Covid-19 info (2 Viewers)

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I read your post in horror knowing that my wife is currently going through chemotherapy right now for breast cancer. IF my wife was denied chemo due to the virus I probably would either be in jail or dead right now, because I would have showed up to the treatment center locked, cocked and ready to rock. I honestly can't believe I am saying that right now, but imagine the insanity (yet sane on the other hand) of my thought process of taking a weapon to the Docs office in order (to force) him to administer drugs that are designed to kill kill the cancer. Yeah, this kid would have gone full hostage mode to get his wife the treatment she needs and wouldn't care one bit about the consequences. Bring it...its my wife life for Christ sakes.


Australia doesn't mess around. When the Port Arthur mass shooting happened (I was in Japan when that happened and remember it) Australia response quickly and the rest is history when it comes to gun rules and ownership. I find Australia to be a very pragmatic country when it comes to the health and safety of its citizens all the way down to Johnny Depp incident when it came down to bringing his pets into the country. So, I say "Don't mess with Texas, but really don't mess with Australia".


The reverberations of COVID NEED to be calculated formally and I mean more than unemployment numbers for all of us to understand the effects of the virus in the aggregate. I know your not trying to minimize COVID, rather making sure that we never forget the "big picture" and yeah it is not pretty and...


...thats why GW Bush didn't hit the links after 9/11 for the rest of his Presidency. It wasn't important and 9/11 was a very ugly situation to be in...for all of us. Just like this. I try to maintain a positive attitude as well TD, however I learned an old philosophy that the Samurai used the day before they went to battle.

They would sit seiza (Japanese style) and go into a deep state of meditation and imagine being killed in battle. In fact, they would imagine a most vicious painful death and see themselves dead on the battlefield. They would see it, smell it, taste it, feel it and experience it in grotesque detail and cement the image in their head.

Then they would come out of their meditation, get a good nights rest wake up, eats some rice, do their hair, get prepared and go into battle with nothing to lose, because they have already died in the battle.

So, Die before before battle and if you come out alive then its a good day and in regards to this I don't think we have imagined hard enough.

John from Texas

IMO the Samurai are long dead, while I love collecting them, they died out the way of the dinosaur :) Everybody has their own way of getting away as well as preparing, I am not judging anyone on that and you referred to Golf playing directly and our current guy is not the first one to do that while "W" may not have, plenty before and after him have. That is a trivial issue for me, not worth time pondering.

Look, my point of the entire thread and the one before is, all of the leaders are doing the best they can, pointing fingers, innuendo at any of them is non productive and I don't choose to spend a miniscule second of my life doing so. As I said before, if you want to point a finger, start in the East, that is Far East and blame China. 100% at fault, no ifs ands or buts. The more that comes out, the worse it is and they are at the front of the line, head of the table. They FUBARED this into the issue it is for the World. They had a few enablers along the way, but they are TO BLAME.

I also tend to take a positive outlook on life, we have gotten through many things including 9/11, World Wars and many more things to come, all catastrophic in a lot of ways. I am not going to minimize the death toll here, but not dwelling on it either. Life is too short to constantly look back and stay stationary, I am a move forward guy and that is what will do. I can only control what is in my sphere which I intend to do. For example, to me, the most catastrophic thing in my life was losing my Dad when I was 18, no warning, no nothing, I guess you can say it changed my life. Frankly, to me, that is 1000% worse than the Coronavirus to me, it just is.

Just my take, call me whatever you want to call me, we all don't have to agree and as I have said before, I tend to sleep well at night moving at my own pace and always have, that i guess is what makes us all individuals.

I also tend to be a realist in that all is well with the greater good theory until it lands on your doorstep, in other words, human nature is human nature and one of the first rules I learned in life is to look out for numero uno b/c 99.99% of the time, you are the only one doing that!

For those interested in getting tested (you don’t have to be symptomatic), Rite Aid is offering testing in certain states at no charge to you. Here is the link,

You have to have a Google email but those are easy enough to make. My wife and I had testing done on Friday and we received the results today (both negative).

Thank you Brad. It's great to hear you and your wife tested negative. I hope she is doing well in her recovery from surgery awhile back.



I read your post in horror knowing that my wife is currently going through chemotherapy right now for breast cancer. IF my wife was denied chemo due to the virus I probably would either be in jail or dead right now, because I would have showed up to the treatment center locked, cocked and ready to rock. I honestly can't believe I am saying that right now, but imagine the insanity (yet sane on the other hand) of my thought process of taking a weapon to the Docs office in order (to force) him to administer drugs that are designed to kill kill the cancer. Yeah, this kid would have gone full hostage mode to get his wife the treatment she needs and wouldn't care one bit about the consequences. Bring it...its my wife life for Christ sakes.


Australia doesn't mess around. When the Port Arthur mass shooting happened (I was in Japan when that happened and remember it) Australia response quickly and the rest is history when it comes to gun rules and ownership. I find Australia to be a very pragmatic country when it comes to the health and safety of its citizens all the way down to Johnny Depp incident when it came down to bringing his pets into the country. So, I say "Don't mess with Texas, but really don't mess with Australia".


The reverberations of COVID NEED to be calculated formally and I mean more than unemployment numbers for all of us to understand the effects of the virus in the aggregate. I know your not trying to minimize COVID, rather making sure that we never forget the "big picture" and yeah it is not pretty and...


...thats why GW Bush didn't hit the links after 9/11 for the rest of his Presidency. It wasn't important and 9/11 was a very ugly situation to be in...for all of us. Just like this. I try to maintain a positive attitude as well TD, however I learned an old philosophy that the Samurai used the day before they went to battle.

They would sit seiza (Japanese style) and go into a deep state of meditation and imagine being killed in battle. In fact, they would imagine a most vicious painful death and see themselves dead on the battlefield. They would see it, smell it, taste it, feel it and experience it in grotesque detail and cement the image in their head.

Then they would come out of their meditation, get a good nights rest wake up, eats some rice, do their hair, get prepared and go into battle with nothing to lose, because they have already died in the battle.

So, Die before before battle and if you come out alive then its a good day and in regards to this I don't think we have imagined hard enough.

John from Texas

I in no way am trying to belittle what's happening.I was raised by my grandparents and it was traumatic to me when they died.All of us would want to protect our family and friends.What has happened in the nursing homes is a national disgrace.But yes I'm looking at the bigger picture.Here's something that happened when a lot of us were kids and I don't remember this being a big deal.

Marco I get that you are bringing up historical Pandemic's as a comparison to this one. However, we are light years in medicine and technology from the 1960's and the other one you brought up a few posts ago. Likewise, our instant communication apparatus in nothing like the world has ever seen. INFO-INSTANTLY-AMAZING. With that said, we also have history behind us on how to deal with said outbreak and data to understand how this will affect the populous. Sadly, the leadership, not the scientist and doctors are not taking heed and to prove my point even el Presidente shuns the mask...a basic and simple deterrent to contain the spread and his followers are taking his lead. My last statement is NOT political, its a fact that we see everyday on the TV. Its not fake, a conspiracy theory or to be questioned and unless you are blind (no disrespect to the blind) when watching him AND other leaders not wearing a mask as an example for the rest of us to follow.

TD, the Samurai may be dead, but the spirit of the philosophy still lives on and TD I only have one name for you and thats TD. Nothing else. The Japanese still refer to the samurai spirit to this day, less the swords. Its kinda how we refer to the our ancestors who had true grit during the old days in America. Or call on them for some wisdom. I am a positive person by nature...happy go lucky and you can ask Mike Miller for a "here, here" on my attitude. But, not preparing the mind for the long haul or for that matter, worse, is a mistake. Its unimaginable that we as a country (and world) are in the position to begin with, but I have long seen it getting worse than better. Here, I would quote Moe in Austin who keeps us in check with the parallel costs of COVID, via socio and economic ills that are hammering families and individuals who have been affected by the virus. Jobs have been lost, no food on the table and of course bills care less about your COVID problems.

Our governmental response has been dictated by the economy and not the welfare of its citizenry. Remember on March 13th, when Trumpalicious was autographing the stock market reports and sent them to his supporters? I do and I don't see him autographing them now. Open, open...OPEN! has been the mantra and true to form we are opening with 100K lost souls under our belt. We have learned nothing. Look I'm all for opening, but we are opening with out solid guidelines in place from the TOP and since its not from the top they are a hash mash of guidelines across state lines that don't match up with a NATIONAL guideline. Geez, it was not that hard to promote masks, but as one beach goer in Florida said "If he ain't wearing a mask, than neither do I have to" Can we all agree that if it comes from the top, then it makes things much easier to follow in the bottom?

Blame is good medicine in tough times and yeah, the Chinese need to own this one. But, they won't. They do however own two aircraft carriers and have decided to make themselves the supposed leading Naval fleet in the world...with two carriers and pilots who can't land on them. You see where there head is at? In fact, there ownership of anything could be challenged as they see fit to steal knowledge instead of creating it. It's easier. But, I do blame China and their archaic ways of health, safety and they too have learned nothing and continue the disgusting food practices that breed disease and virus.

I just wish that our leaders domestic and foreign would eat a little humble pie and maybe take some steps like Australia. They own the recipe for it.

John from Texas
I in no way am trying to belittle what's happening.I was raised by my grandparents and it was traumatic to me when they died.All of us would want to protect our family and friends.What has happened in the nursing homes is a national disgrace.But yes I'm looking at the bigger picture.Here's something that happened when a lot of us were kids and I don't remember this being a big deal.

Mark, you probably don’t remember it because you were, in fact, a kid. I was 17 and I don’t remember it either. One reason we don’t remember it is because it affected people 65 or older. When we are young we think we are indestructible and, in addition, we think, oh, that’s happening somewhere else to someone else. The “other person.” In others words, it doesn’t affect me. I’m not saying we are callous, I just think that’s how humans are sometimes.

Marco I get that you are bringing up historical Pandemic's as a comparison to this one. However, we are light years in medicine and technology from the 1960's and the other one you brought up a few posts ago. Likewise, our instant communication apparatus in nothing like the world has ever seen. INFO-INSTANTLY-AMAZING. With that said, we also have history behind us on how to deal with said outbreak and data to understand how this will affect the populous. Sadly, the leadership, not the scientist and doctors are not taking heed and to prove my point even el Presidente shuns the mask...a basic and simple deterrent to contain the spread and his followers are taking his lead. My last statement is NOT political, its a fact that we see everyday on the TV. Its not fake, a conspiracy theory or to be questioned and unless you are blind (no disrespect to the blind) when watching him AND other leaders not wearing a mask as an example for the rest of us to follow.

TD, the Samurai may be dead, but the spirit of the philosophy still lives on and TD I only have one name for you and thats TD. Nothing else. The Japanese still refer to the samurai spirit to this day, less the swords. Its kinda how we refer to the our ancestors who had true grit during the old days in America. Or call on them for some wisdom. I am a positive person by nature...happy go lucky and you can ask Mike Miller for a "here, here" on my attitude. But, not preparing the mind for the long haul or for that matter, worse, is a mistake. Its unimaginable that we as a country (and world) are in the position to begin with, but I have long seen it getting worse than better. Here, I would quote Moe in Austin who keeps us in check with the parallel costs of COVID, via socio and economic ills that are hammering families and individuals who have been affected by the virus. Jobs have been lost, no food on the table and of course bills care less about your COVID problems.

Our governmental response has been dictated by the economy and not the welfare of its citizenry. Remember on March 13th, when Trumpalicious was autographing the stock market reports and sent them to his supporters? I do and I don't see him autographing them now. Open, open...OPEN! has been the mantra and true to form we are opening with 100K lost souls under our belt. We have learned nothing. Look I'm all for opening, but we are opening with out solid guidelines in place from the TOP and since its not from the top they are a hash mash of guidelines across state lines that don't match up with a NATIONAL guideline. Geez, it was not that hard to promote masks, but as one beach goer in Florida said "If he ain't wearing a mask, than neither do I have to" Can we all agree that if it comes from the top, then it makes things much easier to follow in the bottom?

Blame is good medicine in tough times and yeah, the Chinese need to own this one. But, they won't. They do however own two aircraft carriers and have decided to make themselves the supposed leading Naval fleet in the world...with two carriers and pilots who can't land on them. You see where there head is at? In fact, there ownership of anything could be challenged as they see fit to steal knowledge instead of creating it. It's easier. But, I do blame China and their archaic ways of health, safety and they too have learned nothing and continue the disgusting food practices that breed disease and virus.

I just wish that our leaders domestic and foreign would eat a little humble pie and maybe take some steps like Australia. They own the recipe for it.

John from Texas

I don't know if this is a good thing but your points and observations are very close to mine.
To add I would say that our form of Capitalism too often puts profits above safety, health, truth and ethics.
Anyone who knows my background as a business executive, business founder and investor realizes I am
not a socialist. I do think, however, that the old adage of "money is the root of all evil" has some validity.
We certainly need sound economics and people need to work and be productive. But you certainly can't be
fully productive with the threat of death and sickness hanging over your heads.

What we need is leadership that takes responsibility, is honest and transparent, admits mistakes and learns from them, doesn't attack or belittle those that disagree
and listens to the scientists and health experts.
I take my medical advice from doctors and scientists not politicians and pundits.


I read your post in horror knowing that my wife is currently going through chemotherapy right now for breast cancer. IF my wife was denied chemo due to the virus I probably would either be in jail or dead right now, because I would have showed up to the treatment center locked, cocked and ready to rock. I honestly can't believe I am saying that right now, but imagine the insanity (yet sane on the other hand) of my thought process of taking a weapon to the Docs office in order (to force) him to administer drugs that are designed to kill kill the cancer. Yeah, this kid would have gone full hostage mode to get his wife the treatment she needs and wouldn't care one bit about the consequences. Bring it...its my wife life for Christ sakes.

Well, John, I find that we have more in common than just TX and TS. Hope that your wife responds to the treatments and that she can put the cancer behind her, ASAP. "A loved one" of mine finished hers in November. She's NED and here's hoping that she stays that way, as the clinic that I mentioned yesterday isn't offering anything but "teledoc" services. It's deemed too dangerous to her health to visit the facility, and, apparently, vice versa. Stay well and take care of that gal of yours!

Mark, you probably don’t remember it because you were, in fact, a kid. I was 17 and I don’t remember it either. One reason we don’t remember it is because it affected people 65 or older. When we are young we think we are indestructible and, in addition, we think, oh, that’s happening somewhere else to someone else. The “other person.” In others words, it doesn’t affect me. I’m not saying we are callous, I just think that’s how humans are sometimes.
Like I said I was raised by my grandparents and I don't remember them worrying about it not saying they didn't. I think in the broad scheme of things all of us on here agree.Keeping people safe and the country back to normal but we see different ways of doing it.Be safe everybody!
Once again, this thread is going down the political road.

PLEASE stay on topic or else Julie is going to nuke this thread too.

My God.
Well, John, I find that we have more in common than just TX and TS. Hope that your wife responds to the treatments and that she can put the cancer behind her, ASAP. "A loved one" of mine finished hers in November. She's NED and here's hoping that she stays that way, as the clinic that I mentioned yesterday isn't offering anything but "teledoc" services. It's deemed too dangerous to her health to visit the facility, and, apparently, vice versa. Stay well and take care of that gal of yours!


Thanks for the well wishes and yeah it sucks. I cannot not believe the "teledoc" for cancer patients! What are you going to talk about? WHAT IS there to talk about if you can't get treatment? Good lord thats awful. I used to go with her to he bi and weekly visit for the "gravy". But, the doc sent out a email to all his patients that said the patient and patient only are only allowed in with full regalia of course. I was bummed because there was a VET there who had chemo all day and I wanted to connect with him as he came by himself to his appointments. He wore his "Army RETIRED" hat and came in wearing a empty holster. I guess he left the heat in the truck.

John from Texas
I don't know if this is a good thing but your points and observations are very close to mine.
To add I would say that our form of Capitalism too often puts profits above safety, health, truth and ethics.
Anyone who knows my background as a business executive, business founder and investor realizes I am
not a socialist. I do think, however, that the old adage of "money is the root of all evil" has some validity.
We certainly need sound economics and people need to work and be productive. But you certainly can't be
fully productive with the threat of death and sickness hanging over your heads.

What we need is leadership that takes responsibility, is honest and transparent, admits mistakes and learns from them, doesn't attack or belittle those that disagree
and listens to the scientists and health experts.
I take my medical advice from doctors and scientists not politicians and pundits.

Well NY, I don't see anything wrong with being on the same page, or this great adage of "Great minds think alike". I haven't been deemed "essential personnel" since I was in the military. Yet, when all this went down those in construction were some of the first to be deemed essential behind first responders. Since we supply decorative concrete supplies and materials to local, state and fed jobs we stayed open and have been busier than a bee. I count our blessings everyday and was relieved that we did not have to implement a Plan C.

I needed a pass though as I practically lost it all during the 2008 recession. That was brutal and I will never forget the sting of that experience. I was working real estate and went from selling 40 properties a year to 4. It was bad and I will never forget my last commission check was $24,500 and after bills, overdue bills, taxes and getting caught up I had a $100 bucks left over. What did I do? Took the kids for pizza and went to the mall so they could play in the "Jumping Place"...y'know those big blow up slides and stuff. It was fun watching them bounce up and down, up and down and up and down again. Man, those were good memories. Whew that was a close call and I was one commission check from being D-U-N done.

12 years later we can't keep product on the shelves have 3 full timers, two part timers a ex-marine Janitor and just finished our franchise paperwork so that we can sell our concept. Blessings all around. HOWEVER COMMA, I think about those people who are suffering right now with no paycheck, food or support and I die inside. The kids who can't play with their friends, socialize and do kid stuff rips my heart out. The old folks, in their twilight years who lived a full life and looking for a couple more memories who are dead in days because of a sneeze. The unemployed who can't get their benefits and can't sleep at night. The first responders who have to go, because its what they signed up. All of them who are suffering and affected by this horrible virus and YES I too want things to get back to normal, but we can't or people will die. They are dieing right now one way or another because of the virus or its residual effects.

As I mentioned before with the Samurai philosophy of dieing in your mind before battle...well I don't want to imagine getting the virus of for that matter anyone I know, but if I did, it would be the hardest meditation session I have ever had and I'm a little rusty to boot. I did vow in 2008 though that I would never ever be in THAT situation again and spent the last 12 years olddly preparing for anything. Well here it is, the only caveat is that the boss lady got breast cancer back in January and honestly I was not prepared for that. That one was a hard meditation for this out of shape samurai. Frankly, it took two days to come out of that one.

Until then, masks, hand sanitizer, social distancing when I can and not doing anything stupid that would expose me or mines to this horrible virus. Therefore, NY we have a lot in common and we are not alone.

John from Texas
Thanks for the well wishes and yeah it sucks. I cannot not believe the "teledoc" for cancer patients! What are you going to talk about? WHAT IS there to talk about if you can't get treatment? Good lord thats awful. I used to go with her to he bi and weekly visit for the "gravy". But, the doc sent out a email to all his patients that said the patient and patient only are only allowed in with full regalia of course. I was bummed because there was a VET there who had chemo all day and I wanted to connect with him as he came by himself to his appointments. He wore his "Army RETIRED" hat and came in wearing a empty holster. I guess he left the heat in the truck.

John from Texas


Please accept my best wishes for your wife's speedy recovery.
Had a real treat today; I called my credit card processing company as they sent me an email about adjusting my processing rates "to assist me during this difficult time because they value my business and are here for me"...…..apparently they got word that I got hosed and did not get one of those 1200.00 stimulation checks or one of those payroll protection loans that people are getting with no intention of ever paying back...…………………. So anyway, lucky me, the customer service rep was working from home.

And the whole time I was trying to figure out in English how my new rates are saving me money as the email explanation was in Greek or Swahili, this womans kid was blowing a gasket in the background over something, he apparently did not get one of those stimulation checks either.

Hey listen; I understand, daycare is closed, but for the love of Christ, put the kid in another room, give him some Nyquil or go outside or something, after about 10 minutes I gave up and hung up.

As luck would have it, I got one of those surveys via email; you know, rate your experience...……………………..

You want a rating; ones across the board.

So there you go.
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I don't know if this is a good thing but your points and observations are very close to mine.
To add I would say that our form of Capitalism too often puts profits above safety, health, truth and ethics.
Anyone who knows my background as a business executive, business founder and investor realizes I am
not a socialist. I do think, however, that the old adage of "money is the root of all evil" has some validity.
We certainly need sound economics and people need to work and be productive. But you certainly can't be
fully productive with the threat of death and sickness hanging over your heads.

What we need is leadership that takes responsibility, is honest and transparent, admits mistakes and learns from them, doesn't attack or belittle those that disagree
and listens to the scientists and health experts.
I take my medical advice from doctors and scientists not politicians and pundits.

So true. Where is the leadership?
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