Things that annoy me (3 Viewers)

The NBA.

2 teams, Portland and Washington, finished February without wining a single game.

The Spurs have 12 wins and the Pistons have 9 wins. Detroit also lost a record 28 games in a row this season.

More than 1/3 of the teams have a losing record.

And in order to keep fan interest, the NBA has this idiotic "play in" format, so the 9th and 10th place finishers still have a chance to make the playoffs.

Its bad enough 16 teams make the playoffs, this play in nonsense is just that, nonsense.

I'm almost positive the Heat played in that format last year, backed into the playoffs, some tomato can I never heard of was white hot from 3 point range all series long vs Boston and they got to the finals, only to get steamrolled by Denver once that stooge crashed back to earth.

A complete joke of a concept.
Surge pricing in fast food restaurants (I realize this post is about fast food price increases :wink2:). Wendy's briefly announced they would increase prices during peak hours, known as surge pricing. They later rescinded this due to adverse publicity and backlash from customers. But some restaurants are already doing this and can the practice be far off from the major players?
Surge pricing in fast food restaurants (I realize this post is about fast food price increases :wink2:). Wendy's briefly announced they would increase prices during peak hours, known as surge pricing. They later rescinded this due to adverse publicity and backlash from customers. But some restaurants are already doing this and can the practice be far off from the major players?

Those who pay the surge prices are just as much to blame as those who charge those prices.
A local golf course started doing that last year. My golfing buddy and I won't play there anymore. It's not about potential higher prices as much as it is about the uncertainty of the price you'll pay. Of course, most courses do offer different rates for different times of the day, based on a general demand-offering cheaper rates in the afternoon, for example. But the rates are fixed for the season, they don't fluctuate. We find it harder to plan with fluctuating prices, so, we play elsewhere.

As far as fast food goes, with the inflation we've had since 2021, prices seem to be about doubled, generally. I only ate it occasionally, mostly an Egg McMuffin when on the way to a weekend activity. But so many people eat it so frequently, that I wonder what their pain point is.

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I'll never eat Burget King again in the town where I work,The prices are high which is bad enough but the food sucks. You get a whopperJr. or double cheeseburger and it looks like a White Castle burger. Now these climate nuts want to gret rid of cattle because of methene coming out when they fart so that's going to jack up prices. Maybe we should ban the climate nuts because of what comes out of their big fat lazy *****.
Surge pricing in fast food restaurants (I realize this post is about fast food price increases :wink2:). Wendy's briefly announced they would increase prices during peak hours, known as surge pricing. They later rescinded this due to adverse publicity and backlash from customers. But some restaurants are already doing this and can the practice be far off from the major players?

I think they do or did something along those lines with the HOV lanes in the Wash DC area. You can pay to drive in them but the rates vary depending on the traffic. Not sure exactly how it works now but when it first started there was an uproar because people were getting $50 bills to use the lanes during rush hour. It's amazing to me with all the transition to telework, that the traffic in DC is as bad or worse then ever. Many government employees and others only have to go into the office once or twice a week but that has no apparent impact on volume of traffic.
I think they do or did something along those lines with the HOV lanes in the Wash DC area. You can pay to drive in them but the rates vary depending on the traffic. Not sure exactly how it works now but when it first started there was an uproar because people were getting $50 bills to use the lanes during rush hour. It's amazing to me with all the transition to telework, that the traffic in DC is as bad or worse then ever. Many government employees and others only have to go into the office once or twice a week but that has no apparent impact on volume of traffic.

We have these in Cali, specifically in areas that are affected by heavy traffic.

It is measured exit to exit, the most expensive I have seen at rush hour is $22 to go 1.1 miles. That distance and money saves you 7 minutes.
How the media prioritizes certain events and ignores others. We get an endless stream of news about the suffering in places like Gaza and Ukraine but almost nothing about the situation unfolding in Haiti.
How the media prioritizes certain events and ignores others. We get an endless stream of news about the suffering in places like Gaza and Ukraine but almost nothing about the situation unfolding in Haiti.

If it fit their narrative, if they thought there was an advantage to their agenda, they would air it.
It took over 20 minutes to play the last two minutes of the Lakers-Warriors game last night due to several clock malfunctions and reviews. Ridiculous. The worst part of the game, though, was the total lack of defense played by either team. It was embarrassing to watch. LeBron scored 40 points but he could have scored a hundred and not won that game the way LA plays D. Ham has to go. He watches the game like a spectator. Pat Riley must have a nice gig in Miami but it's time to call back the big dogs if LA and LeBron ever want to win another championship.
The relentless coverage of the Kate Middleton story. Endless. I wish her, as any person afflicted with cancer, all the best. But the over-the-top media hysteria of this story is ridiculous. Even unhealthy. There is no news to report other than her illness. Why beat this to death? Why engage in self-flagellation about cruel "conspiracy" theories and her right to privacy? Then spend an entire news segment speculating on her condition. Does anyone really believe that members of the royal family have the same expectation of privacy as others? Much of the speculation could be avoided with simple updates. It's the absence of information that fuels rumors and speculations. And who can believe that there are "mean" people on social media? I'm shocked.
The relentless coverage of the Kate Middleton story. Endless. I wish her, as any person afflicted with cancer, all the best. But the over-the-top media hysteria of this story is ridiculous. Even unhealthy. There is no news to report other than her illness. Why beat this to death? Why engage in self-flagellation about cruel "conspiracy" theories and her right to privacy? Then spend an entire news segment speculating on her condition. Does anyone really believe that members of the royal family have the same expectation of privacy as others? Much of the speculation could be avoided with simple updates. It's the absence of information that fuels rumors and speculations. And who can believe that there are "mean" people on social media? I'm shocked.

The media in the UK is relentless and definitely unhealthy. They call the reporters the Rotters, shorthand for Rottweilers I believe, because once they get your fangs onto you they won’t let go.
The media in the UK is relentless and definitely unhealthy. They call the reporters the Rotters, shorthand for Rottweilers I believe, because once they get your fangs onto you they won’t let go.

I do wonder if the royals intentionally seek this kind of attention by being coy. If they simply had come out and said she had cancer, and what type, the story would have been over on day one. Instead they provide information piecemeal suggesting that she has a right of privacy. My daughter had leukemia at the age of 13. If anyone wanted to know how she was doing, I would be happy to let them know. Grateful that anyone was interested to know or cared. There was no invasion of privacy to be concerned about. The public pays for Kate's every need including her health care. Why not let them know what is going on to end the need for speculation? She is not a victim. Just a person like millions of others who have been diagnosed with a terrible condition. Fortunately, she has the resources to care for her children while she obtains the best treatment.
I do wonder if the royals intentionally seek this kind of attention by being coy. If they simply had come out and said she had cancer, and what type, the story would have been over on day one. Instead they provide information piecemeal suggesting that she has a right of privacy. My daughter had leukemia at the age of 13. If anyone wanted to know how she was doing, I would be happy to let them know. Grateful that anyone was interested to know or cared. There was no invasion of privacy to be concerned about. The public pays for Kate's every need including her health care. Why not let them know what is going on to end the need for speculation? She is not a victim. Just a person like millions of others who have been diagnosed with a terrible condition. Fortunately, she has the resources to care for her children while she obtains the best treatment.

They don’t seem good at it but I also think it’s partially due to how (maybe more than that) the media caused the death of Princess Diana. Both sons seem to hate the media for that and who can blame them.

I assume your daughter is doing well now? Hopefully that’s the case.
They don’t seem good at it but I also think it’s partially due to how (maybe more than that) the media caused the death of Princess Diana. Both sons seem to hate the media for that and who can blame them.

I assume your daughter is doing well now? Hopefully that’s the case.

Yes, she is doing well eight years later. No reoccurrence. The chemotherapy has long term side effects, but the treatment of childhood leukemia is a modern-day miracle. If you were diagnosed with it before 1970, it was almost 100% fatal. Today, the vast majority survive. It's a brutal experience, though, even when successful. The chemo makes the kids very sick. It is an enormous strain on families who have to put work and other priorities aside for years. I saw a lot of single mothers/parents having to cope with the treatments for their kids for years on end or kids in the hospital with no apparent parent or family support. Thankfully Kate Middleton has the resources that many do not.
Ken Burns. He is coming to Gettysburg on some pretext to lecture on the end of democracy. LOL. People are paying to attend this event.
Really starting to get annoyed at revisionist history. I have no gripe with opinions, everyone has one. But I do have a gripe with agenda driven revisionist history that is disguised as facts. Changing facts to fit a narrative is ridiculous, but seems the norm lately. For example, the Washington Post used the Key Bridged tragedy to bring up our National Anthem, seriously?
Really starting to get annoyed at revisionist history. I have no gripe with opinions, everyone has one. But I do have a gripe with agenda driven revisionist history that is disguised as facts. Changing facts to fit a narrative is ridiculous, but seems the norm lately. For example, the Washington Post used the Key Bridged tragedy to bring up our National Anthem, seriously?

On his radio show this past Saturday morning, James Golden (aka Bo Snerdley) made an interesting prediction: when the bridge is rebuilt, the Left will demand renaming it, because Key was a slave owner and defended slave owners in court. Though Golden also pointed out that Key defended slaves in court cases.

First, we have to get the bridge rebuilt. I saw the earlier posts on that specific topic, and my own prediction is ten years, at least. And that while considering that the original full span was built in five. But there were giants in those days...


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