Once the last drop from the kwaJim udder has been milked(!) will you all as collectors of the Zulu range continue to support it through iSandlwana and possibly Ulundi or is it Rorke's Drift and then move on to something else?
No sinister motive behind the question just wondering whether other peoples interest in the subject goes beyond the most famous set piece action from the campaign.
As someone who immersed myself in the subject for almost 25 years it was iSandlwana rather than kwaJim that drew me in.
I think Gingindlovu might be an inglorious step too far!
It was inglorious by the very definition. There was no glory in Gingindlovu. It was a hideous 'turkey shoot' much like Ulundi. I do hope WB do not go down the 17th Lancers 'pinsticking' route either.
Let's hope there is no clamour for a Boer War range otherwise people may be wanting concentration camps with Boer women and children.
Seems like the Britain Collectors have fallen asleep in The Land of The Zulus and hopefully a little hand to hand playtime from my end will wake you up............The Lt.