First of all cancer is not contagious so that is not a fair comparison. If you knew cancer was contagious wouldn't you want to know who of your fellow workers or friends had it?The more testing the more cases there will be so it will spike.150,000 people are diagnosed with cancer each month.What is deadlier cancer or the virus?The shutdown was to keep the doctors and nurses from being overrun not to lock people down for months or years.90%of the hospitals hardly had any cases.52% of the counties in the US had no deaths.The lockdown did what it was suppose to do.Time to open up and some states including mine have to get rid of the tyrant governors.
I am really surprised at some of the reactions, so much for compassionate capitalism.
These are not "bail outs", hand outs, charity or welfare! They are to help our fellow citizens
put food on the table, pay their rent and purchase their medicines. These are hard working, "productive"
citizens who had nothing to do with the virus and subsequent loss of jobs. It is not a long term solution
but a way to help people stay home and not contract or spread the virus and cause more deaths. It is a
way to ease suffering until the economy can be restarted.
If you want people back to work then lobby our government for universal testing.
I know there are always people who want to game the system and get something for nothing, but this is not
the case. And its up to our government to better police welfare and medicare fraud.
The second wave or relapse of this virus could put us in a long deep recession or worse a real depression
then your taxes won't matter much, we will all be on the bread line. I am sure that Tom knows that we need
tax reform, getting rid of loopholes and corporate welfare, curbing lobbyists and offshore tax havens. That could
lower taxes for the middle class.
On a last note remember that it is the "working poor" who staff our food stores, pick our fruits and vegetables, process our
meats and poultry, clean our hospitals and homes, work in fast food restaurants and on and on. They may not be
middle class but try getting by without their productivity. The minimum wage in most states only adds up to $20K to $30K a year.
This is exactly the time we need government to provide a safety net for our citizens.
I and others are contributing large donations to food banks around the country. I don't consider it charity or handouts, just
trying to help my neighbors and fellow citizens.
John...$1.37 here...
We're still getting hosed here in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts, 1.80 or so a gallon.
Yeah, in the Communist Republic of Maryland, we pay about 1.85 average (all the taxacrats at work).
My heart bleeds for you guys^&grin
The equivalent price of a US gallon in the UK is $4.98 (£4) {eek3}
Stay safe
I am with you on all points. I am with George in not getting a $1,200 check and not getting anything else from the government, and I am fine with that, because I have been able to work from home and bill about 60% of what I normally bill . . . collecting it from clients is another matter! With the exception of a few clients who actually continued to pay the invoices, I have left a lot of money in the street for the past few months. I have a lot of bills that have to be paid (as do we all), including a mortgage, so I have been dipping into the money I set aside to pay my taxes to keep up to date. If things do not pick up on both the billing and especially the collecting on the invoices fronts, this could get ugly come July 15th.
I am with Rich 100% on helping people who had honest jobs, but were put out of work by this pandemic. If the government says you can't work, then they have an obligation not to bankrupt you. Tom, you are a dear friend, and I'm sure there are some people who don't want to work, but I have a bunch of close friends who are hurting and begging for a chance to get back to work. These are the people I want to see helped, and if a few freeloaders go along for the ride, I am okay with that.
John, your point about non-citizens getting a free education is for me, the most @ss backwards part of our government. To me it is very simple: you should have to pay in to the system to take out. I have always been of the opinion that a veteran and his or her family should be the ones getting free education and other preferential treatment, as they paid into the system with blood as well as money. Thank you for your service.
The country does have to start back up, but as Rich points out, we have to take a sensible approach to doing so, to keep the pandemic from exploding again. I am an appeals lawyer, so my business is the courts. In New York State, the Courts were more or less completely closed for about a month. Governor Cuomo has been slowly reopening the courts for electronic filings. He started with essential cases (criminal, family court, mental health), then slowly (in the last week) reopened the courts to accept filings in other existing matters, including motions and appeals, and requests for video conferences on discovery issues. In the mean time, he has tolled the deadlines for filing new matters. The courts are either holding video sessions for arguments and conferences, or just taking matters on submission (on the filings, without argument). So my business is slowly coming back to life with a minimal risk of infection. I am hoping he is taking the same studied approach in reopening the rest of the economy. Our governor is working with the governors of 5 other states in the region for a unified plan for reopening the economy, especially including the schools. I am hoping it works, and that it happens as soon as it can be done safely (and not a minute sooner). Again, that's just my two cents.
Again, that's just my two cents.
Tom,Louis, John, I am all for helping out those that were displaced by this terrible situation, that I am for. It is just a sad statement that there is a group (rather large by estimates I have seen in MD, of course, assuming the data is true or at least half true!!!!!) who are taking advantage of the situation. They don't want to go out and look for work because they are making more at home, that is just wrong. I, you and everyone else works for every dime we get, that should be a standard, not a unique situation.
John - the Dreamer, oh boy, having a sophmore in HS and constantly worrying about the bill I am (hopefully) going to start paying in 2 years is a challenge that I am still working out, this current pandemic is certainly NOT helping that. But back to the Dreamer, I can't say anything that would be allowed to be posted on this board but one word - disgusting.
Back to my original point - I am all for assistance for the individual who by no choice of their own, but by the pandemic is out of work, they should qualify for any and all stimulus, it is not their fault they can't make ends meet. However, I will never sign off on giving $48K per year to MFJ family who is not looking for work, was not gainfully employed prior to the pandemic and whose sole purpose is to game the system and Louis unfortunately there is more of them out there than any of us would care to admit and that is sad.
Rick - the above has nothing to do with compassionate capitalism, it is calling it for what it is. It is a sad reality that totally goes against rewarding people for hard work principle. The current push from one side of our political body is socialism by definition and I am never going to be compassionate to that. I work hard for my money, it should be my choice what I choose to do with it, I should not be overtaxed at all levels in order to pay for some POS who is gaming the system, I will never be on board with that and quite frankly, I will continue to take a devil's attitude in that regard. Call me a tough mean SOB , I don't care, I have no feeling toward those of that ilk and quite frankly there are like gum on my shoe, they cause a lot of frustration.
Another note, reopening the Country is going to be very different by zip code. Like I said before apparently Georgia is proceeding along nicely and that is GOOD news for everyone, it is showing it can be done. Does that apply to NYC, of course not, the harder hit and more populous areas have a larger challenge in figuring it out safely, that said, it should not dictate what happens elsewhere. Factually, it is going to be safer to reopen in Pittsburgh than it is Philadelphia, my town could open right now, but Baltimore City can't. I am never going to agree with this lockdown for all concept, it is stupid on its face. For example, Rural MD could open schools today safely and without issue.
Good response and we are on the same boat. Our government both Federal and local have been too lax on the cheaters and loopholes. I am not anti-immigrant but tax paying citizens should have the priorities of assistance. I had a scholarship for my first two years of college then took out loans which took me 10 years to pay back.All,
TD and NY Soldiers both have good points and I agree with y'all. This is a conundrum for sure but this is how I look at it:
-The first round of bailouts went to big business and a pacifier check to the populous...with a signed check by the dear leader AS IF he was dolling out the funds from his own bank account. Everyone got one except George.
-The second round went to Pay Check Protection which did nothing for independent contractors and those in the service industry (barbers, hair stylists, etc). Our business qualified for PCP and we got it most haste. Those who qualified got it...except George.
Meanwhile, the first of the month came and went on March 1st, April 1st and now May 1st and bills don't quarantine. Therefore, the common man/family still had to pay up even if he or she got let go from the COVID crisis. Can you file for unemployment? Sure, but you got wait at least another month or so just to get awarded. In the mean, you gotta eat and with no money comes desperate measures and actions in desperate times. Ask George, he'll tell ya. Oh and by the way George I may be making fun but I am not laughing about your situation AT ALL. In fact, I am a little pissed for you...vicariously.
So, in my opinion why can't George (as an example for many people) get a monthly dole that should not have to be paid back until it is SAFE to enter the work place and public? Well, because the Government will be ****ed to fund a citizen with out cause. In my opinion there is cause and this is a unique situation that requires action to keep not only our economy afloat but our citizenry whose financial and mental well being is at stake. With out tax payers (who should be happy ones by the way) you don't get money for bullets, payroll and White House toilet paper. The TAX Payer has been footing the bill for hundreds of years and this one time you (the government) can't reciprocate? *** is that? No, no there is this push to open the economy so the Govt does not have to pay out.
On a side note, one of our contractors son came into the shop and I asked him how college was going. He told me with glee that it was going great because he did not have to pay for it because he is a dreamer. Mind you I had just spent over $600 on college applications for daughter #2 and the wife and I strategized paying for her college for the next 4 to 8 years that week. I was gobsmacked and couldn't believe my ears. Simply put, a non citizen was getting their higher education paid for, yet my daughter (daughter of a veteran) a citizen (and tax paying one too) who is working "over" part time to earn some college money and filling out scholarships with a frenzy gets a flood of letters from banking institutions offering her loans to pay for college.
I was and still am disgusted at this story and its not over as Son#1 is right behind her.
This is an example of how our government prioritizes its citizenry wether its for college or during a pandemic. And by the way, Pandemic or no pandemic the dreamer kid still gets to go to college for free...on my dime and yours. Yet George, can't even get a $1200 signed check in his account. Its a crying shame and sadly that's how we roll in 'Merica and there is no end in sight. The bleeding has to stop.
John from Texas
PS: GICOP you need to call Boris about those gas price man...thats criminal.
I am with you on all points. I am with George in not getting a $1,200 check and not getting anything else from the government, and I am fine with that, because I have been able to work from home and bill about 60% of what I normally bill . . . collecting it from clients is another matter! With the exception of a few clients who actually continued to pay the invoices, I have left a lot of money in the street for the past few months. I have a lot of bills that have to be paid (as do we all), including a mortgage, so I have been dipping into the money I set aside to pay my taxes to keep up to date. If things do not pick up on both the billing and especially the collecting on the invoices fronts, this could get ugly come July 15th.
I am with Rich 100% on helping people who had honest jobs, but were put out of work by this pandemic. If the government says you can't work, then they have an obligation not to bankrupt you. Tom, you are a dear friend, and I'm sure there are some people who don't want to work, but I have a bunch of close friends who are hurting and begging for a chance to get back to work. These are the people I want to see helped, and if a few freeloaders go along for the ride, I am okay with that.
John, your point about non-citizens getting a free education is for me, the most @ss backwards part of our government. To me it is very simple: you should have to pay in to the system to take out. I have always been of the opinion that a veteran and his or her family should be the ones getting free education and other preferential treatment, as they paid into the system with blood as well as money. Thank you for your service.
The country does have to start back up, but as Rich points out, we have to take a sensible approach to doing so, to keep the pandemic from exploding again. I am an appeals lawyer, so my business is the courts. In New York State, the Courts were more or less completely closed for about a month. Governor Cuomo has been slowly reopening the courts for electronic filings. He started with essential cases (criminal, family court, mental health), then slowly (in the last week) reopened the courts to accept filings in other existing matters, including motions and appeals, and requests for video conferences on discovery issues. In the mean time, he has tolled the deadlines for filing new matters. The courts are either holding video sessions for arguments and conferences, or just taking matters on submission (on the filings, without argument). So my business is slowly coming back to life with a minimal risk of infection. I am hoping he is taking the same studied approach in reopening the rest of the economy. Our governor is working with the governors of 5 other states in the region for a unified plan for reopening the economy, especially including the schools. I am hoping it works, and that it happens as soon as it can be done safely (and not a minute sooner). Again, that's just my two cents.
Louis, cheapest legal opinion ever !
You mentioned you are an "appeals lawyer". Dont quite understand the concept as not a term familiar with. Does that mean you only do cases that appeal a case already decided with a view to overturning it ? Seems very specialised. Here a lawyer would do trials and then if has to go to appeal then usually a better (and more expensive !) lawyer called in to handle the appeal which is considered more difficult than original trial.