Corona virus (2 Viewers)

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I don't see it as an issue, often it's people with something to hide that are fanatics about such things. If you have Location activated on your Smartphone you are already being tracked, if you pay for products by a Card, yep you are being tracked. Personally I wouldn't advise other people not to use the App as the Aussie Government will continue to maintain some degree of distancing and isolation laws until most people use the App, or so they said.

I've got nothing to hide Matt, but I certainly appreciate my privacy and the ability to move freely about my country with-out some App tracking my movements under the guise I may come into close contact with someone affected with Covid-19.
Well, again, data has not exactly been the most reliable since this whole mess began, if you recall, they originally predicted 3M deaths. No amount of social distancing rules in place can account for that discrepancy thus far. I will wait and see before I rely, believe or even give credence to any models reported thus far. They all have sucked badly.


I recall the model saying between 100 and 200k deaths with social distancing. We are at nearly 70k today. So it's likely to fall in that range. They did predict something like 1 to 2 million deaths without social distancing. It's not an exact science but they do provide some relevant projections. And those projections are not good if you live in the northeast or west coast. I don't see people in those areas getting back to work and school until the end of this year. If you live in South Dakota it might be different.
If they don't get back to work until the end of the year you will have millions homeless and you can call this country toast.I have to laugh as if you open up the country it will be a disaster but everyone seems to forget that 140 million are still working.
I've got nothing to hide Matt, but I certainly appreciate my privacy and the ability to move freely about my country with-out some App tracking my movements under the guise I may come into close contact with someone affected with Covid-19.

Most people won't download the app for that reason.
Most people won't download the app for that reason.

Both my wife and I have tried to download the App, but we have an older operating system on our phones, you need Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) or higher, so our phones are not compatible !!!

We have contacted our local Federal MP and asked for help, he can't, but has passed on our concerns to the Health Dept, so we want a new phone so we can get the App, being pensioners and have health problems !!!!

Both my wife and I have tried to download the App, but we have an older operating system on our phones, you need Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) or higher, so our phones are not compatible !!!

We have contacted our local Federal MP and asked for help, he can't, but has passed on our concerns to the Health Dept, so we want a new phone so we can get the App, being pensioners and have health problems !!!!


That's another important issue that the Government hasn't considered. People over around 60 like you and myself are more vulnerable to this virus but our age group, and older people, are less likely to have more advanced Mobile Phones. New Smartphones are expensive items and is it really worth the expense to keep updating them?

I need a reliable phone with a large battery life for work which is why I acquired a Samsung Galaxy 9 Plus almost Two years ago. By coincidence today I received a message from Telstra that the Lease expires 28 June and I should get a new Smartphone. Which means I'll have to hand the Phone back in or Pay Telstra a hefty Residual Value to keep the phone.

However I'm considering retirement atm and less inclined to get into another expensive contract for the latest You Beaut Phone. And I did say Leased, which is the most common contract these days, so keep that in mind if you need to Buy an upgraded phone as they don't always tell you you're Leasing not Buying, Tricky Buggers. My advice to you is purchase one of the less 'fashionable' brands like Motorola, they are cheaper than Samsung and Apple products and do the job.
I recall the model saying between 100 and 200k deaths with social distancing. We are at nearly 70k today. So it's likely to fall in that range. They did predict something like 1 to 2 million deaths without social distancing. It's not an exact science but they do provide some relevant projections. And those projections are not good if you live in the northeast or west coast. I don't see people in those areas getting back to work and school until the end of this year. If you live in South Dakota it might be different.

No they predicted 3M with a lot of doom and gloom to it. They were wrong and having a background in math, it is not all due to social distancing, it is obvious that they had bad data going in. That is why none of these models has been worth a crap and they are continuing to change. Additionally, there is a lot of analysis that needs to be done on the death rate - ie pre existing conditions, location, age ranges, etc. There are many variables that are needed to refine data. Furthermore if you have watched the death rates, they have fluctuated due to crap reporting - ie - in Maryland in 3 counties now, the death rate due to COVID has been restated DOWN b/c of again faulty reporting (no reason given, either error, revision, motivation, I don't know), but again it illustrates the chaos around the numbers right now. And unfortunately, it will probably be long over by the time we end up with reliable data. It is just a sad state of affairs.

I would not put a lot of credence in current data, that said, what I am hopeful for is the models continue to be wrong and we continue to get better than expected results.

On another note - Ocean City Maryland is reopening this weekend the beach and boardwalk. My family and I are going to exercise out constituitional land ownership rights and have a change in scenery. The total cases in that County are quite low with low death rates, so I think we will be safe with taking our residency there for some time.

now here is a VERY STRANGE STORY................

Three Russian doctors fall from hospital windows, raising questions amid coronavirus pandemic

It is Russia. That is probably the best explanation, Putin still rules with an iron fist. Are they possibly coincidental accidents, surely. Remember where you read this - CNN - I would hardly call them independent journalism! I would suggest finding many more corroborating articles before accepting this written one. I am sure the folks died, however, the actual facts may not be as sensational, of course again it is Russia - they could be.
TD distancing is working real well here in Galveston...
this is about a mile from my house on the Seawall...
notice the HEAVY traffic and congregation on people...
notice the lack of PPE on the bystanders...
notice no police...
the DJ's on my favorite radio station (Houston) are saying at least 100 times a day...

"the beaches are open in's a beautiful day...go to Galveston"...

gonna be 1,000+ new cases here in 3-4 weeks...

hey...the guy is wearing a NYC t-shirt...^&grin
That argument is the funniest thing I’ve seen since those women arguing at Wrigley Field a year or two ago. Man, talk about trash.

Seriously, great distancing. We’re going to be seeing a big spike in cases in the next few weeks. Hopefully I’m wrong.

There’s nothing more I’d like to be doing than going to the beach.
Brad...yea...Battle of the Trailer Trash...
what a couple of losers...

I was in court a lot when I first opened the restaurant...
the first two years it was a 24 hour a day operation...
dealt with a lot...and I mean a lot of drunks...
belligerent angry drunks...
I was 21 years old...
had been in maybe 2 fights in my life before that...
it was a madhouse at 2AM when the bars closed...
felt like I was thrown into the gladiator pit...

we had a problem with theft of service...
"dash and dine"...
we had a judge in Galvseton...
Judge Youngblood...
more than once I would see tourist similar to this lovely pair in his courtroom on Monday morning...
he had a saying that would would chastise them with before rendering sentencing...

he would say...

"you come down here with a $20 bill and a dirty t-shirt...and you don't change either of them"...

I would snicker every time he said it...
That argument is the funniest thing I’ve seen since those women arguing at Wrigley Field a year or two ago. Man, talk about trash.

Seriously, great distancing. We’re going to be seeing a big spike in cases in the next few weeks. Hopefully I’m wrong.

There’s nothing more I’d like to be doing than going to the beach.


More people getting tested will result in more people having the virus. I agree with you!

Now, what? However, were not these policies done to “flatten the Curve” (Delay action), buying us time to expand hospital capacity (beds, ventilators, masks, etc.)?

Haven't we largely achieved that?

I will pause on the how "death rates" are calculated or how stats can be manipulated to "give cover" or be political expedient.

Did I miss something, when did the goal change to making life “perfectly safe”? What are the consequences?

Am I heartless for even asking these questions when the life that can saved is family, friends colleagues or me?

Brad...yea...Battle of the Trailer Trash...
what a couple of losers...

I was in court a lot when I first opened the restaurant...
the first two years it was a 24 hour a day operation...
dealt with a lot...and I mean a lot of drunks...
belligerent angry drunks...
I was 21 years old...
had been in maybe 2 fights in my life before that...
it was a madhouse at 2AM when the bars closed...
felt like I was thrown into the gladiator pit...

we had a problem with theft of service...
"dash and dine"...
we had a judge in Galvseton...
Judge Youngblood...
more than once I would see tourist similar to this lovely pair in his courtroom on Monday morning...
he had a saying that would would chastise them with before rendering sentencing...

he would say...

"you come down here with a $20 bill and a dirty t-shirt...and you don't change either of them"...

I would snicker every time he said it...

Looks like FB deleted the video. Too bad.
The numbers will spike,that's a given.More people have it than they realized and as more people come out the more contact there will be.Carlos is right.It was originally to flatten the curve.They know they can't save everybody.They need to protect the ones in the nursing homes as they account for the largest percentage of deaths.

I am so sorry to hear about your loss due to the virus.


I am not surprised people are flocking Galveston for some beach time...and acting a fool too.
Doctors being throw out of windows? ****, thats some gangster chit right there.


I like CNN and Bret Bier at Fox. I will not watch One America News though. I don't like some CNN host and REALLY don't like some Fox host. So, I skip those shows and check out 60 minutes, Fareed or PBS News Hour. So, I would hardly call either of the two independent journalists. They both have their sides and every one knows it so theres no mystery there. Media bias? Absolutely. Covered and protected by the constitution? Yup.


I hear ya...and that was a terrible day for the British. This is a terrible time for humanity.


This is not going to end until there is a vaccine...period. This is not the end of times though. Yes, the country has to get back to work and will. The price for that will be peoples health and lives. Its a terrible conundrum and when I read a story in our local news about a BBQ joint that was robbed of all their meat (14K and all the trimmings) worth on the eve of re-opening I just shook my head. I shook my head because of the sock in the gut to the owner of the joint who's been closed for two months and trying to open and make it. I also I shook my head because the thieves needed food to fill their gut and feed their families. Man, misery on both sides.

El Presidente's personal valet tested positive for COVID. I wish I had a valet-a cute one though-to serve me on a daily basis. Y'know "can you get me a Big Red in a glass with ice...thanks" and wa-la there it is. If my valet got infected I would be devastated for her and certainly wouldn't be "angry" about it. But, thats me AND I don't have a there.

By God we have had some beautiful weather down here in South Texas and I just ordered another pallet of concrete to mix and pour. I hope next year's Texas Toy Soldier Convention is one for the books.

John from Texas

I am so sorry to hear about your loss due to the virus.


I am not surprised people are flocking Galveston for some beach time...and acting a fool too.
Doctors being throw out of windows? ****, thats some gangster chit right there.


I like CNN and Bret Bier at Fox. I will not watch One America News though. I don't like some CNN host and REALLY don't like some Fox host. So, I skip those shows and check out 60 minutes, Fareed or PBS News Hour. So, I would hardly call either of the two independent journalists. They both have their sides and every one knows it so theres no mystery there. Media bias? Absolutely. Covered and protected by the constitution? Yup.


I hear ya...and that was a terrible day for the British. This is a terrible time for humanity.


This is not going to end until there is a vaccine...period. This is not the end of times though. Yes, the country has to get back to work and will. The price for that will be peoples health and lives. Its a terrible conundrum and when I read a story in our local news about a BBQ joint that was robbed of all their meat (14K and all the trimmings) worth on the eve of re-opening I just shook my head. I shook my head because of the sock in the gut to the owner of the joint who's been closed for two months and trying to open and make it. I also I shook my head because the thieves needed food to fill their gut and feed their families. Man, misery on both sides.

El Presidente's personal valet tested positive for COVID. I wish I had a valet-a cute one though-to serve me on a daily basis. Y'know "can you get me a Big Red in a glass with ice...thanks" and wa-la there it is. If my valet got infected I would be devastated for her and certainly wouldn't be "angry" about it. But, thats me AND I don't have a there.

By God we have had some beautiful weather down here in South Texas and I just ordered another pallet of concrete to mix and pour. I hope next year's Texas Toy Soldier Convention is one for the books.

John from Texas

John, not to be combative, and you probably know this, the valet is an active military officer, there are actually a few of them for Presidents, as they are the Commander in Chief, they are assigned to the President. It is a post that I am sure is probably a coveted one.

On a side note, did you see where the City Council of San Antonio is now calling the reference to the Chinese Virus hate speech? I swear you just can't make this up, there must have got an import from Austin of loonies. I would think there are more pressing matters.

AND for the record, I have had the unfortunate displeasure of working in the City of Austin and Travis County for the last 20 years, I can only say I feel sorry if you have to work or live in certain districts. They are about as anti business as you can get unless you kiss the ring. It is the only part of Texas where I have experienced that in my entire career! And I guess I should also say I love Texas, it was where my first big project landed and I hope it will be my swan song only, it is on a list of retirement destinations, but I will not be choosing certain zip codes!@ I do like the Southlake area near Dallas. (Westlake is unfortunately too expensive!).

John, not to be combative, and you probably know this, the valet is an active military officer, there are actually a few of them for Presidents, as they are the Commander in Chief, they are assigned to the President. It is a post that I am sure is probably a coveted one.

On a side note, did you see where the City Council of San Antonio is now calling the reference to the Chinese Virus hate speech? I swear you just can't make this up, there must have got an import from Austin of loonies. I would think there are more pressing matters.

AND for the record, I have had the unfortunate displeasure of working in the City of Austin and Travis County for the last 20 years, I can only say I feel sorry if you have to work or live in certain districts. They are about as anti business as you can get unless you kiss the ring. It is the only part of Texas where I have experienced that in my entire career! And I guess I should also say I love Texas, it was where my first big project landed and I hope it will be my swan song only, it is on a list of retirement destinations, but I will not be choosing certain zip codes!@ I do like the Southlake area near Dallas. (Westlake is unfortunately too expensive!).



Yes, I do know that the valets are military, but most Presidents have a "body man"...someone they know and trust who does all the intimate help with dressing, hair, makeup, lip balm and yeah "hey can you get me a soda". So, when they said valet I had to explain to the wife that is what not a driver, but either an officer or a "body man" to which has not been disclosed. Regardless, these folks are in close contact with El Presidciallisimo serving food, handing briefing reports even if he doesn't read them and so on.

No, I did not know about any city council meetings about hate speech. The Mayor and County Commissioner are doing an outstanding job in here is SA and sadly our news online (at least MYSA) seems to report the weirdest, most useless info I have ever read and usually I go there just for the weather report. But I wouldn't be suprised that theres some sort of movement in the council to make a statement about the (waste of time debate) of the name of the virus. It came from CHY-NA, specifically Wuhan and everyones knows it...except the PRC. I fine with simply COVID or Corona-virus as that is the scientific name of it, which according to the book I'm reading has been around since the early 1900's. But, I do know a few people who refer it to "The Wuhan"

Tom, come back to Texas my man. Southlake Carrol has one of the best girls high school soccer teams in the state. Our high school soccer girls (who are considered high society in south Texas) were humbled when SC showed up to a tournament earlier this year in their own private tour bus. Our girls took the yellow bus (with the coach driving), though it was one of those newer buses with AC, heat and tinted windows and nicer was still yellow. We gave them a run for the money and only lost 1-0 to them in the miserable cold of early January soccer weather. Anyways, I love BIG D and have been to Jerry's House for a International Soccer game, Pappas Steak House, Dealy Plaza Museum and toured the Makita Distribution Plant south of Dallas. DFW Airport is one of the best in the world! But yeah, Dallas is a great town! If you move here come on down to San Antonio to visit or for the TTSS. Man its a hoot.

As for Austin, I went to UT and that was cool. But, thank God I don't live there because the cost of living there has gotten ridiculous. For some odd reason or another Austin real estate has gone through the roof and too many Californians have migrated there. Sorry to any of our Cali collectors, but uh...y'all need to leave that Cali-tude back where you came from.

TD, never ever think that your comments are combative in nature or that I would take them that way. You can do know wrong in my eyes my friend even if you difference of opinion.

John from Texas

Yes, I do know that the valets are military, but most Presidents have a "body man"...someone they know and trust who does all the intimate help with dressing, hair, makeup, lip balm and yeah "hey can you get me a soda". So, when they said valet I had to explain to the wife that is what not a driver, but either an officer or a "body man" to which has not been disclosed. Regardless, these folks are in close contact with El Presidciallisimo serving food, handing briefing reports even if he doesn't read them and so on.

No, I did not know about any city council meetings about hate speech. The Mayor and County Commissioner are doing an outstanding job in here is SA and sadly our news online (at least MYSA) seems to report the weirdest, most useless info I have ever read and usually I go there just for the weather report. But I wouldn't be suprised that theres some sort of movement in the council to make a statement about the (waste of time debate) of the name of the virus. It came from CHY-NA, specifically Wuhan and everyones knows it...except the PRC. I fine with simply COVID or Corona-virus as that is the scientific name of it, which according to the book I'm reading has been around since the early 1900's. But, I do know a few people who refer it to "The Wuhan"

Tom, come back to Texas my man. Southlake Carrol has one of the best girls high school soccer teams in the state. Our high school soccer girls (who are considered high society in south Texas) were humbled when SC showed up to a tournament earlier this year in their own private tour bus. Our girls took the yellow bus (with the coach driving), though it was one of those newer buses with AC, heat and tinted windows and nicer was still yellow. We gave them a run for the money and only lost 1-0 to them in the miserable cold of early January soccer weather. Anyways, I love BIG D and have been to Jerry's House for a International Soccer game, Pappas Steak House, Dealy Plaza Museum and toured the Makita Distribution Plant south of Dallas. DFW Airport is one of the best in the world! But yeah, Dallas is a great town! If you move here come on down to San Antonio to visit or for the TTSS. Man its a hoot.

As for Austin, I went to UT and that was cool. But, thank God I don't live there because the cost of living there has gotten ridiculous. For some odd reason or another Austin real estate has gone through the roof and too many Californians have migrated there. Sorry to any of our Cali collectors, but uh...y'all need to leave that Cali-tude back where you came from.

TD, never ever think that your comments are combative in nature or that I would take them that way. You can do know wrong in my eyes my friend even if you difference of opinion.

John from Texas

you can probably blame me for some of the Calis invading as I work on site locations and selections for Companies! I do like the University of Texas, cool place, have visited many times and have been on the field there. Very nice. I cannot explain why the politics there have become anti business, but one quick note, I located a Company inside the city limits, 2 years later, they sold the land, never built the building due to the unfriendliness of the City. Only time in my career have I ever seen that happen - 250 jobs, $50M buidling, they pulled up stakes, they just couldn't make it work. Funny thing was, it was not a controversial business in any sense, high paying jobs too. As they say.............Austin is Weird!

Another place i like is Temple, TX.

Off topic a bit.

I moved to San Antonio from Los Angeles in 2009.

I seriously thought about moving to Austin, but changed our minds because the place reminded my wife and me too much like California.

We wanted to experience Texas and not change it to be more like CA.

We've never regretted moving here and being part of Texas.

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