I've only been on Facebook for a few years and well aware that most people have moved on from it, as my sons (30 and 28) often remind me in jest. Most of my Facebook friends are relatives over 50 or High School friends. I know Mark Zuckerberg uses Facebook for less than honourable reasons, same could be said for Elon Musk etc, they are what they are.
No I'm not out to pick a fight with you or anyone else for that matter. Humans globally are mostly middle of the road, be they Americans, Aussies, Russians or Chinese. It's our Leaders and Governments that stir up the minor differences. I'm a 62 year old guy, that some find too Loud and too Extraverted, I'm Quick Witted and have a Wacky sense of Humour as well, but most people get used to me in time. Believe it or not I rarely get upset with people that don't agree with me. Everyone has their own opinion so why would any thinking person be surprised when someone doesn't agree.
However I have ZERO tolerance for people that try to undermine the fight against Covid19, I'm pretty Black and White on that subject as you may have noticed.
Respect that. And listen, I get it as Rich reminded me of his recent post about why some use facebook, I get that part. What I don't get is that there are still some who look like the bully ate their lunch when they are without access for 5 minutes, I just don't get that. There are also some who are "famous" b/c of their use of facebook, talk about mind blowing, I consider myself intelligent (and I am sure arrogant on a number of points) , but my God, how does one become famous and respected through their use of facebook, that is where it jumps the shark for me.
Anyhow, my point on COVID has always been there was a failure top to bottom, some more vocal than others, but I just have a hard time laying blame one one or 2,e tc. As I said, if there was a genius in the bunch, we wouldn't be in this mess!
But again, I get it, but I will say, I don't think there is anyone on this board really trying to undermine the COVID fight, I think there are folks who have questions b/c of the mass confusion and the seemingly unending fight regardless of methods deployed against this disease.
Actually, case in point, my wife is a financial director of her Company, so she has been essential with an open office (they are private but have some essential services, etc), anyhow, she is the only one in her sphere, yet on Monday, someone who is in the office very rarely tested Positive and was in my wife's doorway a day before, but over 10 feet way, needless to say, ran to get the rapid test, then the regular test, NOt positive which is a good thing, but GD it , talk about taking all the care you can and still have that scare. Infuriating honestly.
So regarding facebook, my comments are not about your use, etc, they were more in general.