COVID the 3rd (3 Viewers)

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Thank goodness for dedicated public servants like Dr. Fauci. His voice is one of the few I trust.

I can’t remember if I posted this article but it’s worth a read.

How Anthony Fauci Became America’s Doctor

Fauci is a complete fraud. A publicity seeking bureaucrat that takes every side of every issue. The history books will deem his efforts during this pandemic as those of an incompetent. Beginning with his opposition to masks, and continuing to his criticism that the UK had approved the Pfizer vaccine. It would be difficult to conceive of a more incompetent person.
Merry Christmas all

Here’s some more very good video and article links on the Covid-19 issue.

Great article on how Covid-19 has affected people’s lives

Inflated deaths from Covid-19 in Minnesota

US Doctor targeted by Oregon Health Bureaucrats because he has revealed the truth

Award winning Scientist speaking out against Covid-19 vaccines

Side effects to some people from the Covid-19 vaccine

Details about why an Australian vaccine was cancelled

Powerful video on how humanity has lost it’s way in looking after ourselves

The link title says it all but very good article

Very good article in how we are approaching Covid-19

Good video/article on the inaccuracies of the PCR tests used for Covid-19 testing, which in turn creates the cases and allows Governments to shutdown states and countries

Doctor speaks about the benefits of Vitamin D against Covid-19

There is a story on the MSN home page with this headline; "The Chinese economy is expected to surpass that of the U.S. in 2028 - five years earlier than previously forecast - following fallout over the coronavirus pandemic, according to an analysis released Saturday.".................

Isn't that wonderful..............nothing more about the "pandemic" needs to be said.

Other than "mission accomplished"...............

I'm sure our 'friends' up north are thoroughly enjoying seeing the 'west' struggle with Covid and are set to take full advantage......
The following links will be helpful in understanding, and assist dealing with, friends and family members that have fallen victim to the variety of Conspiracy Theories.

It is very considerate of you to post your multiple links to conspiracy theories and how to assist with dealing them. 5 links to the ABC, one to the Conversation (more to the left than the ABC I believe) and one from "Climate Change communication" with a handbook on Conspiracy theories. Certainly not articles I would ever have come across. One might even get the feeling that if somebody does not agree with what you post you must be a right wing conspiracy nut.

I used to watch a lot of ABC programmes such as Insiders, the Drum and Q&A. Gave up years ago as the left wing bias became so predictable you would know which way a discussion would go once you saw who the panellists would be or the topic to be discussed.

As far as I am aware none of my family or friends have fallen victim to the variety of conspiracy theories but very kind of you to provide links just in case. If anything I find the problem today is that most people aren't aware of the main issues of the day and as a result easily influenced by the 10 second soundbite especially chosen for the news.
It is very considerate of you to post your multiple links to conspiracy theories and how to assist with dealing them. 5 links to the ABC, one to the Conversation (more to the left than the ABC I believe) and one from "Climate Change communication" with a handbook on Conspiracy theories. Certainly not articles I would ever have come across. One might even get the feeling that if somebody does not agree with what you post you must be a right wing conspiracy nut.

I used to watch a lot of ABC programmes such as Insiders, the Drum and Q&A. Gave up years ago as the left wing bias became so predictable you would know which way a discussion would go once you saw who the panellists would be or the topic to be discussed.

As far as I am aware none of my family or friends have fallen victim to the variety of conspiracy theories but very kind of you to provide links just in case. If anything I find the problem today is that most people aren't aware of the main issues of the day and as a result easily influenced by the 10 second soundbite especially chosen for the news.

I agree that the ABC etc does have elements of bias as does most main stream media.

However the content was clearly more reliable than links provided by some other members.

Why didn't you comment on those links? One might get the impression that you agree.
Climate change is like anything else you can twist the narrative to suit your agenda. The climate has always changed ,always will. U S emissions was down lower than been in years. Lower than the Europe. You saw what happened in France this year and that's what's going to happen globally if these climate nuts continue their present course.
General comment - as I have said many times in the past, the Press is very biased on all sides, every article today has an agenda, it is very very very hard to find an actual factually based article that is of great use. They are out there, but they are few and far between. I don't put a lot of stock in any of that. I tend to observe what is truly happening and react accordingly.

As for conspiracy theories, I would say as with anything else and this applies fairly universal, there is one side, there is the other side and somewhere in the middle is the actual truth. Funny how it always works out that way.

My Godson who is an infectious disease doctor and researcher at Yale has the highest regard for Dr. Fauci, a man who has dedicated his life work to medicine and public health.

I also read that what most people do not understand is that without Fauci's pioneering research on AIDS (and the funding he received by challenging Reagan and his administration's initial response to the AIDS crisis) we would not be able to create the vaccines as quickly as we are.
I also read that what most people do not understand is that without Fauci's pioneering research on AIDS (and the funding he received by challenging Reagan and his administration's initial response to the AIDS crisis) we would not be able to create the vaccines as quickly as we are.

The New Yorker article I posted the other day talks about his work on AIDS. Initially, he and AIDS activists didn’t see eye to eye but that changed over time.
General comment - as I have said many times in the past, the Press is very biased on all sides, every article today has an agenda, it is very very very hard to find an actual factually based article that is of great use. They are out there, but they are few and far between. I don't put a lot of stock in any of that. I tend to observe what is truly happening and react accordingly.

As for conspiracy theories, I would say as with anything else and this applies fairly universal, there is one side, there is the other side and somewhere in the middle is the actual truth. Funny how it always works out that way.


This reminds of the oft discussed golden mean of the ancient Greek philosophers, a premise that actually preceded them, but in this case extended beyond the realm of human behavior and into that of truth finding.

Link to Australian Bureau of Meteorology with statistical proof of climate change in Australia and Globally.

Matt, have you ever read anything by Dr Tim Ball (PHD) on Climate Change, if not I’d highly recommend you do.

His book ‘the deliberate corruption of climate science’ is a fascinating read.

He's a highly qualified experienced academic with an expertise in historical climatology.

He is one of many in his field speaking out about the distortion of climate science.

Really,.....the likes of ABC and the BBC are now producing and releasing clips to teach you how to manage friends and family who may disagree with you or express alternative views or raise concerns about the current crisis……Wow that would almost be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech and learning to live with others.

For some reason Geroge Orwells ‘1984’ springs to mind…….
However the content was clearly more reliable than links provided by some other members.

Why didn't you comment on those links? One might get the impression that you agree.

I am presuming you are referring to TomNT's links. I did click on a few but avoided pretty much all the ones referring to the vaccine. Regarding the vaccine you could spend your whole day clicking on such links and my mind is not going to change. My view is we are lucky other countries need it more than us and as a result am more than happy to wait until my turn whenever that may be. I won't be lining up to get it at the first available opportunity and no problem if it means being one of the last ones. Might be different if I was in UK / USA but simple fact is we are not.

I clicked on Tom's link to how Covid is counted in MN and it is a factual account of how the deaths are distorted and refers to a survey of actual death certificates. I gave an earlier example in Colorado where death by bullet counted as Covid. So when people refer to nearly 300,000 Covid deaths in USA I actually wonder what the true number is. Then I look at the average age of those dyng and their comorbidities etc. Same applies to VIC deaths. Not saying it is a minor virus but the way statistics have been handled has added to the fear and heavy lockdowns etc.

I also clicked on the link about the Dr being "persecuted" by local health for telling the truth. Very obviously he is a well known anti vaxxer in general so don't agree with that link. I am not anti vax.

There was another clip which showed a bunch of Dr's telling their own experiences and all seemed to have plenty of frontline medical experience. Can't say I had any issues with what they were saying. One did mention his positive use of HCQ. Don't recall noting date of when clip made. Can't remember how I came across it but saw an article about use of HCQ (plus other drugs) on the web page of the Ford Medical Foundation in Michigan. Seems they operate several hospitals and had used HCQ with positive results if used early. They emphasised recommended use only in hospital setting so could be closely monitored. Their experience was better to take take it than not and most patients were older. Report was in July. Things may have changed since then but they were going on best results at that time.

Have even seen a quote very early on in the virus from Fauci where he said lockdowns not the way to go in handling virus.

So it is not all that black and white.
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