COVID the 3rd (1 Viewer)

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I dont know if this is global but Facebook Australia are removing posts etc containing misinformation about Covid19.

The backlash and bad publicity may prove costly to some, especially celebrities like this guy.

I am sort of laughing b/c Facebook is one large misinformation system. I am not a fan nor user nor ever want to be. Just no point IMO of putting all that personal info out there. Holy smokes, talk about the pied piper and the lemmings.

I am sort of laughing b/c Facebook is one large misinformation system. I am not a fan nor user nor ever want to be. Just no point IMO of putting all that personal info out there. Holy smokes, talk about the pied piper and the lemmings.


My Facebook membership is on a 'Friends' only setting and I find it very useful in keeping contact with friends and relatives. Facebook is like any other social media networking system, it contains good information and some misinformation. The trick is to learn to make a wise choice between them, which sadly is getting more difficult for some members of society as Science becomes less relevant.

I didn't know that FB was the foremost experts on the virus and know what's false and what's true. :rolleyes2:

I'm not a Facebook Fanboy but where does it say Facebook claimed to be the foremost experts on the virus, maybe they just pay attention to what the experts tell them. Time will tell on that, but it's a good start imo, maybe not so popular with conspiracy theorists.
I'm not a Facebook Fanboy but where does it say Facebook claimed to be the foremost experts on the virus, maybe they just pay attention to what the experts tell them. Time will tell on that, but it's a good start imo, maybe not so popular with conspiracy theorists.

This is not even a debate, Facebook is an expert on nothing at all, zip, zilch, nothing. And no, they are doing nothing for the good of anyone other than Mark Zuckerberg. Take the time and research the guy, he is not an Angel, Saint or anything of the like. And for me, when I want to keep in touch with someone, I use my verbal skills, pick up the telephone and catch up. I find it much more personal than a half assss well wish that takes 5 secs on facebook. That is just me, but I am finding more people both older and younger who are not so enamored with Facebook any longer. As I said before, I view Zuckerberg as a Pied Piper who has convinced a whole lot of lemmings that he is relevant and that what is posted on his site means anything at the end of the day. I could go on for some time on Zuckerberg and his ilk, but to me all of that is a fantasy world, doesn't affect my day or sphere one iota. It is real easy to ignore over the years and I don't feel I have missed a thing and I am only 47, so about the middle of the road in the age brackets.

This is not even a debate, Facebook is an expert on nothing at all, zip, zilch, nothing. And no, they are doing nothing for the good of anyone other than Mark Zuckerberg. Take the time and research the guy, he is not an Angel, Saint or anything of the like. And for me, when I want to keep in touch with someone, I use my verbal skills, pick up the telephone and catch up. I find it much more personal than a half assss well wish that takes 5 secs on facebook. That is just me, but I am finding more people both older and younger who are not so enamored with Facebook any longer. As I said before, I view Zuckerberg as a Pied Piper who has convinced a whole lot of lemmings that he is relevant and that what is posted on his site means anything at the end of the day. I could go on for some time on Zuckerberg and his ilk, but to me all of that is a fantasy world, doesn't affect my day or sphere one iota. It is real easy to ignore over the years and I don't feel I have missed a thing and I am only 47, so about the middle of the road in the age brackets.


It's not a debate, it's just opinions.

There's always going to be people that think the worst of things and that everyone's out to get them.

They're called Fanatics, Conspiracy Theorists, or just plain Nut-jobs.
It's not a debate, it's just opinions.

There's always going to be people that think the worst of things and that everyone's out to get them.

They're called Fanatics, Conspiracy Theorists, or just plain Nut-jobs.

Really not sure what you are going on about. I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am about as black and white kind of a person as you can get and my opinion is pretty straight forward, I don't leave much to interpretation. And actually on this one I am pretty mainstream. It seems your posts continually look to pick a fight on issues that honestly really don't matter or you are constantly looking to call out right wingers, etc. or whatever political term you want to use. It might surprise you that most Americans whether they are Republican or Democrat are pretty much moderates and agree a whole lot more than they don't. Now, our National Press may steer you to believe otherwise, but in the "real" world, most of us agree on a whole lot in concept. I work and live with folks who come from all different viewpoints, but as I said, more common ground than not. And to return to your posts about Facebook, I would not call it a "way of life" for most Americans. The fad is passing, it is kind of old hat so to say and the owner is not exactly the most well liked guy in the US. IMO, Facebook thinks and acts as if they are a whole lot more important than they are. The fact is they just aren't.

As with anything, the Sun will come up tomorrow just as it has every other day I have been on this Earth whether Facebook is here or not.

This is not even a debate, Facebook is an expert on nothing at all, zip, zilch, nothing. And no, they are doing nothing for the good of anyone other than Mark Zuckerberg. Take the time and research the guy, he is not an Angel, Saint or anything of the like. And for me, when I want to keep in touch with someone, I use my verbal skills, pick up the telephone and catch up. I find it much more personal than a half assss well wish that takes 5 secs on facebook. That is just me, but I am finding more people both older and younger who are not so enamored with Facebook any longer. As I said before, I view Zuckerberg as a Pied Piper who has convinced a whole lot of lemmings that he is relevant and that what is posted on his site means anything at the end of the day. I could go on for some time on Zuckerberg and his ilk, but to me all of that is a fantasy world, doesn't affect my day or sphere one iota. It is real easy to ignore over the years and I don't feel I have missed a thing and I am only 47, so about the middle of the road in the age brackets.


Technology almost always has both benefits and risks. The bigger issue is how we educate people about the uses of technology. After the Dotcom boom of the early 2000's the volunteer teaching organizations I worked with started a campaign to teach young students how to use the internet and social media. Unfortunately there are so many ignorant people who do act like "lemmings" and follow blindly what they read or see in the media and the social network.

I have used FB to reunite with old friends, join groups that share my particular interests and go down memory lane with posts on my old neighborhood, summer camps, High School and College. I have reunited with old friends and networked with them to help family members and share relevant information. For example I had no contact with my best friend from summer camp between the ages of 8 and 15. We contacted each other through FB and I found out that he is a famous writer of crime novels and a professor of literature. We have met for lunch close to a dozen times and shared both memories and fascinating stories of our lives. But I do not follow conspiracy theories, crazy posts and comments. Its all how you use the technology. Just like the press and cable news, I go in with skepticism and the realization of their implicit biases. I don't ignore the media but I look at multiple sources and try to verify through research. I weed out the pundits and blatant conspiracy theorists and try to listen to as many sides of the argument as possible.

I would be careful not to "throw out the baby with the bath water" in regards to FB and social media. There is enjoyment for many and learning if you are selective and discerning.
I am open eyed on the dangers, the ultimate profit motives and manipulations.
My son is an executive at Microsoft in their search marketing division and I know quite a bit about the "tricks of the trade". So be cautious and critical but if you can find enjoyment or learning you should be able to navigate its pluses and minuses. Just my opinion......
Really not sure what you are going on about. I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am about as black and white kind of a person as you can get and my opinion is pretty straight forward, I don't leave much to interpretation. And actually on this one I am pretty mainstream. It seems your posts continually look to pick a fight on issues that honestly really don't matter or you are constantly looking to call out right wingers, etc. or whatever political term you want to use. It might surprise you that most Americans whether they are Republican or Democrat are pretty much moderates and agree a whole lot more than they don't. Now, our National Press may steer you to believe otherwise, but in the "real" world, most of us agree on a whole lot in concept. I work and live with folks who come from all different viewpoints, but as I said, more common ground than not. And to return to your posts about Facebook, I would not call it a "way of life" for most Americans. The fad is passing, it is kind of old hat so to say and the owner is not exactly the most well liked guy in the US. IMO, Facebook thinks and acts as if they are a whole lot more important than they are. The fact is they just aren't.

As with anything, the Sun will come up tomorrow just as it has every other day I have been on this Earth whether Facebook is here or not.



I've only been on Facebook for a few years and well aware that most people have moved on from it, as my sons (30 and 28) often remind me in jest. Most of my Facebook friends are relatives over 50 or High School friends. I know Mark Zuckerberg uses Facebook for less than honourable reasons, same could be said for Elon Musk etc, they are what they are.

No I'm not out to pick a fight with you or anyone else for that matter. Humans globally are mostly middle of the road, be they Americans, Aussies, Russians or Chinese. It's our Leaders and Governments that stir up the minor differences. I'm a 62 year old guy, that some find too Loud and too Extraverted, I'm Quick Witted and have a Wacky sense of Humour as well, but most people get used to me in time. Believe it or not I rarely get upset with people that don't agree with me. Everyone has their own opinion so why would any thinking person be surprised when someone doesn't agree.

However I have ZERO tolerance for people that try to undermine the fight against Covid19, I'm pretty Black and White on that subject as you may have noticed.

I've only been on Facebook for a few years and well aware that most people have moved on from it, as my sons (30 and 28) often remind me in jest. Most of my Facebook friends are relatives over 50 or High School friends. I know Mark Zuckerberg uses Facebook for less than honourable reasons, same could be said for Elon Musk etc, they are what they are.

No I'm not out to pick a fight with you or anyone else for that matter. Humans globally are mostly middle of the road, be they Americans, Aussies, Russians or Chinese. It's our Leaders and Governments that stir up the minor differences. I'm a 62 year old guy, that some find too Loud and too Extraverted, I'm Quick Witted and have a Wacky sense of Humour as well, but most people get used to me in time. Believe it or not I rarely get upset with people that don't agree with me. Everyone has their own opinion so why would any thinking person be surprised when someone doesn't agree.

However I have ZERO tolerance for people that try to undermine the fight against Covid19, I'm pretty Black and White on that subject as you may have noticed.

Respect that. And listen, I get it as Rich reminded me of his recent post about why some use facebook, I get that part. What I don't get is that there are still some who look like the bully ate their lunch when they are without access for 5 minutes, I just don't get that. There are also some who are "famous" b/c of their use of facebook, talk about mind blowing, I consider myself intelligent (and I am sure arrogant on a number of points) , but my God, how does one become famous and respected through their use of facebook, that is where it jumps the shark for me.

Anyhow, my point on COVID has always been there was a failure top to bottom, some more vocal than others, but I just have a hard time laying blame one one or 2,e tc. As I said, if there was a genius in the bunch, we wouldn't be in this mess!

But again, I get it, but I will say, I don't think there is anyone on this board really trying to undermine the COVID fight, I think there are folks who have questions b/c of the mass confusion and the seemingly unending fight regardless of methods deployed against this disease.

Actually, case in point, my wife is a financial director of her Company, so she has been essential with an open office (they are private but have some essential services, etc), anyhow, she is the only one in her sphere, yet on Monday, someone who is in the office very rarely tested Positive and was in my wife's doorway a day before, but over 10 feet way, needless to say, ran to get the rapid test, then the regular test, NOt positive which is a good thing, but GD it , talk about taking all the care you can and still have that scare. Infuriating honestly.

So regarding facebook, my comments are not about your use, etc, they were more in general.

Technology almost always has both benefits and risks. The bigger issue is how we educate people about the uses of technology. After the Dotcom boom of the early 2000's the volunteer teaching organizations I worked with started a campaign to teach young students how to use the internet and social media. Unfortunately there are so many ignorant people who do act like "lemmings" and follow blindly what they read or see in the media and the social network.

I have used FB to reunite with old friends, join groups that share my particular interests and go down memory lane with posts on my old neighborhood, summer camps, High School and College. I have reunited with old friends and networked with them to help family members and share relevant information. For example I had no contact with my best friend from summer camp between the ages of 8 and 15. We contacted each other through FB and I found out that he is a famous writer of crime novels and a professor of literature. We have met for lunch close to a dozen times and shared both memories and fascinating stories of our lives. But I do not follow conspiracy theories, crazy posts and comments. Its all how you use the technology. Just like the press and cable news, I go in with skepticism and the realization of their implicit biases. I don't ignore the media but I look at multiple sources and try to verify through research. I weed out the pundits and blatant conspiracy theorists and try to listen to as many sides of the argument as possible.

I would be careful not to "throw out the baby with the bath water" in regards to FB and social media. There is enjoyment for many and learning if you are selective and discerning.
I am open eyed on the dangers, the ultimate profit motives and manipulations.
My son is an executive at Microsoft in their search marketing division and I know quite a bit about the "tricks of the trade". So be cautious and critical but if you can find enjoyment or learning you should be able to navigate its pluses and minuses. Just my opinion......

Good points, but more importantly who is your friend who is the crime author????? I read a crap ton and wonder if it is someone I read or should be!
I'm not a Facebook Fanboy but where does it say Facebook claimed to be the foremost experts on the virus, maybe they just pay attention to what the experts tell them. Time will tell on that, but it's a good start imo, maybe not so popular with conspiracy theorists.

But there are many experts, many brilliant doctors who have different opinions. Once something becomes mainstream anybody who thinks differently becomes an outcast. Many thought the pyramids were the oldest structures in the world and anybody who thought differently was laughed at, at least until Gobekli Tepe was found. Now they have found many sites older. Just because you or I believe may believe different doctors with different opinions doesn't make either of us totally right or totally wrong, time may tell who is more correct but you have to keep a open mind in these things. Many think Fauci is a god but he never found a vaccine for Aids it did he. You probably think I don't think highly of Fauci and I don't. He has really done nothing except telling people to wear a mask (after he lied about it} and to social distance. It's the doctors in the trenches I listen to. Oh yeah I heard Dr. Birx was caught with her family (no mask :rolleyes:) after telling everyone else to distance. Surprise surprise another hypocrite bites the dust.
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I'm not a Facebook Fanboy but where does it say Facebook claimed to be the foremost experts on the virus, maybe they just pay attention to what the experts tell them. Time will tell on that, but it's a good start imo, maybe not so popular with conspiracy theorists.
No proof that their "experts" are correct. FB has an agenda and needs to be put in their place. They should relocate to China. Their thinking is similar. One more thing Matt. I love Ancient Aliens !^&grin
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No proof that their "experts" are correct. FB has an agenda and needs to be put in their place. They should relocate to China. Their thinking is similar. One more thing Matt. I like Ancient Aliens !^&grin

The Ancient Aliens thing comes as no surprise Mark ^&grin :wink2:
Anyway I'm sure the Aliens will contact us Aussies first as we're actually near the top of the planet as far as they're concerned :wink2:

Recent Alien Message received in Parkes, New South Wales.

The message is from our closest Star (apart from the Sun) Proxima Centauri which is a Faint Red Dwarf that is part of the Alpha/Beta Centauri Star System. This system is the Lower Pointer Star in the Crux Constellation, better known as the Southern Cross. As they are on our flag, it seemed the right thing to do was contact us first.
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No disrespect intended, but after the Cambridge Analytica data scandal back in 2018 in-which Facebook was totally complicit I'm surprised anyone still uses the social media site.

Zuckerberg and his masters have much to answer for.
There's a lot of figure groups on FB and I enjoy going there to see the work of so many talented people. That's why I originally joined.
But there are many experts, many brilliant doctors who have different opinions. Once something becomes mainstream anybody who thinks differently becomes an outcast. Many thought the pyramids were the oldest structures in the world and anybody who thought differently was laughed at, at least until Gobekli Tepe was found. Now they have found many sites older. Just because you or I believe may believe different doctors with different opinions doesn't make either of us totally right or totally wrong, time may tell who is more correct but you have to keep a open mind in these things. Many think Fauci is a god but he never found a vaccine for Aids it did he. You probably think I don't think highly of Fauci and I don't. He has really done nothing except telling people to wear a mask (after he lied about it} and to social distance. It's the doctors in the trenches I listen to. Oh yeah I heard Dr. Birx was caught with her family (no mask :rolleyes:) after telling everyone else to distance. Surprise surprise another hypocrite bites the dust.

Mark, as you correctly point out Dr Fauci is a master at playing both ends of the field and a man wearing two masks. If you look at his rise through the ranks as far back as the 80's you'd have to question his loyalties.

What is interesting is a lot of these so called experts haven't actually practised medicine in years and have managed to work themselves into some very influential positions. I'm with you when it comes to listening to those on the front line.....
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