Covid-19 info (2 Viewers)

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"I read the news today, Oh boy." Quite a somber news day in the old USA yesterday. We passed the 100k death toll on the virus, the much anticipated space launch was scrubbed, a video emerged of a policeman murdering a man on the streets of MN, and then a riot.
They were protesting in LA too.I can't really blame people as this happens all too often.99.9% of police do things the right way.
Every profession has its few bad apples. It is terrible what happened. Not minimizing it at all! But i will never crap on THE POLICE because of the horrid actions of a few.

Now, that said, those few should have the full extent of the law come down on them
Every profession has its few bad apples. It is terrible what happened. Not minimizing it at all! But i will never crap on THE POLICE because of the horrid actions of a few.

Now, that said, those few should have the full extent of the law come down on them

Agree, yet some of our "sports role models" somehow correlated this incident to the NFL Kneeler, I will not even dignify this by publishing his name. To me that piece of garbage is where he belongs - on the sidelines as an out of work bum.

Regarding the MN Police story, tragic and I just do not understand why or what happened, they should be prosecuted accordingly.

It seems black people are exposed to these indignities a lot. There was recently an incident in Midlands, Texas where a person went through a stop sign and when he got to his grandmother’s house, the police had their guns drawn for several minutes on a person trying to give himself up. His 90 year old grandmother intervened to defuse the scene and then she got knocked down, and all this over going through a stop sign?

In addition, let’s not forget the jogger who was killed because he was jogging.

And then we have a situation the other day in New York City where a woman walking her dog in Central Park threatened to call — and did call — the police that a black man was bothering her because he (who is a bird enthusiast) asked her to leash her dog in a section reserved for bird watching. Fortunately, he taped it and nothing happened.

These kinds of things are happening all too much.
Hopefully there are arrests made soon. It is incomprehensible that has not already happened. I fully support a complete investigation but if anyone else in society had conducted themselves like this cop and murdered someone on a public street, they would be sitting in jail. Imagine the mindset of person who would do not only do this but do it in public in front of witnesses while being videotaped. That's a scary person to be armed and in a position of authority. He is going to be an unpopular guy in prison.
Feel free to take a deep breath and pause at any time! 15 seconds can go a long way to relaxing your mind :)

And if that doesn't work, check out this item I came across while doing some online shopping and made with think of John from Texas!
pineapple paw print.jpg

Enjoy a smile today!

Wow, Covid is the single largest cause of death worldwide this year by a considerable margin. Sobering.

Only if you use their data. They were highly selective in using certain data from The Global Burden of Disease

They failed to mention heart disease, stroke, cancer, dementia etc in their graphics.

Cardiovascular diseases 17.78m and cancer 9.6m,)

I will reiterate that the conduct of these police officers was immoral, reprehensible and I am assuming illegal pending charges and I believe that illegal behavior should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, I am assuming this is going to be some degree of homicide.

The above does NOT justify the violent burning and looting of a Target and Autozone store. There is ZERO excuse for this type of behavior and every one of the looters who is caught should also be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And on top of that, we have the NFL Kneeler with a quote out there fanning the flames - When civility leads to death, revolting is the only logical reaction' IN my opinion, this is just another part of the problem. He is NOT part of the solution. The solution is to let justice take its course, these officers will be prosecuted and I believe convicted of their wrongdoing. IF (and I think they look like it) they are guilty, they will be found guilty. There is no justification to burn down random big box stores and general violence. Ridiculous and why all of a sudden is there a riot in LA?

And on a side note the "upstanding citizen" who tried to rob a pawn shop at gunpoint in Minneapolis, dead on arrival, business owner defended himself, shot attacker dead. This is sad, but I am glad the business owner is the one who survived. The attacker, Good Riddance.

Hopefully there are arrests made soon. It is incomprehensible that has not already happened. I fully support a complete investigation but if anyone else in society had conducted themselves like this cop and murdered someone on a public street, they would be sitting in jail. Imagine the mindset of person who would do not only do this but do it in public in front of witnesses while being videotaped. That's a scary person to be armed and in a position of authority. He is going to be an unpopular guy in prison.[/QUOTE

Couldn't agree more, the murderer should have been arrested and the complicit cops who stood by and watched their fellow officer kill a man in cold blood should be prosecuted as accessories to murder.
I will reiterate that the conduct of these police officers was immoral, reprehensible and I am assuming illegal pending charges and I believe that illegal behavior should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, I am assuming this is going to be some degree of homicide.

The above does NOT justify the violent burning and looting of a Target and Autozone store. There is ZERO excuse for this type of behavior and every one of the looters who is caught should also be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And on top of that, we have the NFL Kneeler with a quote out there fanning the flames - When civility leads to death, revolting is the only logical reaction' IN my opinion, this is just another part of the problem. He is NOT part of the solution. The solution is to let justice take its course, these officers will be prosecuted and I believe convicted of their wrongdoing. IF (and I think they look like it) they are guilty, they will be found guilty. There is no justification to burn down random big box stores and general violence. Ridiculous and why all of a sudden is there a riot in LA?

And on a side note the "upstanding citizen" who tried to rob a pawn shop at gunpoint in Minneapolis, dead on arrival, business owner defended himself, shot attacker dead. This is sad, but I am glad the business owner is the one who survived. The attacker, Good Riddance.

Is anyone on this forum justifying the rioting and looting?
Is anyone on this forum justifying the rioting and looting?

Rich, I am posting this as a statement. Where did I accuse anyone on here? Additionally, I wholeheartedly agree with the notion to prosecute the guilty? What are you reading that I am not? I am slightly confused here.

As far as I am concerned, I am no nonsense very black and white guy - if you do the crime, you suffer the consequences, I honestly don't give a flying F about excuses, there aren't any in this case on the multiple crimes. Police - some form of homicide. Rioters - multiple charges apply. Dead Attacker - Justifiable homicide. I don't think it gets any simpler than that.

Rich, I am posting this as a statement. Where did I accuse anyone on here? Additionally, I wholeheartedly agree with the notion to prosecute the guilty? What are you reading that I am not? I am slightly confused here.

As far as I am concerned, I am no nonsense very black and white guy - if you do the crime, you suffer the consequences, I honestly don't give a flying F about excuses, there aren't any in this case on the multiple crimes. Police - some form of homicide. Rioters - multiple charges apply. Dead Attacker - Justifiable homicide. I don't think it gets any simpler than that.

Didn't say you accused anyone but I think all on the forum would have the same feeling so are you preaching to the choir?
Couldn't agree more, the murderer should have been arrested and the complicit cops who stood by and watched their fellow officer kill a man in cold blood should be prosecuted as accessories to murder.

The inside of a jail is too good for these murderers.
The inside of a jail is too good for these murderers.

I agree......the murderer should get life without parole but probably won't last in prison anyway unless he is in solitary confinement. The other sociopaths who stood by and watched should get a minimum of 5 to 10 years but I will let the lawyers on this forum chime in.

What I am really waiting to see is how the police union handles this. Its their chance to show their members and the community that this behavior will never be tolerated and there are no extenuating circumstances to justify this outright murder.
The Boston Marathon has been a tradition in Boston for 124 years; for it's entire history, it's never been canceled, was held during both WWI and WWII.

Today it was announced it's now canceled, it's usually run in the Spring, it was postponed until September, but today the mayor announced it's now canceled.

Oh gee, FEAR wins out again!!…………………..nothing to see here, **** tons of runners breathing heavily while running, thousands of spectators lining the streets breathing in all those virus particles, not to mention all the runners...…………….oh sure, they should have had it anyway.

Right, sure they should have.

I watched a video today of how you catch this virus via airborne transmission; sorry, but anyone standing less than 6 feet apart talking to another person without wearing a mask has a screw loose.

You are playing with fire by not wearing a mask in public.

Gods speed to anyone who doesn't.

I'm wearing one everywhere I go until the infection rate is 0.0%; if that is from now until my time on this side of the grass is up, then so be it.
Hopefully there are arrests made soon. It is incomprehensible that has not already happened. I fully support a complete investigation but if anyone else in society had conducted themselves like this cop and murdered someone on a public street, they would be sitting in jail. Imagine the mindset of person who would do not only do this but do it in public in front of witnesses while being videotaped. That's a scary person to be armed and in a position of authority. He is going to be an unpopular guy in prison.[/QUOTE

Couldn't agree more, the murderer should have been arrested and the complicit cops who stood by and watched their fellow officer kill a man in cold blood should be prosecuted as accessories to murder.

The cop who killed the guy should be tried for excessive violence, manslaughter, etc, but his fellow officers prosecuted as accessories to murder sounds a bit heavy handed.
Didn't say you accused anyone but I think all on the forum would have the same feeling so are you preaching to the choir?

Rich, sometimes it is good to preach to the choir, I am glad we are united on this front. It feels good to agree!

At the end of the day, the facts need to come out although I am pretty sure we know what they are and justice should be served. I think it is not a bad thing for groups to be united on beliefs, it is far too seldom these days that we are!

Only if you use their data. They were highly selective in using certain data from The Global Burden of Disease

They failed to mention heart disease, stroke, cancer, dementia etc in their graphics.

Cardiovascular diseases 17.78m and cancer 9.6m,)


True, they have Not included some of those major killers that are mostly due to Life Style choices, and are Not contagious.

However did you note on that (ongoing) graph that Covid19 recently Passed the Malaria Death Rate by 50,000, and is still climbing. Malaria kills Far more people each year than Influenza.

And Unlike Cancer and Heart attack mentioned above, Malaria is caused by a Pathogen. We know a great deal about Malaria, we can control its vector (Mosquitos) and have actual treatment for the disease and can even cure it. However it remained the number one Pathogen killer....until recently.

We dont know much about Covid19, it's a new to Human Virus for which there is No Cure or Effective treatment if you are badly affected by it, apart from keeping you breathing on a ventilator and hoping you recover, which is a slim chance BTW.

That is why Covid19 should be taken Seriously, and Not used as yet another vehicle for Personal opinions, be they Political or Not.
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