A little playtime in the Land of The Zulus.
Nice addition Gazza, and thanks Martyn, Scott, Mike and Chris. Up close it sure isn't looking good for the Brits.............The Lt.
Looks like that is about to turn into some mean hand to hand there Joe{eek3} ^&grin:salute:::salute::
Cheers mate
I've no idea who moved or deleted the photo on the previous post. Sending it along once again for not being albe to retun it to it.......The Lt.
When you think that this is amongst one of the longest running threads on the forum and it’s still going strong.
Well done to all involved………{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}.....but I still prefer the Sudan Wars. :tongue::wink2:^&grin
I can't remember if I posted these here before and I apologize in advance if I have. These are some pictures I stumbled across while looking for something else. This is the first artillery crew right after I finished painting the masters.