Britain's Zulu War (5 Viewers)

Another nice action photo in your land of Zulus Joe. I always have liked that backdrop photo of yours.
:) Mike
I agree with Mike, that is a great backdrop photo Joe



I once again have to thank Joachim Mike and Martyn for providing me with it. He did an outstanding job in creating it and it's appears more times than I can remember as a backdrop when featuing events that have taken place in my Land of The Zulus;);););)
I received my latest edition of the STANDARD which feature another article by Ian Knight on the 24th Regiment at Isandlwana as well as one by our own Randy Bond on the 17th Lancer. Notice there was a new figure of a member of the 24th Foot not wearing his Foreign Service Helmet and at the ready:(:( seems to be one of the new Isandlwana figures.
A call to arms........The Lt.

I really like the pose off the guy on the left. Realistic and impressive. Great dio mate
Good morning Joe. Always nice to view your photos. These two rankers look very serious as if they are "late for a very important date" . . . . oh my, if they only knew . . . . .
:) Mike
I received my latest edition of the STANDARD which feature another article by Ian Knight on the 24th Regiment at Isandlwana as well as one by our own Randy Bond on the 17th Lancer. Notice there was a new figure of a member of the 24th Foot not wearing his Foreign Service Helmet and at the ready:(:( seems to be one of the new Isandlwana figures.

LT I just received the Standard and cannot see this figure. What page is he on??

How about the WBCC Induna figure? That is very nice. I am definitely order myself one!!
LT I just received the Standard and cannot see this figure. What page is he on??

How about the WBCC Induna figure? That is very nice. I am definitely order myself one!!

Scott he appears in the photo on top of page 6 and he's standing next to the new Isandlwana 24th figure 20074 clubbing with his Martini-Henrey without his FS helmet.
Scott he appears in the photo on top of page 6 and he's standing next to the new Isandlwana 24th figure 20074 clubbing with his Martini-Henrey without his FS helmet.

Ah thanks Joe, I see him now. You certainly have the eagle eyes !!!!! Should have known better WB has a way of sneaking the odd new figure in here and there. I would imagine he will appear in the next flier or the 2011 catalogue a the latest. Looks like another great figure.
Re page 6 of the Standard - Isn't the figure on the ground fending off the blow from a Zulu also new? And is the zulu also new?

Or is it just my wishful thinking.
Re page 6 of the Standard - Isn't the figure on the ground fending off the blow from a Zulu also new? And is the zulu also new?

Or is it just my wishful thinking.

octavedoctor they are figures from the Limited Edition hand to hand set 20057 "No Mercy" currently scheduled for next month.....The Lt.

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