Things that annoy me (1 Viewer)

One other example. There was a book written recently on Jim Thorpe. When Thorpe was a child, his own father wrote a letter asking that he be taken to an "Indian" school. So he came to the Carlisle Indian School in PA at the request of his own family. He was clothed, educated, and fed. Thorpe later said it was the best time of his life. But the author of the book along with many others now claim these policies were racist. I can understand if these children had been involuntarily sent to these schools or harmed but the intention was certainly good, and most were better off in the schools than at home. The liberal academics only see it, however, as more evidence of America's racist history. This despite Thorpe's own words to the contrary. In the 50's there were many negative stereotypical portrayals of Indians. Today, we have similar stereotypes that portray the Indians purely as victims who did no wrong. When you read accounts from those times, however, there were horrible atrocities committed by both sides.
I visited Little Bighorn battlefield a few years ago. One of the park rangers was a Native American employed by the US federal government to work there. He was also a member of the Crow tribe. He was going on and on about the atrocities committed against the Indians. You would have thought he was describing Nazi Germany. The irony that he was getting paid by the US government and that the Crows were often the victims of barbaric violence at the hands of the very tribes that Custer was fighting was apparently lost on him. He refused to even answer questions that were framed in terms of landmarks named after Custer or his troops. It's an unfortunate reality driven by dependence on government handouts that our society has been divided up by race, gender, and income. It's good business to claim that you are a victim. That's not to say that many wrongs were not committed in the past. But no one living today was a victim of those circumstances.
Yeah, exact same situation here with National Parks. But wait there's more, every government and commercial meeting must start with an 'acknowledgement' of Aboriginals, even if the meeting isn't about them..crazy stuff really. And of course they claim all Aborigines lived in some utopia before the Europeans came to Australia...yeah right, they were killing each other off just like every other place where humans have lived.
One other example. There was a book written recently on Jim Thorpe. When Thorpe was a child, his own father wrote a letter asking that he be taken to an "Indian" school. So he came to the Carlisle Indian School in PA at the request of his own family. He was clothed, educated, and fed. Thorpe later said it was the best time of his life. But the author of the book along with many others now claim these policies were racist. I can understand if these children had been involuntarily sent to these schools or harmed but the intention was certainly good, and most were better off in the schools than at home. The liberal academics only see it, however, as more evidence of America's racist history. This despite Thorpe's own words to the contrary. In the 50's there were many negative stereotypical portrayals of Indians. Today, we have similar stereotypes that portray the Indians purely as victims who did no wrong. When you read accounts from those times, however, there were horrible atrocities committed by both sides.
Same thing here, they call themselves 'The Stolen Generation'. Past governments took children from parent(s) that were abusing their children because of alcohol, sexual violence or whatever and put them into state care, some were adopted by White families. Now of course they claim their parents were terrific and the goverment stole them. And that's the tip of the iceberg, they can't do anything wrong. That's not what the Jail statistics show as Aboriginals are over represented in crime stats, but of course that's our fault as well :unsure:
Yes playing the victim and entitlement seems to be the norm for some cultures and never satisfied or think of getting off their backside to fix things themselves.
Such is the eternal and bottomless money pit of Africa, where for decades, charities have poured money and other resources in to the water issue. Where they will dig a well for a village and show how to operate and maintain the pump, but no maintenance is ever done, as it's an attitude of, well, if it works, everything is fine and when it stops working, the women and children are back to trudging miles, until the same or another charity comes and digs them another well.
Same with keep having children, that they can't afford.
The gifts of the West in the shape of things such as access to clean water, antibiotics etc has allowed the population of Africa to grow, but not alter their very different cultural mindset allowing them to develop and fix their own problems rather than putting their hand out all the time in expectation.
Unfortunately at some stage, the West may find itself unable to continue carrying Africa and then there really be famine and desolation, even though they have more than enough natural resources to not only feed themselves but export to the rest of the World including China, who are the biggest importers of food, through mismanagement whether that be the contamination of land by ccp policy or corruption.

One could go on about other issues, but these countries need to fix their own mindsets and cultures to advance, but I don't suppose yhey will !
Same thing here, they call themselves 'The Stolen Generation'. Past governments took children from parent(s) that were abusing their children because of alcohol, sexual violence or whatever and put them into state care, some were adopted by White families. Now of course they claim their parents were terrific and the goverment stole them. And that's the tip of the iceberg, they can't do anything wrong. That's not what the Jail statistics show as Aboriginals are over represented in crime stats, but of course that's our fault as well :unsure:
Sounds familiar of another group, 6 % or so of the population and 15 % of the prison population. Many crimes of course never reported of get anywhere as they are protected. Offended by everything, ashamed of nothing.
My goal is to either live permanently in Florida or Texas (still a fight in the household!) from October thru April. Then spend May, June, July, August and September on the Eastern Shore of MD> Best of both worlds - no income tax, lower cost of living most of the year and a firearms friendly permanent address!!!!!!!!!! In all seriousness, I am awaiting the MD legislature to come up with a partial income tax for non permanent residents..................................................

There are only 3 things that I do not like about Texas, June, July and August.


There are only 3 things that I do not like about Texas, June, July and August.

HA! I didn't either til I spent a lot of last Summer in Houston (Woodlands). First week, I was like ...............ugh its hot. By the second, I just got used to it, kind of amazing really including going to outdoor concerts. Sweating the whole time, but you stop noticing it, it is really odd. Of course, on my way to Austin Monday and I know it is going to be brutal!!!
Sounds familiar of another group, 6 % or so of the population and 15 % of the prison population. Many crimes of course never reported of get anywhere as they are protected. Offended by everything, ashamed of nothing.

Not many years ago they were less than 2% of the Australian population, however the number is ever increasing. Currently 3.8% as more people claim that ancestry to receive special government income, grants etc. I don't begrudge genuine Aboriginals that live in our outback, things are tough there. However why would a person that looks Whiter than me and lives in Sydney think they're entitled to the same benefits as genuine Aboriginals?
What a security botch today in PA. Some reports indicate that law enforcement was made aware of a sniper minutes before the assassination attempt. How does someone with a rifle get on the roof of a building in the vicinity of a political rally? Unreal. Another inch and Trump would be dead.
What a security botch today in PA. Some reports indicate that law enforcement was made aware of a sniper minutes before the assassination attempt. How does someone with a rifle get on the roof of a building in the vicinity of a political rally? Unreal. Another inch and Trump would be dead.
Seems like a scene right of a movie.
Has anyone heard when this stinking heatwave is suppose to break some?
Unbelievable turn of events yesterday. There are some real idiots out there and due to this, an innocent person (all were innocent people at that event) but one of them lost their life for no reason. Just ridiculous. I hope the Secret Service starts taking a whole new look at their prep protocols for any rally or large event featuring candidates. There were obvious flaws yesterday. Now that said, their reaction was textbook and effective. Kudos to the Secret Service snipers/reaction team. They eliminated the threat immediately and saved the taxpayers a lot of money that would have been wasted on this deranged idiot.

And yes Jason, some of the scenes were so surreal, like literally out of a movie. Frightening.
Regarding the assassination attempt, there are no competent Federal agencies anymore.
The only purpose I can see for SWAT/Tactical police units are to march about after a shooting with grim looking faces, decked out in tactical gear and rifles at port arms for a photo op. This after the Trump shooting.

Cannot believe this guy could climb to top of roof with no one but Trump fans seeing him. Where's the drones?
They did apparently see him and tried to direct the police to the building. One police officer climbed to the top but declined to engage the shooter. It was a series of bungling. Curious to see if anyone is held accountable. One interesting thing is that the counter sniper team was clearly directing their attention to the building BEFORE Trump is shot. I think that they hesitated to fire because they were uncertain whether the assassin was a member of the security detail. A colossal failure not to secure that building. The local law enforcement effort was pathetic.
The FBI indicated that they have been unable to access the shooter's phone! You can't make that up. Nevertheless, they have concluded somehow that he was a "lone wolf." That is likely true, but how did they confirm this without access to his phone or even knowing his motive. Will this be like the Nashville shooter where the FBI didn't like the answer for political reasons and decided to cover up the motive? Two years and counting and they refuse to release the shooter's manifesto despite the efforts of the parent's of the dead children to have it made public.

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