Britain's American Civil War (3 Viewers)

Knew them darn Yankee's were up to know good Mike and now looking forward to what the Johnie Rebs are going to do about it. Nicely photograph Captain Mike
Thankyou kindly Jake, Joe, and Mark. This weekend I have had the pleasure of a very nice visit from my 8 year old grand daughter Megan :D. She was interested in how I make my "soldier pictures" so we worked on a series of 12 images which I will be sharing here the next several days. She was a big help in setting things up and was especially careful with each piece :). We both had lots of fun together. Here are a few pictures of her while we were setting up a large battle scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike



Here's two of the scenes Megan and I did together . . . . . . . . Mike

Occupying the Brawner farm and anchoring the left flank of the Iron Brigade, the 19th Indiana is assualted by the 10th, 23rd, and 48th Virginia regiments of Colonel Alexander G. Taliaferro's Brigade


Looks great as always.Looks like your granddaughter will be a great set designer when she grows up,:D Did you see the set coming out in January,"The Chosen Ground " and a base and backdrop by H&A to go with it.This stuff is getting awesome (and expensive :eek:).
What a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon Mike. Thanks to you and Megan for taking some pictures for us. Very nice indeed.
Miss the photos of your grandaughter insuring the Rebs are not going to let the Yankee's have an easy time of it Mike. There's no doubt that Megan enjoyed the time spent with her grandpa and why she's the apple of your eye. Thanks for sharing your time together.
Very nice pictures Mike. And looks like you and your Granddaughter had a very fun time setting up and playing with the soldiers. By the way I just ordered my Farm house, cant wait for it to come.:D
Mark - Yes I have seen the Iron Brigade Command set "Chosen Ground" and have it preordered :)
Scott - My Friday, Saturday and Sunday was perfect with Megan.
Bill - If you would ask Megan she would tell you she's perfect.;)
Joe - Megan's a "peach"
Titus - Megan was a big help. You will really like your farm house.
Martyn - As always thank you.

A couple more photo scenes that Megan helped me with . . . . . . . . Mike


Mark - Yes I have seen the Iron Brigade Command set "Chosen Ground" and have it preordered :)
Scott - My Friday, Saturday and Sunday was perfect with Megan.
Bill - If you would ask Megan she would tell you she's perfect.;)
Joe - Megan's a "peach"
Titus - Megan was a big help. You will really like your farm house.
Martyn - As always thank you.

A couple more photo scenes that Megan helped me with . . . . . . . . Mike



Wow! that is a really superb layout you have there Mike. Do you have an aerial shot of the whole terrain board?

Thanks Scott

Ask and you shall receive Jeff. After the first of the year I will be doubling the size of the terrain area :D



That will be fantastic Mike, well done


It's nice seeing it to date Mike and I'm sure your looking forward to it being double and bet the same goes for your lads from the North and the South.:D:D:D
I just love your Brawner Farm setup, especially as an Iron Brigade afficionado. I wish I had that kind of space - hard to do in a display case or bookshelf.
Thanks Jeff, Martyn, and Joe.

I just love your Brawner Farm setup, especially as an Iron Brigade afficionado. I wish I had that kind of space - hard to do in a display case or bookshelf.

Glad you like it 6th WI. Brawner Farm is one of my favorite battles of the war. Short and fierce matching two famed brigades against each other, the Iron Brigade and the Stonewall Brigade. Even with the space I have I still had to make "terrain concessions" in order to be able to use not only the farm house but also all of the farm out buildings. For example, the actual farm house sat about 500 yards back from the Warrenton Pike, not at its edge as in my diorama. All in all I wanted my diorama terrain to incorporate a farm, a farm lane, and mimic a road similar to the Warrenton Pike. Next year, I am going to expand the diorama and try to mimic the right flank of the Federal line where the 6th and 7th Wisconsin were and the high ground where Battery B, 4th US Artillery was. This will require elevation differences.

Some more action that my grand daughter Megan and I put together this past Saturday . . . . . Mike



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