"The Zulu War" (3 Viewers)

As the Eshowe Relief Expedition gets closer to the mission station at Eshowe where Pearson has holed up with 1500 men for 10 weeks, there is a lot of activity at laager in the afternoon. The Naval Brigade needs to regrease the axle on their Gatling gun carriage, a squad of 91st Highlanders double-times by, and a second later, a spider carriage races through with a Colonel and his batmen.

Nice setup, Mike. Who made the tents and the gun crew.
Thanks.... JG Miniatures for the tents, Tradition paints for the NB gun, Clash of Arms spider cart, and Drumbeat Miniatures 91st.
As the Eshowe Relief Expedition gets closer to the mission station at Eshowe where Pearson has holed up with 1500 men for 10 weeks, there is a lot of activity at laager in the afternoon. The Naval Brigade needs to regrease the axle on their Gatling gun carriage, a squad of 91st Highlanders double-times by, and a second later, a spider carriage races through with a Colonel and his batmen.

Like the diorama!!!!

As the Eshowe Relief Expedition gets closer to the mission station at Eshowe where Pearson has holed up with 1500 men for 10 weeks, there is a lot of activity at laager in the afternoon. The Naval Brigade needs to regrease the axle on their Gatling gun carriage, a squad of 91st Highlanders double-times by, and a second later, a spider carriage races through with a Colonel and his batmen.


I absolutely love your collection and the wonderful ways you have of displaying it.

Another work of art there Harold did you War game that or just set them up.
The Zulu's look fantastic massed across the table like that :cool:

Utterly stunning-you just can't beat the effect you get from putting a whole mass of figures scrapping on a war-board. Outstanding sir!

HOLY SHNIKEES!!! Fabulous to say the least! I see so much action I have to go back and look again. Great job, and the terrain is beautiful.
Harold what a nice way to enjoy my first cup of coffee spending time picking out the figures involed and accessories starting with Conte figures of which I've spotted a few converted Zulus and correct me if I wrong and figures from various Frontline Sets blending in nicely with the Conte Brits and Zulus along with Zulus you've painted by Hincliffe and the way you've blended in the Brit 24th Ft. and Zulus into the beautifully done set up and photo diorama. Along with the Conte Storehouse, Last Redoubt with the placement of biscuit box and mealie bag wall to include once again correct me once again if I'm wrong the well built kaaral you created by Britain all of which has been set up on the outstanding scenic lay out on which is a work of art. Thank you Harold for setting it up and sharing it earlier than you had planned and the enjoyment it has brought me and others. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you'll create next time around once the new Conte figures hit your man cave. Once again Fub another one earning a 5 Star Rating which should be up graded to a 10 Star.

1879 once again you've provided us with another of your Glossy Photo Dio's featuring another great selection of figures from your Land of The Zulus.

Thanks to all who are adding their photos to the thread......The Lt.
Check out the two Britains in front of the redoubt!

Didn't miss them 1879 along side of Frontline's Schiess with Surgeon Reynolds slightly behind them and the Brit's defending the well built Kaaral. What a great job Harold has done in setting it all up Mike...........The Lt
As the Eshowe Relief Expedition gets closer to the mission station at Eshowe where Pearson has holed up with 1500 men for 10 weeks, there is a lot of activity at laager in the afternoon. The Naval Brigade needs to regrease the axle on their Gatling gun carriage, a squad of 91st Highlanders double-times by, and a second later, a spider carriage races through with a Colonel and his batmen.

Nicely done action scene. I really enjoyed the pics.

As the Eshowe Relief Expedition gets closer to the mission station at Eshowe where Pearson has holed up with 1500 men for 10 weeks, there is a lot of activity at laager in the afternoon. The Naval Brigade needs to regrease the axle on their Gatling gun carriage, a squad of 91st Highlanders double-times by, and a second later, a spider carriage races through with a Colonel and his batmen.

Another nice one Mike

I must get my tents out of storage


That is some serious display FUB !!!! I have enjoyed scanning the photos and looking at all the detail and action. Truly Superb !!!! You must have the forums largest toychest !!!! How many figures are in that setup :eek::eek::eek:
Hi Harold,

Wow! Your Zulu display is absolutely stunning. The action is so intense, one could view your photos for hours and still find new elements in it that were missed on earlier examination. Your display is very dramatic, impressively presented, and extremely remarkable. Thank you for sharing it with us!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Thank you all for the kind words.I am happy that my efforts are appreciated.
I had Rorkes Drift all set out and figures organized into small units for the Annual "SWORD AND THE FLAME" wargame but alas, it didnt take place.So, last nite I rearranged the Zulu's and a few british and took some pix before it all gets put back on the shelf.
Thanks again and everyone keep collecting ZULU!
I would like to thank all of you who have posted photo's of your collections on this thread, it certainly is difficult trying to resist collecting this period.



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