watch this company's amazing growth trajectory w/ great interest. Their success means the hobby is alive and well indeed, and it serves to drive the innovation and creativity of all competitors. I (selfishly) hope that someday they may bring to life Rome and her many enemies, the vast and rich era of ancient Greece, or the many clashes of the Crusades, amongst many other eras and subjects of interest. I would also like to thank FL for generating such genuine excitement in our community. As many have said before, this is truly the golden age of collecting w/ so much to choose from. There is always room for artistry of this quality and breadth.


By George I think you've got it ;) . For all of the reasons you've mentioned above First Legion collectors have in a short time come to love and really appreciate what Matt and First Legion are trying to do . Matt was into this hobby long before his Dream of creating First Legion came to fruition . He is now making the products he and some collectors always wanted to own. As everyone knows I'm a SUPER FAN of whats going on at First Legion. And as I have said many times before as they expand into new lines more and more collectors will come to enjoy the quality that is First Legion . I have been politicking for Rome and her Enemies and the Crusaders for a long time now I'm just afraid I'll run out of room and money if they ever do get into these lines :eek: Happy Collecting Gebhard
Very True Gebhard...First Legion has breathe life into toy soldier collecting for me....They continue to impress me with there focus and enthusiasm
Rob,.....Hopefully we will not have to play the "retirement" game.....I do not suspect that they will be sold by collectors anytime too soon....They would probably be sold at a loss....But fortunately we all seem to like the product so much we would NEVER sell them anyway:)....My strategy is to make purchases gradually stay within a couple of ranges.....hopefully that will work...Best Frank

Thanks Frank,its always a worry when you start a new collection with a new supplier that it won't be around long enough for you to finish,but this does not sound like it will be an issue,thanks again

I don't think my comment on your sales volume was rocket science material. Seriously, I wouldn't expect your sales volume in a few years to be near some of the established makers, would you? That would be a truly phenomenal feat. I would assume you would improve that with quality products and more acceptance from collectors.

Look, again, if you are taking my posts as being anywhere near insulting, you are sadly mistaken. I am looking forward to your line up here in this era. I just simply remarked that your first post in the other thread could be taken as arrogance.

Hi, Tom,

I wasn't taking your posts as insulting at all and my response was 100% meant to be humourous. It's sad that we both have to clarify that!

As for sales, I will only say that our expectations are probably a bit higher than what you might expect from us.


Hi, Tom,

I wasn't taking your posts as insulting at all and my response was 100% meant to be humourous. It's sad that we both have to clarify that!

As for sales, I will only say that our expectations are probably a bit higher than what you might expect from us.



Understood, in all seriousness I am looking forward to these ACW is my favorite era if I had to pick. I believe you in your expectations and wish you the best, if I was in this, I would have the same goal oriented ideas!

Again, I agree it is idiotic not to be able to comment one way or another and get attacked, i was only trying to post objectively.

Understood, in all seriousness I am looking forward to these ACW is my favorite era if I had to pick. I believe you in your expectations and wish you the best, if I was in this, I would have the same goal oriented ideas!

Again, I agree it is idiotic not to be able to comment one way or another and get attacked, i was only trying to post objectively.


No worries Tom, I actually did find your posts to be objective. We're all good.

Ok, enough of that....speaking of ACW, I've been meaning to ask you something but keep forgetting and now that you've mentioned that ACW is possibly your favorite period to collect it reminded me. Your hail from "The Great State of Maryland" but your Avatar is Nathan B. in terms of ACW interests, do you favor the North, South, or just have a general interest in the period? Just wondering...

No worries Tom, I actually did find your posts to be objective. We're all good.

Ok, enough of that....speaking of ACW, I've been meaning to ask you something but keep forgetting and now that you've mentioned that ACW is possibly your favorite period to collect it reminded me. Your hail from "The Great State of Maryland" but your Avatar is Nathan B. in terms of ACW interests, do you favor the North, South, or just have a general interest in the period? Just wondering...


The quick answer, I had verifiable relatives on both sides, my Grandad is alive and well at 90 and lives in Antietam. My family is from Western MD, Shenandoah and Pittsburgh (Go Steelers!).

All of that said, I live below the Mason/Dixon and generally have southern sympathies. I am a self proclaimed student of history and I feel that one of the causes of our bloated federal government today is Lincoln and the preservation of the Union (Ie Civil War). I also abhor the practice of slavery, not one of my relatives North Or South were slave owners. That said, I am sick and tired of apologizing for the actions of a Nation 150 years ago and before!! Again, this is my own opinion, interpretation, etc, nobody is right or wrong on the subject.

As for Forrest, he gets a bad rap by revisionist history. I admire him for the guerilla warfare he led without the aide of formal training. He was a wizard in the saddle. He gets the bad rap as the founder of the KKK, however, if you do your homework, he started it as a southern rights group to protect during "reconstruction", once it turned violent and started its racial overtones, he resigned and disbanded the group. Anyhow, I admire his military prowess and the fact that he fought for what he believed in. To the uninformed, he is generally regarded as an out and out racist.

Sorry, that was more wordy than I wanted to be but again, I love the Civil War as a subject.
Apart from the figures themselves what attracts me is the fact that 22 figs will be released to start with,I do appreciate depth in my collections.So can I ask you FL fans about the retirement policy,I wouldn't be able to buy all these at once so how long is the average FL fig around before it heads off to the Happy hunting grounds?

Just to add, I would say that based on the experience to date, you should have a fair amount of time to buy each release. Many of the first FL Napoleonic release, the Bavarians, are retired but as far as I know it was a smaller run and the releases after that are still available. The French line figures were done in a bifurcated production run and are currently unavailable but due to be restocked soon. There is not much in the way of secondary sales at the moment since most original buyers seem to hold on to these but I have picked up a few additional figures at retail or slightly below that way.
Just to add, I would say that based on the experience to date, you should have a fair amount of time to buy each release. Many of the first FL Napoleonic release, the Bavarians, are retired but as far as I know it was a smaller run and the releases after that are still available. The French line figures were done in a bifurcated production run and are currently unavailable but due to be restocked soon. There is not much in the way of secondary sales at the moment since most original buyers seem to hold on to these but I have picked up a few additional figures at retail or slightly below that way.

Thanks Bill,thats helpful.

Rob, I had to Google Search the joke about the Fuzzy Wuzzys not liking bayonets up 'em because we didn't see "Dads Army" in the States. It sounds like it was a fun show. -------- Say, Matt, when can we expect to be able to buy these?
Rob, I had to Google Search the joke about the Fuzzy Wuzzys not liking bayonets up 'em because we didn't see "Dads Army" in the States. It sounds like it was a fun show. -------- Say, Matt, when can we expect to be able to buy these?

Sorry,I should have explained it. 'Dads Army' is quite possibly the (or one of the top four)most popular tv comedies ever shown on British tv,loved by millions it still attracts large repeat audiences even though it finished thirty years ago.The ageing Corporal who fought in the Sudan and WW1 was obsessed with giving the Germans the bayonet as he was trained to do against the Fuzzy Wuzzy's.:)

No worries Tom, I actually did find your posts to be objective. We're all good.

Ok, enough of that....speaking of ACW, I've been meaning to ask you something but keep forgetting and now that you've mentioned that ACW is possibly your favorite period to collect it reminded me. Your hail from "The Great State of Maryland" but your Avatar is Nathan B. in terms of ACW interests, do you favor the North, South, or just have a general interest in the period? Just wondering...


I know you are doing Gettysburg but if you ever do a Forrest you can put me down for one.
As someone who literally drives across the July 1 portion of the battlefield each day to work..............

Have I ever told you how much of a lucky SOB you are my friend? Having just come back from there, I get the same feeling on the way home as I used to get on the last day of summer school vacation............:mad:

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