Bored Tonight...Post a Diorama, LOL (19 Viewers)

Nice to see you at play Joe it's been awhile and missed. The figures go well together as once again you brought your figures to life with your playtime.....The Lt.

Thanks, Joe. I have been utterly unmotivated for months. (Probably because I can't face cleaning up the basement yet again.) My wife is out of town so I have a few days to mess up the upstairs...

Hey Joe, its great to see you posting some photos . . . its been awhile . . . . I know what you mean by being "unmotivated" of late . . . I am having the same feelings about my collection and what I want to do with it going forward. Anyway, always a pleasure to view your offerings . . . . hope all is well . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Hey Joe, its great to see you posting some photos . . . its been awhile . . . . I know what you mean by being "unmotivated" of late . . . I am having the same feelings about my collection and what I want to do with it going forward. Anyway, always a pleasure to view your offerings . . . . hope all is well . . . .
:smile2: Mike

"What to do going forward"........I am sharing the same thought........Prices are getting higher.....Space is getting smaller..........How much stuff can you have. I only like my collection in scenes, I just put some stuff on shelves and it bores me. I only have room for so many scenes....75% of my stuff is in boxes, and there is stuff out there I still want.

Well anyway....Good to see you playing Joe.

You should have had my profession of being a Firefighter.....You love Smoke and Flame ^&grin Alex
Thanks, Joe. I have been utterly unmotivated for months. (Probably because I can't face cleaning up the basement yet again.) My wife is out of town so I have a few days to mess up the upstairs...


I'm sure based on what you've said is if you had more playroom at your beck and called without having to shuffle around your basement you would have gotten in a little more playtime which show by your recent photos you've enjoyed and missed. Great photo above my friend and looking forward to your next round of boredom......The other Joe
OK...There's something unusual in this photo...Can you pick out what's different than you might expect?


It's a great set-up and the photo is marvelous -- what I would expect from you, Joe. Anyway, given my knowledge of civil war history and what the (mostly) Collectors Showcase figures are suppose to represent, the 5th Texas and the 5th NY -- these regiments met at 2nd Manassas and the 5th Texas whupped up on the Zouaves. This photo is showing the Zouaves doing the whuppin'; there is even a reb skeedadlin'. But, that can't be it; there must be something odd you placed in the scene; I just couldn't pick it out.
One more thing I noticed -- repaints. You've done what I have done as well -- repaint a bunch of CS zouaves from different regiments, union and confederate, as 5th NY Zouaves. It sure adds more diverse numbers to the 5th NY's ranks.
You got it, Joel. I picked up the repainted zouaves from Jeff Bailey through the Classifieds here. He did a fantastic job with them. I'd never have the guts to repaint metal figures.

I seldom try to recreate specific battles using the right units, etc. I just like figures that interact well together. Poses matter more to me than units. I'm very impressed with your knowledge, though.

Found myself bored again and went hunting for a a black and white photo to post and ran across others hunting.........The Lt.

Seems I also ran across a few color photos of the hunt while being bored..........The Lt.



I also found myself bored again Kevin and it was nice to see you as well. Seems the Zulus have found themselves a new Ally.......The Lt.




Great stuff but those 5th Texas boys appear to be getting a whupping from their deadly rivals the 5th New Yorkers. John Bell Hood wouldn't have stood for that ^&grin

Found myself bored again and went hunting for a a black and white photo to post and ran across others hunting.........The Lt.

Holy flashback, Tarzan! Takes me back to my childhood Saturday mornings.^&grin -- Al
I also found myself bored again Kevin and it was nice to see you as well. Seems the Zulus have found themselves a new Ally.......The Lt.

LOL Lt, I luv your pics of their Elephant ally. Is there any chance of some Zulu cavalry mounted on Zebras in the near future?

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