Corona virus (19 Viewers)

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Agreed about the reduction in numbers,, A rather large retired group I am and was I suppose a member of,,has been done for 3 weeks,,lots of veterans etc,,including ww2,,Some of us went a few at a time, but as R E Lee said we are never ready to lose what seems like all of us at the same time,,Im afraid if Its ever the same again the losses will be called on one roll,,,On The Beach
Corona virus may have found its way to my house. My cousin, a widow, who has lived with us for the last 5 years, is employed in one of the "critical jobs". She came home yesterday with symptoms, including a cough and fever, and is being tested as I write this. We won't know the result for several days. In the mean time, she is going to be "self-quarantined" in her room and the adjacent bathroom (which obviously the remainder of the household will avoid). Frankly, I am terrified for my son, who has asthma, so is high risk. I even suggested sending him to stay at a relative's house until we know, but my wife won't hear of it.
Corona virus may have found its way to my house. My cousin, a widow, who has lived with us for the last 5 years, is employed in one of the "critical jobs". She came home yesterday with symptoms, including a cough and fever, and is being tested as I write this. We won't know the result for several days. In the mean time, she is going to be "self-quarantined" in her room and the adjacent bathroom (which obviously the remainder of the household will avoid). Frankly, I am terrified for my son, who has asthma, so is high risk. I even suggested sending him to stay at a relative's house until we know, but my wife won't hear of it.

Best wishes,,,My daughter is a Nurse at the UK hospital,,
Corona virus may have found its way to my house. My cousin, a widow, who has lived with us for the last 5 years, is employed in one of the "critical jobs". She came home yesterday with symptoms, including a cough and fever, and is being tested as I write this. We won't know the result for several days. In the mean time, she is going to be "self-quarantined" in her room and the adjacent bathroom (which obviously the remainder of the household will avoid). Frankly, I am terrified for my son, who has asthma, so is high risk. I even suggested sending him to stay at a relative's house until we know, but my wife won't hear of it.

Louis...I hope to hear some good news from you in a few vigilant in every aspect...
Frankly, I am terrified for my son, who has asthma, so is high risk.

Louis, as a preventative, you might want to look into something called NAC for your son:

It has an interesting effect on mucous membranes, in that it causes them to "sluff off" foreign material that attempts to attach itself to the nose, throat and lungs.

There's a clinical trial going on for a souped-up version of the same chemical that's been successful at treating COVID-19 illness that's already established:

A side effect of the compound which bears mentioning is that it can cause irritation of the stomach lining when ingested without food.

Your family's situation sounds perfectly dreadful and my heart goes out to you.

Best wishes,

Corona virus may have found its way to my house. My cousin, a widow, who has lived with us for the last 5 years, is employed in one of the "critical jobs". She came home yesterday with symptoms, including a cough and fever, and is being tested as I write this. We won't know the result for several days. In the mean time, she is going to be "self-quarantined" in her room and the adjacent bathroom (which obviously the remainder of the household will avoid). Frankly, I am terrified for my son, who has asthma, so is high risk. I even suggested sending him to stay at a relative's house until we know, but my wife won't hear of it.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

We had a bit of a scare three weeks ago. My Sister-in-law is a MedTech at a senior home and hospital recovery unit. She started to develop fatigue, cough and respiratory symptoms. She got a test pretty quickly due to her occupation; came back negative ..:)

Thank God, it was more exhaustion and seasonal allergies than anything else.

Hoping to hear good news from you soon.
Keep safe.

--- LaRRy
Louis, as a preventative, you might want to look into something called NAC for your son:

It has an interesting effect on mucous membranes, in that it causes them to "sluff off" foreign material that attempts to attach itself to the nose, throat and lungs.

There's a clinical trial going on for a souped-up version of the same chemical that's been successful at treating COVID-19 illness that's already established:

A side effect of the compound which bears mentioning is that it can cause irritation of the stomach lining when ingested without food.

Your family's situation sounds perfectly dreadful and my heart goes out to you.

Best wishes,


I can't thank you enough for the information. My wife is contacting my son's pulmonologist to ask if we can give my son the NAC right now.

Unfortunately, the news on my cousin is not good. The doctor who administered the test told her, based on her job (which exposes her to the people with the virus) and her symptoms, he is as sure as he can be that she has it without getting the test result back, so she is self-quarantining. My wife, wearing a mask and gloves, will bring her food, etc., and she has a bathroom for her use only. My family and I spent the morning spraying and wiping down the entire rest of the house with Lysol. My back and legs are killing me, but with my son at risk, its all hands on deck.

Thank you all (Mike, Larry, Moe, Bromhead, and anyone else who may have posted in the interim) for you concern! I feel like everyone on this forum is a friend, and I wish you and your families nothing but health and safety!

I can't thank you enough for the information. My wife is contacting my son's pulmonologist to ask if we can give my son the NAC right now.

Unfortunately, the news on my cousin is not good. The doctor who administered the test told her, based on her job (which exposes her to the people with the virus) and her symptoms, he is as sure as he can be that she has it without getting the test result back, so she is self-quarantining. My wife, wearing a mask and gloves, will bring her food, etc., and she has a bathroom for her use only. My family and I spent the morning spraying and wiping down the entire rest of the house with Lysol. My back and legs are killing me, but with my son at risk, its all hands on deck.

Thank you all (Mike, Larry, Moe, Bromhead, and anyone else who may have posted in the interim) for you concern! I feel like everyone on this forum is a friend, and I wish you and your families nothing but health and safety!

Louis, good luck and stay safe you and the family, and I hope your cousin recovers quickly.

Received an e-mail from a friend in France . . . those over 75 in Alsace are given a shot to put them asleep and left to die. He's worried as his mother . . . the deputy mayor . . . is 77.

If activated here, that policy might reduce this forum substantially!

Bosun Al

I would be cautious to listen to these rumors. I follow closely the news in France (I am a French native) as I have aging parents (91 (father) and 83 (mother)) over there and I haven't read anything of such happening. French news are very transparent and politically independent so this would make the headlines immediately. I also talk to my family almost everyday and no one reported such situation. My siblings are looking after our parents and while under stress the medical system in France as well as the ethics of the medical staff in France is great. France is actually moving patients from the East part of France which has been the most affected to hospitals in the West part which has fewer cases so far via TGV (fast train). They are also moving some to Germany nearby.
Corona virus may have found its way to my house. My cousin, a widow, who has lived with us for the last 5 years, is employed in one of the "critical jobs". She came home yesterday with symptoms, including a cough and fever, and is being tested as I write this. We won't know the result for several days. In the mean time, she is going to be "self-quarantined" in her room and the adjacent bathroom (which obviously the remainder of the household will avoid). Frankly, I am terrified for my son, who has asthma, so is high risk. I even suggested sending him to stay at a relative's house until we know, but my wife won't hear of it.

Louis I'm terrified for you. Back in January my wife was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer (triple negative) and in a month it went from a walnut to mandarin orange to the size of a Haas Avocado and by February she was on her first chemo treatment that will last 20 weeks, surgery after that then radiation until fall. The news was devastating to the family. I don't know anything about cancer, but what I do know now is that her white blood cell count is 1.4...we normally have 11K to 17K on an everyday basis. So, suffice to say she has zero immunity and the stress of keeping our house completely sterile is a daily task. Basically, a cough of any sort could kill her, let alone this COVID business.

We started taking precautions the first week of February when we flew to LV for a convention and wore masks and gloves on the plane. The looks we received were astonishing as people muttered under breath expletives of how dumb or stupid we were. But, what they didn't understand was the severity of her condition and we were taking those precautions BEFORE chemo. When we got to LV there were ten of thousands of Chinese folks there for the Chinese New Year and at that time my wife was making a big deal out of some sort of "flu" out of China. Call it intuition but the seriousness of her tone caught my attention and we steered clear of the Asian folks not out xenophobia, but out of caution that we didn't know if the visitors were actually from China or elsewhere. In the years past we met Asian folks from China, Vietnam and other Asian countries who celebrated the New Year in February and had many a good times with the visitors.

Looking back, we did the best we could...on the plane that is and when the virus started heating up we waiting in horror for 14 days to pass by to make sure we didn't pick anything up in LV. Fortunately, we didn't but it spurred a series of protocols in our house that stand to this day and here are a couple:

-NOBODY is allowed inside the house.

-If one of us leaves for shopping etc, upon entry vigorous hand washing, if not a shower afterwards. Plus, there is sanitizer stationed at each house entry.

-We leave delivered packages out for a night or spray with disinfectant when retrieved

-The house is "deep cleaned" every other day. Deep as in disinfectant spray and we happen to have Hospital Virus killer spray.

-Groceries are stocked and I spent three freaking days waiting in line to get TP to last a couple of months

-When any of us leaves and goes into a store for nitrile gloves and masks are worn. Plus, sanitizer in the car. You wash put sanitizer on nitrile gloves and wash your hands with them on keep them sanitized.

-NEVER let your vehicle go past half a tank

-Maintain the proper attitude: Love, laugh, forgive, put pettiness in your pocket and try not to be the "old man"

The bottom line Louis is that we took this serious from day one and that is not to say that other people didn't either. But, we took the precautions for just regular sicknesses because of her immunity status, not knowing that they would be a precursor for the COVID protocols. So, in a sense we had a head start as a family just to protect mamma. Now, like you we are just as terrified for not just for her, but every body in our house. Meaning the stress and seriousness of this virus is on top of everyones mind. If the kids have (or had) to go back to school, the wife is going to move to the basement and I cannot have contact with them as I am the first degree contact with her. In fact, we were getting ready to move her downstairs the weekend before school was cancelled and that was right after spring break. Fortunately we have not had to do that yet. Right now it is a military operation to take her to her chemo appointments and sadly I cannot enter the clinic to be with her because the clinic has strict protocols they put in place because ALL of their patients are there for chemo. It is absolutely nerve racking taking her and probably the single most stressful day of the week.

Back in January I reached out to a couple of members here on the forum and told them I would be signing off for a while to take care of her and that was about two months ago. Now, that we have some normalcy in our schedule with chemo I am able to participate here and bring info and the funny. This forum has been a respite for me to cope with the chaos and I have some other things I do to keep my mind off the cancer business. But, I will tell you that since January our life has been turned upside down and now--if you compound that by the current situation--it is almost unbearable. I honesty think I have aged a few years since January 8th when we found out about the cancer and all I can tell you is to be disciplined in your efforts to protect your sons health...heck everyones health and think...think about EVERYTHING you can do to plan and prepare for ANYTHING that might come your way. Honestly, I was catatonic for about two days when I found out my wife had breast cancer, then I snapped out of it and the mission became clear: PROTECT THE WIFE. Now, as I have said before OUR mission is clear: SAVE LIVES. It is as salient as that.

I pray for you Louis, I pray for you boy and your family. Take the terror and turn it into team work to protect your house Louis and do it now!

You need anything message me.

John from Texas
Thank you John! We also were a bit ahead of the curve, because of my cousin and especially my wife, who has been on top of this for months. We have been employing a strict stay at home (except for my cousin, and now, by necessity, my wife), are stocked up on everything, but because of my cousin's job, we knew this was a probability at some point. We are just going to have to redouble our efforts to keep everything as clean as can be, and try to keep my son safe. Fortunately, none of the rest of the household (including my cousin) are high risk, but if my son gets it, it could be very scary. Thank you also for sharing about your wife. She, you, and your family, will be in my thoughts and prayers as well.

And, Tom, thank you and best wishes that you and your family stay safe as well, my friend!
My heart goes out to you both Louis and John. Such a horrible situation for you both to be in.
Please accept my best wishes, hopes and prayers for both your families and anyone else having to struggle at this time.

I would be cautious to listen to these rumors. I follow closely the news in France (I am a French native) as I have aging parents (91 (father) and 83 (mother)) over there and I haven't read anything of such happening. French news are very transparent and politically independent so this would make the headlines immediately. I also talk to my family almost everyday and no one reported such situation. My siblings are looking after our parents and while under stress the medical system in France as well as the ethics of the medical staff in France is great. France is actually moving patients from the East part of France which has been the most affected to hospitals in the West part which has fewer cases so far via TGV (fast train). They are also moving some to Germany nearby.


thank you for commenting on that...that post did not sit well with me from the moment I read it...not saying it isn't true...but it's just too incredulous to believe rationally...

just the thought that some country would/could actually give infected elders a shot to put them asleep and then leave them to die...was unbelievably revolting...all life is precious...I hope that was a false rumor that got spread...thanks for your take on that...
Re: Post Office shut down?

The Corona Virus outbreak could shut down the post office in less than 3 months, lawmakers say

Looks like we better get all your mail out soon.
Hopefully, this is just another (media) scare tactic but what a nasty impact that would cause.

--- LaRRy

Larry, the postal service bleeds money , as in bleeds out every year and Congress and rate hikes are the infusion to keep it going. It is what they call a privately run Company funded by the US Gov. It is a ****show financially and always has been. They are poorly managed, run and there are annual scandals over false overtime claims, theft and general malfeasance. This is simply another round of funding is needed and it is worse this year as the parcel shipments are down. That said, you have to ask yourself 1 question, how does 1 month of slow parcels sink the entire mail system? How? It is simply a continuance of poor financial management and the current health crisis has brought the cash crunch on sooner rather than later in the year. Normally about September they are broke.

My 2 cents, but if you do your research, you will see the annual or bi-annual fact pattern raise its ugly head.

God Gawd...thats cold blooded...on all parts. No take out coffee...thats communist man. We do business with Holer Tools over there. I'll have to reach out and see if we can get our specialty tools...or not.

**** wide man,

John from Texas

John, a lot of businesses here are still doing online sales, the only problem is getting a courier to collect the item and get it to NZ Post. Couriers have been prioritised here to deal with essencial service delievery and pick ups first, but other items are being collected too, but not always straight away.
Larry, the postal service bleeds money , as in bleeds out every year and Congress and rate hikes are the infusion to keep it going. It is what they call a privately run Company funded by the US Gov. It is a ****show financially and always has been. They are poorly managed, run and there are annual scandals over false overtime claims, theft and general malfeasance. This is simply another round of funding is needed and it is worse this year as the parcel shipments are down. That said, you have to ask yourself 1 question, how does 1 month of slow parcels sink the entire mail system? How? It is simply a continuance of poor financial management and the current health crisis has brought the cash crunch on sooner rather than later in the year. Normally about September they are broke.

My 2 cents, but if you do your research, you will see the annual or bi-annual fact pattern raise its ugly head.


John, a lot of businesses here are still doing online sales, the only problem is getting a courier to collect the item and get it to NZ Post. Couriers have been prioritised here to deal with essencial service delievery and pick ups first, but other items are being collected too, but not always straight away.

The ROYAL MAIL in the UK are introducing a lot of changes from Monday 6th April

coronavirus-changes-to-service | Royal Mail Group Ltd

Stay safe

Re: Post Office shut down?

Larry, the postal service bleeds money , as in bleeds out every year and Congress and rate hikes are the infusion to keep it going. It is what they call a privately run Company funded by the US Gov. It is a ****show financially and always has been. They are poorly managed, run and there are annual scandals over false overtime claims, theft and general malfeasance. This is simply another round of funding is needed and it is worse this year as the parcel shipments are down. That said, you have to ask yourself 1 question, how does 1 month of slow parcels sink the entire mail system? How? It is simply a continuance of poor financial management and the current health crisis has brought the cash crunch on sooner rather than later in the year. Normally about September they are broke.

My 2 cents, but if you do your research, you will see the annual or bi-annual fact pattern raise its ugly head.


Re: Post Office shut down?

The Corona Virus outbreak could shut down the post office in less than 3 months, lawmakers say

Looks like we better get all your mail out soon.
Hopefully, this is just another (media) scare tactic but what a nasty impact that would cause.

--- LaRRy,


I don't know man, the Post Office is such a conundrum, but I use it faithfully for stamps and sending packages. Its the only way we get mail at home and business so the Post office is an "endemic"...its just there. I highly doubt Trumpalicious will allow that to happen because shutting the Post Office down would not be "beautiful". If they could figure out a way to only send bills and not flyers, coupons and "Current Resident" mail that would be awesome for me and I'm sure the Post Office man. But, like hime or not he won't allow the PO to many employees and way to critical to business.

Martyn, that is why it called "Royal" mail brother!


And thats why NZ is on top of their game. Incredible that the Government is stepping up to help the citizens with pay, medical etc. That would never fly in this country Joe and Jane Blow are going to get $1200...once...and the checks are being held up. $1200 doesn't even cover rent is certain cities. When the announcement came out for the $1200 bucks, I got a medical bill for $1200 that same day...hand delivered by our sorry *** Post Office. Talk about a kick in the gut, but thank you God I can afford that bill, but others out there can't. Oh, and I might have mentioned this but we don't qualify for the check nor does our business qualify for any subsidies because our business is booming and they require bank statements to show negatives.

I'm watching our Dear Leader right now on TV and the report is simply, death. This is terrible, absolutely terrible and as much as I complained about NO press conferences Trump is on the tube everyday. Not a briefing goes by where he slags someone or puts out confusing information or makes recommendations that are not blessed by the Doctors. His "model" joke the other day fell flat and was so out of line and I wasn't laughing. But, he can't help himself and Im sick of hearing the word "beautiful" and "perfect" coming out of mouth. Honestly, VP Pence far more of calming, professional, statesman voice than he is and he should have let him run with the COVID task force. But, again he couldn't help himself and I predict he is going to make the press conferences later and later in the day to get more "ratings". Dude hasn't taking this thing seriously from day one when the rest of us and the world has.

Remember when Katrina happened and New Orleans was out of control and people were dying? Bush Jr didn't grasp the reality of that and blew it when it came to a National response. He took a beating (and still does) for his lackluster response and ultimately it was a failure. But, even Bush Jr realized he needed to throw the towel in and put someone in charge of the situation. And the only saving grace he had was when he sent General Honore down there to straighten that chit out and gave him full authority to take control of EVERYTHING and he did. The first thing that General Honore ordered was for the military to stand down with their arms...shoulder their weapons and go from "protective" posture to "providing" a relief mission. He changed the ATTITUDE he alone saved New Orleans and stopped the madness, brought order and SAVED LIVES.

This guy can't let anyone else take charge and because of it lives will be lost. Its a crying shame and "hubris goeth before the fall". Sadly, many will die because of that hubris.

John from Texas

PS: I'm checking out for now...I have kids who need help with classes, a wife who is ill and a mother who is tired from making masks for the doctors. God bless you all.
I got ticked off at the Post Office yesterday.I was sending a package from NJ to Kansas.It came up to $13+ either standard or priority.So the girl said she had to measure it.It was 15x12x10 and she said that at that size it would cost more.:rolleyes2: Now I know I've shipped boxes 14x12x10 and it wasn't extra.She said at priority it would be $39+ and standard $34+{eek3}.I was furious:mad:I could see a couple of extra bucks but triple!I took my package and left.I'll find something smaller to fit the item in. I've lost 5 0r 6 sales of my books to buyers overseas because the charges are so high.To me they lose more than they gain with such high charges.It's ridiculous.
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