The American Civil War Diaries (9 Viewers)

Re:Gettysburg The Third Day

Pickett reports to Longstreet and asks "Your orders sir, shall I advance my division?"


Longstreet & Pickett had been young lieutenants in the old US Army and had fought together side by side in the Mexican War of '46. But Longstreet could not look his old friend and protege in the face. As he proffered his written orders he quietly said
"George, can you really take that ridge?"


As Pickett took his orders he smiled broadly and said "General Longstreet sir, by your leave, I shall prepare my division to advance.


After briefing his brigade commanders Pickett rode over to the tree-line of Spanglers Wood where his troops had been sitting and waiting out the Confederate artillery barrage.
They all rose in anticipation of orders to begin the assault


In a loud clear voice he addressed them "Up men and to your posts, we're going to drive those Yankees off that ridge all the way back to Washington"


He then added "And men, remember today you are all from Old Virginia"


Pickett's statement brought a mighty roar from the troops who began cheering and screaming rebel yells.


Back at Seminary Ridge Harrison, Longstreets civilian scout approached the General (Harrison in the absence of Stuart and his cavalry had been the only scout to inform the Confederates that the Army of the Potomac had been on the march and were in the vicinity of Gettysburg. He had in fact saved the Reb army from an early disaster) "General sir, some of the men have told me this could be the last battle of the war. So I've got myself a musket and would like your permission to join one of your regiments in the attack, I think you'll agree sir, I deserve that"


Longstreet did not answer but turned to look across the mile long open field that his men must cross to reach the Federal lines. He finally said "Harrison, do you know what's going to happen out there. Let me tell you what will happen."
"When the troops move out from the tree-line they will come under enemy long range artillery, solid shot, percussion. They'll be slowed by that fence out there and the formation, what's left of it, will begin to come apart. When they cross that road they'll be under short range artillery, canister fire, thousands of little bits of shrapnel tearing holes in their lines. If they get to that wall without breaking up there won't be many of them left, it's a simple mathematical equation".
Longstreet paused as if in deep thought and then said,
"But Harrison, I don't believe my boys will reach that wall"

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

There also collecors showcase artillary figures in the dio
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Reb some of those shots are just spectacular!:cool:
Re: Gettysburg The Third Day

UK, very colorful DIO, excellent. If don't mind could you, one of these days, remind me how you create your fire explosions


For all cannon shell explosions I use industrial cotton wadding (coarser than domestic cotton wool) templated over a battery operated malleable strobe tree (produces an orange glow behind the cotton). Easy to purchase and easy to use but devilishly complex to explain.

If you are really interested in the technicalities I can PM you with the details rather than clutter this thread up.

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

These have been some of the best yet! How long did it take for you to set this up? Did you use any special techniques for this dio?;)
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

UKReb, hats off to fantastic dios, pics and narration:D
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

UKReb, hats off to fantastic dios, pics and narration:D

Thanks panda really appreciate your comments especially as the ACW appears to go down here like a lead balloon.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

These have been some of the best yet! How long did it take for you to set this up? Did you use any special techniques for this dio?;)

Thanks Vamp, Yeah they take quite sometime to set up and like most other froggers I only get the week-end to work on them but selecting the right figures for each scene to align with the accuracy of the story line is sometimes a pain.
The dio is large and set up in my loft so no natural light I have to use 6 or 7 arc lamps to get good reflections.
As you know Gettysburg was fought on an open field in July with temperatures reaching 90 degrees and is a historical fact that hundreds of Rebs and Yanks collapsed through heat exhaustion and sunstroke. I would love to move the dio out into the natural light like panda has done but here in the UK from October to March it is predominantly grey, bleak and forever raining so currently that's a no go.

Oh yeah nearly forgot a £900 camera helps as well.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Thanks Vamp, Yeah they take quite sometime to set up and like most other froggers I only get the week-end to work on them but selecting the right figures for each scene to align with the accuracy of the story line is sometimes a pain.
The dio is large and set up in my loft so no natural light I have to use 6 or 7 arc lamps to get good reflections.
As you know Gettysburg was fought on an open field in July with temperatures reaching 90 degrees and is a historical fact that hundreds of Rebs and Yanks collapsed through heat exhaustion and sunstroke. I would love to move the dio out into the natural light like panda has done but here in the UK from October to March it is predominantly grey, bleak and forever raining so currently that's a no go.

Oh yeah nearly forgot a £900 camera helps as well.

The camera is only as good as photographer and story teller and you excide in both areas with creating the scenes and telling the story......The Lt.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

I have a Kodak P850 that I bought last year. I am not sure given the length of time it takes to focus. I plan to spend more room shelf-wise for smaller dios. I am painting away as usual. Oddly enough there are some Berdan Sharpshooters as well.

I for one am glad that you are still with us too Reb!
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Thanks panda really appreciate your comments especially as the ACW appears to go down here like a lead balloon.

Not true, look at the number of hits - you have a following, including me. These are superb.
Re: Gettysburg The Third Day

The Confederate regimental drummer boys beat out "The Long Roll" which was a continuous roll of the drums signalling all the regiments to assemble for action


The men rose from their various places of cover to form the companies that made up the regiments constituting the three brigades of Pickett's Division


One infantryman of the 56th Virginia stopped to pat the regimental mascot, a small mongrel the men had named "Rebel"
"Nah! little fellah! ya gotta stay here, ya can't march with us today"


As the Confederates assembled one of Pickett's three brigade commanders Brigadier Richard Brooke Garnett rode over to speak to his old friend Brigadier Lewis "Lo" Armistead.
Garnett's brigade along with Kemper's would be first in line to assault the ridge. Garnett was an ill man and far too sick to participate in this attack he should have been "hors de combat" but he was determined to lead his brigade on horseback.
As he approached his friend he said
"Well Lo, this is a desperate thing we attempt today"
"It is" agreed Armistead "But the issue is in the hands of the Almighty now" Armistead paused and looked at his colleague and added "Dick, you can't ride up there, you will be a prime target for every Yankee musket in range"
Garnett smiled as he replied "Well I cannot walk up there, so I must ride"
They shook hands and Garnett went to spur his horse but stopped and reined him in looked down at Armistead and finally said
"Goodbye Lo, I'll see you at the top"

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

superbly done again, great narrative as well...:D
Re: Gettysburg The Third Day

The Confederate regimental drummer boys beat out "The Long Roll" which was a continuous roll of the drums signalling all the regiments to assemble for action


Bob, excellent as usual! The drummer on the right, is he a Russian figure? the paint job has a rather nice finish.

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

I know the one in the middle is a Conte. Where did you find the Guy with the dog? That kind of adds to the whole thing. I love mascots.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

UKReb, those are the sharpest closeups, I would not dare put my little soldiers under that kind of microscope. My guys and paint jobs would look like crap. Great battle scenes excellent collection. :)
Re: Gettysburg The Third Day

Bob, excellent as usual! The drummer on the right, is he a Russian figure? the paint job has a rather nice finish.



Yes he is, I posted single shots of him and others on the Shiloh...ACW Buffs thread some days ago and agree with you Jeff, the paint job as with all Russian figures is par excellence.
However, his facial expression full on is a little bit "duelling banjo's" in fact he reminds me of the character Alfred E Neumann from the MAD magazines that were very popular when I was at college a hundred years ago :D

Re: Gettysburg The Third Day


However, his facial expression full on is a little bit "duelling banjo's" in fact he reminds me of the character Alfred E Neumann from the MAD magazines that were very popular when I was at college a hundred years ago :D


Bob, Yes see what you mean :D


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