COVID the 3rd (2 Viewers)

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The man has dedicated his life to science and climatology and can back his claims with pages of references using the exact same statistics the like's of the IPCC and media choose to distort and manipulate for political purposes.

He's also a passionate environmentalist, chaired countless commissions about climate and been repeatedly called upon as a climate expert in a raft of inquiries, so hardly some back yard bush scientist whose never conducted any scientific research.

Judging by your post I'm picking all you've done is Googled the incredibly inaccurate Wikipedia to form and post your opinions.

Regarding Tim Ball, a man now in his 80's that gained his qualifications in geography doesn't impress me as someone that would have much insight into the highly specialised field of Meteorological Science.

He represents himself as a climate expert but doesn't provide any scientific evidence of his own. He just confuses the issue with nonsensical claims such as humans are part of the environment and therefore human activity cannot be held responsible for temperature increases. The only times I have seen him talk is in front of like minded Climate Change Deniers, and usually those meetings are sponsored by oil companies or similar.
Hi all

Here’s some more very good video and article links on the Covid-19 issue.

This video is very alarming

P.S. I just noticed that many links in my original post a while back do not work (first post in this thread). This is unfortunate as they reveal very good info on the Covid-19 issue. The links do work when I have opened them on my phone and opening on my laptop using windows and google. Friends that have received the links from me via text and FB Messenger have been able to open on their phones without any issues. It could be some sort of censorship that is causing the issue but it also could be something to do with Treefrog’s IT. I'm not blaming TF as they provide an excellent platform for people to post content, air their views and have it moderated so things don't get out of hand. I will try and check all links from now on to confirm that they will work on here.


The above links all opened ok for me Tom. No Scientific sourced facts, just the usual opinions of disgruntled individuals. I guess we'll have to wait and see if there's some sort of censorship.
I think you are on a crusade in this thread. Easy to see that you have no interest in and are irritated by posts that do not agree with your facts. You go out of your way to dispute things that could easily be ignored and feel the need to fact check and correct and make holier than thou comments.

Post 658 “Nothing personal Tom, however I do have issues with Anyone that continues to post misleading and potentially dangerous assertions.” and in Post 660 “Fine, feel free to continue your life decisions that suit your point of view. However please be mindful how your actions may affect the more vulnerable people on this forum and society in general”. I am sure TomD is grateful for your advice on how to run his life.

I wont reference them but your devotion to duty in relation to clicking on all TomNT’s links and fact checking them is admirable (ie. “I read the articles and watched all the videos”). A few others have commented on some of the links but you go way beyond that. I think we are all educated adults here and can easily decide if we want to click on Tom’s links and if we do make up ou own minds.

On 28 NOV post 703 you posted “Here we are, over 700 posts on the Third thread of Covid19 and I can't see anyone changing their opinion whatever evidence is produced. Personally I can't see any point in continuing this discussion as all the thread seems to do is increase disharmony on the forum”. Then at post 711 “I will continue to post on the thread and hope that members with 'alternate' views will give more consideration to what they post in future”. Ah yes the pesky alternate views. Well you have you have certainly continued the discussion and have pretty much dominated the thread with your never ending efforts to correct others. Note your comment about disharmony as somewhat ironic when you look at the arguments in this thread in past month.

I found the posts 852 to 861 of interest. Damian, who according to Jazzeum, is an actual Dr expressed some, IMHO, sensible views, possibly based on some personal experience. It was no surprise to see it was you and Jazzeum who respectively said amongst other things “Exaggerations and falsehoods aren't necessary” and “I’m surprised at your attitude, especially you being a doctor. …… Good to know you feel about other people”. Yes, better shut down the actual Dr’s opinion, what would he know. Shut down enough Dr’s and you only get one view at the end as they know not to put their heads up.

Your post 991 “However I have ZERO tolerance for people that try to undermine the fight against Covid19, I'm pretty Black and White on that subject as you may have noticed”. Basically anybody who disagrees with you must be undermining the fight based on how you respond in this thread. You know best after all.

Post 1025 “Covid19 has affected everyone this year, especially those people that are alone and frightened, or had previous existing issues, mental or otherwise. The following links will be helpful in understanding, and assist dealing with, friends and family members that have fallen victim to the variety of Conspiracy Theories” followed by a link to The Conspiracy Theory Handbook. Same type as your post 719 “The following links may be of assistance to members. Confirmation Bias”. Your concern for the “victims” is commendable but also condescending.

Followed by 1043 to Toddy “ it as sad as those people that won't change their minds no matter how many facts are provided to the contrary? In any case, the links weren't for you and a few others here, I posted them for forum members that may be having problems dealing with these issues. Maybe you haven't noticed that very few people now comment on what you and the usual suspects post. They have become so angry they no longer read them or respond”. I am just wondering how you did a fact check on nobody reading Toddy’s comments and don’t see any signs of anybody being angry. I can see somebody who cant let any comment go unanswered and thinks he is right on every issue.

Then I made my post 1045 with comments from AIER. I mentioned interesting Singaporean Covid stats which showed a very low death and hospitalisation rate out of over 150,000 infected people. Plus some comments about Fauci saying would be no lockdowns in USA and getting his numbers wrong. I ended my post with Food for thought.

Your reply did not address any of the issues raised but said “The American Institute For Economic Research is partly financed by the Koch Brothers and is responsible for The Great Barrington Declaration. Obviously have their own bias and their prime aim is to maximise profits and don't care how many people die”.

Ah yes, the old “don’t care how many die” angle. Always a useful debating tool like your “Old lives matter” comment and Jazz’s comment to Damian mentioned above.

For the record from Wiki “Over half of AIER's funding comes from its investments, but it also receives contributions and foundation grants. In 2018 it reportedly received US$68,100 from the Charles Koch Foundation, approximately 3% of AIER's revenue for the year. It has partnered with Emergent Order, a public relations company also funded by the Charles Koch Foundation”. 3% in one year does not seem like much but anyway noting your concern.

I guess the Koch connection makes the information from Singapore Ministry of Health not worth considering. Pity, as normally Singaporeans have quite a good reputation for efficiency etc. Or perhaps Fauci did not actually really get his decimal point in the wrong place when addressing Congress (surely that would be annoying for one who is so concerned about the science and statistics) or Neil Ferguson have a reputation for wrong predictions. I guess this is not that important when you consider that Governments used their comments in early March to decide their responses. But as you say dont blame the scientists.

Look at your posts 1052 and 1061 replying to the same Toddy post. You went back for another go 24 hours later !. Now tell us more about disharmony in the thread.

By now it is entirely predictable that only the facts that fit in with your beliefs matter. Tom posts a lot of links but just leaves them there for others to look at if they want to. I ended my post with Food for thought and my theme was if the statistics are not correct then perhaps the lockdowns are not so justifiable. I doubt Tom and I change anybody’s views. They certainly dont change Government policies. Your approach to the thread is very much like your approach to the scale debates. You have to be the arbiter of right and wrong.

Going back to one of Tom’s links about MN and death certificates. Some excerpts I found interesting :

“I have other examples where COVID isn’t the underlying cause of death, where we have a fall. Another example is we have a freshwater drowning. We have dementia. We have a stroke and multiorgan failure,” Franson said in the video.
Jensen pointed out that he gained attention back in April when he criticized the Minnesota Department of Health for following federal guides on recording coronavirus deaths.

“I sort of got myself in hot water way back in April when I made the comment that I was, as a physician, being encouraged to do death certificates differently with COVID-19 than with other disease entities,” Jensen said.
She added that in one case, a person who was ejected from a car was “counted as a COVID death” because the virus was in his system.

“For 17 years, the CDC document that guides us as physicians to do death certificates has stood, but this year, we were told, through the Department of Health and the CDC, that the rules were changing if COVID-19 was involved.”

“If it’s COVID-19, we’re told now it doesn’t matter if it was actually the diagnosis that caused death. If someone had it, they died of it,” he said.

Note the comments are from a physician. How dare he go against the narrative. Lucky he is not posting here as you would no doubt tell him the CDC death stats are correct.

So I would have to disagree with you, as you are on a crusade. How about you lighten up, show a bit more tolerance, stop preaching, and not feel the need to jump in every time somebody posts something you don’t agree with. Just a thought.
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We are discussing a disease caused by a virus, most people would understand that Science would be an important consideration whenever diseases are discussed. We may have different levels of scientific knowledge and of course our own bias and opinions, however that doesn't change the subject matter.

On several occasions over the years you suggested I join a political forum where you are a member. I declined saying one forum was enough for me. The fact that you told me you had received a number of death threats following some heated discussions on that forum confirmed to me that I had made the correct decision.

Now despite the fact this is essentially a science based discussion some members including yourself sometimes seem to be motivated by political views. Politics is a part of normal life, and I don't have a problem with that.

However I believe it isn't unreasonable that actual scientific based links were included in support of members posts rather than missleading pseudoscience. My reasoning for that remains the same. Yes people are dying, and call me sentimental but the less people that die from this pandemic the better, IMHO of course.
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Regarding Tim Ball, a man now in his 80's that gained his qualifications in geography doesn't impress me as someone that would have much insight into the highly specialised field of Meteorological Science.

He represents himself as a climate expert but doesn't provide any scientific evidence of his own. He just confuses the issue with nonsensical claims such as humans are part of the environment and therefore human activity cannot be held responsible for temperature increases. The only times I have seen him talk is in front of like minded Climate Change Deniers, and usually those meetings are sponsored by oil companies or similar.

I get that you’re frustrated, its been a difficult year for everyone. But it saddens me that you feel the need to belittle someone who you clearly know nothing about judging by your posts and what’s with the ageist comment? I thought ‘old lives matter” too?

As Brett, TD and some others have quite rightly pointed out this is a forum where opinions are freely raised and discussed with no malice intended and yet you choose to demean anyone with an opposing view to yours.

There is absolutely nothing straight forward about Covid and that’s evident by the range of comments being expressed here.

How discussing these views and opinions is somehow undermining the fight against Covid or the Climate Change debate is beyond me.

We are discussing a disease caused by a virus, most people would understand that Science would be an important consideration whenever diseases are discussed.

On several occasions over the years you suggested I join a political forum where you are a member. I declined saying one forum was enough for me. The fact that you told me you had received a number of death threats following some heated discussions on that forum confirmed to me that I had made the correct decision.

Now despite the fact this is essentially a science based discussion some members including yourself sometimes seem to be motivated by political views.

Science is an important consideration. Where we differ on this is that I consider many other factors such as the economy, loss of jobs and business's, the delays in other medical treatments, school closures, depression and suicides to name just a few. Only yesterday I read that dementia patients in UK had been experiencing more rapid decline and death in UK due to lack of human interaction. I count them and many other aspects not just the Covid stats. I don't consider it political to think that way or express such views.

Major correction here. The other forum I mentioned has many thousands of members and apart from a few is basically anonymous. The variety of people and topics makes it very interesting. There is very little moderation as it only run by an Economics Uni Proffessor. It discusses many topics including news of the day, economics, history, Covid etc. I mentioned it to you as you seem to like a good discussion. It can get very heated at there are such a variety of members and views. At no point have I received a death threat let alone plural. I have had heated discussions with a couple of guys and one in particular more to do with his bullying nature than his views. Others have run ins with some who have had issues and one recently did make a veiled threat towards blog owner. He was somebody whose issues were plain to see and is no longer a member. It seems you mentioned the so called death threats to somehow suggest my views here are less worthy.

As you have said you are a black and white kind of guy and you have made it obvious that your preference is for the science. I am more of a pragmatic guy and like to consider a bit more when thinking about Covid issues.
I get that you’re frustrated, its been a difficult year for everyone. But it saddens me that you feel the need to belittle someone who you clearly know nothing about judging by your posts and what’s with the ageist comment? I thought ‘old lives matter” too?

As Brett, TD and some others have quite rightly pointed out this is a forum where opinions are freely raised and discussed with no malice intended and yet you choose to demean anyone with an opposing view to yours.

There is absolutely nothing straight forward about Covid and that’s evident by the range of comments being expressed here.

How discussing these views and opinions is somehow undermining the fight against Covid or the Climate Change debate is beyond me.

Yes, I find the use of Pseudo Science very frustrating, particularly when applied to the so called dangers of vaccines, especially when targeted at Asperger's Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorders as those are very relevant to my family. For example I inherited Asperger's from my Father, I'm really good at verbal communication, except for the interrupting issues, but not so good at written communication as I often come across as curt when I don't always mean to be. You only have to check with me for confirmation if you think I'm being overly demeaning or whatever, not often the case I assure you.

People can discuss politics, masks or whatever, those issues don't worry me as much. Other Science issues, especially regarding AS and ASD do actually worry me. I could try not to respond as Brett suggested, but that would be like me trying not to respond to the dozens of earlier Scale threads. Sorry in advance but it's not easy for me Not to comment, Asperger's doesn't help there I tell you.

And I should point out the fact that you and Brett haven't always played nice as well, so there's that. Everyone has the Right of some Free Speech, including myself.
Science is an important consideration. Where we differ on this is that I consider many other factors such as the economy, loss of jobs and business's, the delays in other medical treatments, school closures, depression and suicides to name just a few. Only yesterday I read that dementia patients in UK had been experiencing more rapid decline and death in UK due to lack of human interaction. I count them and many other aspects not just the Covid stats. I don't consider it political to think that way or express such views.

Major correction here. The other forum I mentioned has many thousands of members and apart from a few is basically anonymous. The variety of people and topics makes it very interesting. There is very little moderation as it only run by an Economics Uni Proffessor. It discusses many topics including news of the day, economics, history, Covid etc. I mentioned it to you as you seem to like a good discussion. It can get very heated at there are such a variety of members and views. At no point have I received a death threat let alone plural. I have had heated discussions with a couple of guys and one in particular more to do with his bullying nature than his views. Others have run ins with some who have had issues and one recently did make a veiled threat towards blog owner. He was somebody whose issues were plain to see and is no longer a member. It seems you mentioned the so called death threats to somehow suggest my views here are less worthy.

As you have said you are a black and white kind of guy and you have made it obvious that your preference is for the science. I am more of a pragmatic guy and like to consider a bit more when thinking about Covid issues.

I do like and respect Science, but I also consider the other issues regarding Covid, and as I said before I believe the various Governments have over-reacted occasionally, but sometimes they haven't acted soon enough. I'm not actually convinced about the stats regarding the different ages and who died from what. There's plenty of miss-information amongst the genuine info, it's hard enough for the experts to pick the difference sometimes.

My recollection is that you described the forum as being Political, and I will stand by my claim that there seems to be a lot of Political undertones on this Covid thread, one of TomNT's earlier video links featuring the guy with dyed haired being a good example. However if you say the forum you are on isn't Political, who am I to argue as I've never viewed it, or likely to. Yes I did say I'm Black and White on some subjects, but I do consider myself to be pragmatic.
I don't think you can separate the virus and politics anymore unless something new to comes out about it. I think we are beating a dead horse now. I was sent home today as one of my co-workers tested positive. I haven't been around her since the 22nd but better safe than sorry. I'm scheduled to take a test Thursday and I can't go back to work until I test negative. Thankfully I get paid as long as I'm out. What a way to end the year. {eek3}
OzDigger;906617 My recollection is that you described the forum as being Political said:
Read my post as I did not say it was not political. That forum pretty much allows any topic and politics is obviously one. Because it has members all over the world and Australia from all walks of life it is a good source of information with people posting a huge variety of subjects. Some threads / discussions can get very interesting such as the recent Afghanistan inquiry as there are some who have clearly served there. Plenty of Covid information and personal experiences. The host writes a lot about the reliability of Government anti smoking strategies. There are economists (some of their posts can get very theoretical), serving military and veterans, lawyers, Dr's, civil servants, train and truck drivers, cattle farmers, well known journalists, housewives etc. At least four I know of have run for parliament. LTCOL in Tom's clip has posted there a few years ago but in a very minor way and nothing like in his YouTube clips. I know two of my customers who were on it before I was.
Read my post as I did not say it was not political. That forum pretty much allows any topic and politics is obviously one. Because it has members all over the world and Australia from all walks of life it is a good source of information with people posting a huge variety of subjects. Some threads / discussions can get very interesting such as the recent Afghanistan inquiry as there are some who have clearly served there. Plenty of Covid information and personal experiences. The host writes a lot about the reliability of Government anti smoking strategies. There are economists (some of their posts can get very theoretical), serving military and veterans, lawyers, Dr's, civil servants, train and truck drivers, cattle farmers, well known journalists, housewives etc. At least four I know of have run for parliament. LTCOL in Tom's clip has posted there a few years ago but in a very minor way and nothing like in his YouTube clips. I know two of my customers who were on it before I was.

I read your post, again, looks like my comprehension is still working fine. It seems like there's a lot of choices on that forum for a discussion be it political or not. I won't be going on that forum, imo there's more than enough scope for debate on this forum, political and otherwise, not looking for more.
Yes, I find the use of Pseudo Science very frustrating, particularly when applied to the so called dangers of vaccines, especially when targeted at Asperger's Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorders as those are very relevant to my family. For example I inherited Asperger's from my Father, I'm really good at verbal communication, except for the interrupting issues, but not so good at written communication as I often come across as curt when I don't always mean to be. You only have to check with me for confirmation if you think I'm being overly demeaning or whatever, not often the case I assure you.

People can discuss politics, masks or whatever, those issues don't worry me as much. Other Science issues, especially regarding AS and ASD do actually worry me. I could try not to respond as Brett suggested, but that would be like me trying not to respond to the dozens of earlier Scale threads. Sorry in advance but it's not easy for me Not to comment, Asperger's doesn't help there I tell you.

And I should point out the fact that you and Brett haven't always played nice as well, so there's that. Everyone has the Right of some Free Speech, including myself.

Ok Matt that explains a lot and I understand more than you realise.

That's very brave of you disclosing all of that personal information on here.

I'll flick you a PM in the next day or two.

Agreed I can get a bit scratchy sometimes and no doubt have annoyed a few members over the years, however my bark is definitely worse than my bite. I save the real stuff for the idiot criminals I deal with most days.

You may be surprised but there's been a few Aspie's posting on TF over the years.

I don't think you can separate the virus and politics anymore unless something new to comes out about it. I think we are beating a dead horse now. I was sent home today as one of my co-workers tested positive. I haven't been around her since the 22nd but better safe than sorry. I'm scheduled to take a test Thursday and I can't go back to work until I test negative. Thankfully I get paid as long as I'm out. What a way to end the year. {eek3}

Mate, you're better off to play it safe given the situation in the US, especially if you're still getting paid. Enjoy your break.
Ok Matt that explains a lot and I understand more than you realise.

That's very brave of you disclosing all of that personal information on here.

I'll flick you a PM in the next day or two.

Agreed I can get a bit scratchy sometimes and no doubt have annoyed a few members over the years, however my bark is definitely worse than my bite. I save the real stuff for the idiot criminals I deal with most days.

You may be surprised but there's been a few Aspie's posting on TF over the years.


Thank you Toddy, I look forward to hearing from you. I mentioned this and more in the early years of the forum. Those posts were deleted by the previous forum owners, one of whom was a psychiatric nurse I believe, possibly considered to be too much sharing back then.
The Sad fact is that there are too many people dying in this Country from this virus who really should be with us right now. Wear the **** mask, stay 6 ft apart and stop unnecessary travel or gatherings. We could have slowed this virus greatly but people just can't take this serious. Hopefully, this new Admin will hammer home this point.
The Sad fact is that there are too many people dying in this Country from this virus who really should be with us right now. Wear the **** mask, stay 6 ft apart and stop unnecessary travel or gatherings. We could have slowed this virus greatly but people just can't take this serious. Hopefully, this new Admin will hammer home this point.

I really think the majority of people take this very seriously. I cannot explain (I guess nor can anyone else) why it is spiking. I look at my home State - we have had what I will call higher than most restrictions, yet we are still having a spike. I don't know how to explain that and I don't think our medical experts do either other than to continue to restate the restrictions and best practices. This virus is unpredictable. I have a trip to Florida in mid January that I am on the fence about. It is more worry than anything else as I know I practice all of what I should be doing to not catch the thing. That said, why does it keep coming back? There is just not a good answer on this one and I hope the vaccine proves to do what it is supposed to do and get rid of this thing.

The Sad fact is that there are too many people dying in this Country from this virus who really should be with us right now. Wear the **** mask, stay 6 ft apart and stop unnecessary travel or gatherings. We could have slowed this virus greatly but people just can't take this serious. Hopefully, this new Admin will hammer home this point.

Some people are taking it seriously and some not. For example, I read a story about a couple who hosted a Thanksgiving dinner of 30 people. The couple are now dead. There was also a story about a Massachusetts GOP official who attended a White House Hannukah celebration. Many, including him, were not wearing masks. He contracted it and nearly had to go on a ventilator. His family got it from him. All survived fortunately. Then we have all of those people traveling for Christmas. On one level I feel bad for these people. There is something in law called “assumption of the risk,” where you are held responsible for your own actions if you knew the risk and knowingly took the actions anyway. There are a lot of people in this category and on this level I don’t feel bad for them at all. Who I feel bad for are the health care workers who have to take care of these people.
I really think the majority of people take this very seriously. I cannot explain (I guess nor can anyone else) why it is spiking. I look at my home State - we have had what I will call higher than most restrictions, yet we are still having a spike. I don't know how to explain that and I don't think our medical experts do either other than to continue to restate the restrictions and best practices. This virus is unpredictable. I have a trip to Florida in mid January that I am on the fence about. It is more worry than anything else as I know I practice all of what I should be doing to not catch the thing. That said, why does it keep coming back? There is just not a good answer on this one and I hope the vaccine proves to do what it is supposed to do and get rid of this thing.


True that we don't know everything about this virus and how it spreads. We do know that it is an airborne virus, very contagious and spreads through human contact.
There is a portion of our population, albeit mostly young, who don't take this seriously enough. And with the holiday season both traveling and family gatherings will
help spread the virus. Last night I was picking up a take out food order in the town nearby and saw dozens and dozens of teenagers and young adults walking in close quarters
without masks!

Masks are not 100% effective but along with social distancing and good hygiene they are the best we have until the vaccines are widespread.
For our historians lets not forget that during the American Revolution Washington shut down Boston to stop the spread of smallpox and "inoculated" 40,000 of his troop by
scratching on the live virus in their arms.
Unfortunately the distribution of the vaccines is going too slow as we let the states who are underfunded take charge.
We need a National program that is well funded and led by competent administrators.
I have gotten to the point, not sure what to think except to keep protecting myself. The trip to Florida is really bugging me due to the Southwest flight. I am the only one going to visit my parents, but I am about 90% to cancelling as they are now selling middle seats. That is what is going to do me in as I have no idea why Southwest is the only airline that thinks that is a good idea. I can switch my trip to Delta in first class, but then I sit in an airport for 2 hrs each way on a layover, that seems just as bad!
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