Britain's American Civil War (2 Viewers)

Congratulations Mike. You did very well indeed and you are putting to great use and, if I may say so, entertaining use for the rest of us:cool::D
It's always an honor for me Scott when you use one of my photos as your desktop picture. Bill I am glad you are finding my contributions entertaining, that's exactly my goal . . . . . . . . . Mike

Here's one I did this morning while enjoying my coffee. I have used a new picture of the Shenandoah Valley that I down loaded as the backdrop. The photo features my new Confederate Major and the charging color bearer.

The Bayonet Charge

It's always an honor for me Scott when you use one of my photos as your desktop picture. Bill I am glad you are finding my contributions entertaining, that's exactly my goal . . . . . . . . . Mike

Here's one I did this morning while enjoying my coffee. I have used a new picture of the Shenandoah Valley that I down loaded as the backdrop. The photo features my new Confederate Major and the charging color bearer.

The Bayonet Charge


Very nice Mike:cool:


It's always an honor for me Scott when you use one of my photos as your desktop picture. Bill I am glad you are finding my contributions entertaining, that's exactly my goal . . . . . . . . . Mike

Here's one I did this morning while enjoying my coffee. I have used a new picture of the Shenandoah Valley that I down loaded as the backdrop. The photo features my new Confederate Major and the charging color bearer.

The Bayonet Charge


That's a sweet shot Mike...really nice photo work.
Thanks Martyn and Michael.

Some more Rebels have joined the charge.

It's always an honor for me Scott when you use one of my photos as your desktop picture. Bill I am glad you are finding my contributions entertaining, that's exactly my goal . . . . . . . . . Mike

Here's one I did this morning while enjoying my coffee. I have used a new picture of the Shenandoah Valley that I down loaded as the backdrop. The photo features my new Confederate Major and the charging color bearer.

The Bayonet Charge


Nice way for you to continue to enjoy your morning coffee Mike and thanks for sharing your coffee time with us featuring your newly acquired Confederate Major leading the first of his many charges to come.
The Major will be involved in a lot of charges in the future Joe, as he tries to drive the Yankees out of Virginia. Don't worry Titus, my photo contributions will continue to be almost like a vitamin - at least one-a-day . . . . . . . Mike

Defiant to the end

The Major will be involved in a lot of charges in the future Joe, as he tries to drive the Yankees out of Virginia. Don't worry Titus, my photo contributions will continue to be almost like a vitamin - at least one-a-day . . . . . . . Mike

Defiant to the end


Great shot as always Mike.:cool:
Good morning Michael. Glad you like my photo this morning. I hope you were able to enjoy it with a good cup of coffee or other favorite morning beverage. Here's another one. I am using a different backdrop photo with this one - gathering storm clouds in the Shenandoah Valley. Strikes me that the subject of this backdrop is poetically appropriate ;) . . . . . . . Mike

Scant cover

Good morning Michael. Glad you like my photo this morning. I hope you were able to enjoy it with a good cup of coffee or other favorite morning beverage. Here's another one. I am using a different backdrop photo with this one - gathering storm clouds in the Shenandoah Valley. Strikes me that the subject of this backdrop is poetically appropriate ;) . . . . . . . Mike

Scant cover


It's caffeine and nicotine for me in the morning...hehehehe...and I love your ominous new it cover from the enemy or weather?:rolleyes:

Another great shot.
It's caffeine and nicotine for me in the morning...hehehehe...and I love your ominous new it cover from the enemy or weather?:rolleyes:

Another great shot.

I think we can both agree that these Billy Yanks don't have much protection from either the coming rain or the enemy's buzzing balls. Great question and perception on your part Michael. Obviously your caffeine and nicotene combination is keeping your visual senses acutely aware. ;):eek::p . . . . . . Mike
Good morning Michael. Glad you like my photo this morning. I hope you were able to enjoy it with a good cup of coffee or other favorite morning beverage. Here's another one. I am using a different backdrop photo with this one - gathering storm clouds in the Shenandoah Valley. Strikes me that the subject of this backdrop is poetically appropriate ;) . . . . . . . Mike

Scant cover


Nice morning shot, I need to start signing on early in the morning.
Here's another daily dose for you Scott and a few morning pictures for you Brian . . . . . . . . . Mike

A Confederate Firing Line



Seems like you were having fun once again this morning Mike while enjoying your morning coffee. Nice set up of your figures featuring your newly acquired backdrop and photographs. Looks like your Johnie Rebs could use some mealie bags to give them additional protection against the Yankees returned fire. Nicely done Mike.
Good morning to everyone. Thank you Michael, Martyn, and Joe - I had the Rebs fire a volley in your honor. Tried to get some mealie bags for them as Joe suggested, but I can't find any 1/32 scale shucked and ground corn to fill the bags with :rolleyes:;)

Foraging Party

ACW77.jpg're getting really good at hiding your bases...brick walls, fences, the level of the camera...I really think it adds a nice touch to the photos...great work.

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