Lieutenant General
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- May 12, 2005
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350 million guns
Bullet proof backpacks
Woman with ARs in their prams
*** am I reading,George a bolt action rifle will kill a animal if you must go hunting when most foods can be bought in a shop.
A bolt action rifle is enough if you must protect yourself at home.
I cannot fathom the reason why civilians must own all these automatic weapons,well I can he has one so I need one.
Looking in from my quite country town in Western Australia where people get upset if the farmers shoot our pink and grey cockatoos for pinching their crops I just don't get it.
Ive held of commenting cause I/we here in Australia just cant fathom the carnage happening there and its so common like you said we are all becoming immune to it and that is scary in itself.
Having a beer in my RSL yesterday and its just "another shooting in the states" then move on to the next conversation so its no big deal now not "Shocking" even tho it is shocking.
We had our buy back scheme after our mass shooting but on a way way way smaller scale than the US could ever hope to do,well I reckon you could never over there now.
Mate I just cannot for the life of me think of a life when i go to the shop grab my keys,wallet,mobile and then say to the Missus,love you seen my AR15 I left it here some where,that how it seems looking in.
Again not making any judgement here but I just can't believe what I read on here some is so blase.
Hoping to get to Chicago next year where do I pick up my Assault rifle for the duration any one got a spare one lying around...........................I'm guessing yes.
You won't get any argument from me over assault rifles, "he's got one, so I want one"/it's one giant dick measuring contest, what is the point of owning such a weapon as a private citizen, maybe Red Dawn will really happen and we'll get invaded by Cuba, China and Russia, so we'll need well armed militia to take down the bad guys...……………………:rolleyes2:...…"We made a stand in the Rockies and stopped them cold".....arguably one of THE dumbest lines ever uttered in a movie.
My cousin went to a prestigious private high school here in Boston, went to the University of Pennsylvania, when he speaks he uses words I've never heard of, the blue blazer/gold button/grey slacks/white shirt/red tie/penny loafer type, or more to the point, the ascot/snifter of Brandy/smoking jacket and slippers type, yet get him talking about guns, the 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms and he's ready to swap out his fancy duds for a camo vest, an orange Elmer Fudd hat, a tin of dip, a six pack of Billy Beer and a cannon to go hunting squirrels with, I tell him constantly to slow his roll with me and stay in his lane, I don't want to hear your views of guns, no one is coming to take your weapons, so dial it down a couple of notches there Wyatt Earp.
I'm anti gun, but I don't go ramming my ideals down other peoples throats, I'm entitled to my opinion just like my cousin who I'm convinced is going to go all Michael Douglas from Falling Down any day now, must be all the pressures of trying to keep up with Biff and Muffy from the country club.
As others have said, we're too far gone at this point as a country to reel things in and make any real changes; I mean seriously, what can be done at this point, where do you even begin?
With each mass shooting, I'm running out of places in public were I legitimately feel safe. I am shocked truthfully that we haven't had one of these at a sporting event, thousands of sitting ducks, imagine the carnage that would ensue at an event like that...…...sadly, it's coming...………….schools, hospitals, office buildings, post offices, churches, bars, night clubs, concerts, retail stores, restaurants, only a question of time before a sporting event is next.
One of THE dumbest things floated was after the Sandy Hook school shootings, the idea was raised to arm teachers...………...ah yeah, no. I can just see my third grade battle ax of a teacher who could scare the chrome of a trailer hitch having access to a firearm.
But hey, keep those wonderful solutions coming.