Things that annoy me (2 Viewers)

Opening the pool every year to discover that despite the fact it has been covered it is full of debris. A real mess that takes weeks to clean. And something is always broken and has to be repaired. That's assuming you can even get the parts while paying several hundred dollars or even thousands for the privilege.
I've been told that there are only two happy days in the life of a boat owner. The day they buy it, and the day they sell it.

Very true words, have gone through that twice - fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Took me two times to learn............

Gas prices went up $1.40 per gallon literally overnight at some stations around here. Why, for Memorial Day?
Gas prices went up $1.40 per gallon literally overnight at some stations around here. Why, for Memorial Day?

No worries, Chris ..... watch for our brilliant Commander in Chief to continue draining the SPR to bring the price of gas down a few pennies per gallon, although you may have to wait until Oct ...well, maybe sooner with all the early voting going on nowadays.


No worries, Chris ..... watch for our brilliant Commander in Chief to continue draining the SPR to bring the price of gas down a few pennies per gallon, although you may have to wait until Oct ...well, maybe sooner with all the early voting going on nowadays.


"But folks, here's the deal, my Dad used to say to me 'Joey, you'll get far with hard work'..............."
What annoys me? How stupid our Country is on a lot of fronts. Not to bring this up AGAIN, but HOW can a member of Congress during a hearing, thank a University President who negotiated with terrorist students who were advocating for the annihilation of Jews? I mean really, what planet do we live on? Has everybody forgotten The Holocaust? or the rise of Terrorism? OR 9/11???? Why is all I can say and get angry. It literally disgusts me that anyone could sit here today and say "the river to the sea" is an acceptable phrase to say. It is right up there with ethnic slurs, heck its worse, it is a direct war cry from the PLO (Now Hamas) to annihilate Israel. But hey, politics never lets the facts get in the way.... Oh and by the way UCLA reassigned their police chief today...............for doing his job.

Just incredible and infuriating.

As to the other posts on the Gas reserve, you basically have the same old election year political move. Rinse, wash, repeat. Also infuriating.

What annoys me? How stupid our Country is on a lot of fronts. Not to bring this up AGAIN, but HOW can a member of Congress during a hearing, thank a University President who negotiated with terrorist students who were advocating for the annihilation of Jews? I mean really, what planet do we live on? Has everybody forgotten The Holocaust? or the rise of Terrorism? OR 9/11???? Why is all I can say and get angry. It literally disgusts me that anyone could sit here today and say "the river to the sea" is an acceptable phrase to say. It is right up there with ethnic slurs, heck its worse, it is a direct war cry from the PLO (Now Hamas) to annihilate Israel. But hey, politics never lets the facts get in the way.... Oh and by the way UCLA reassigned their police chief today...............for doing his job.

Just incredible and infuriating.

As to the other posts on the Gas reserve, you basically have the same old election year political move. Rinse, wash, repeat. Also infuriating.


A bunch of Harvard graduates walked out of their commencement in protest over the situation in the middle east; good, keep the MacDonalds down the street so you can ask me if I want fries with that.

13 students who participated in protests weren't allowed to get their diplomas, the faculty voted that they be given to them, but the school overruled and said "Nope, not happening."

Maybe a ounce of sanity afterall.
A bunch of Harvard graduates walked out of their commencement in protest over the situation in the middle east; good, keep the MacDonalds down the street so you can ask me if I want fries with that.

13 students who participated in protests weren't allowed to get their diplomas, the faculty voted that they be given to them, but the school overruled and said "Nope, not happening."

Maybe a ounce of sanity afterall.

You know what these young people do not understand is that their social media footprint is forever and trust me when I tell you that employers look at it (we do in practice) and regardless of what anyone tells you, the tone, the posts and the history of your accounts will come back on you. I have seen it first hand. These "protesters" do not even realize what they have done to themselves. Of course, I heard Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah are always "hiring".

The mad rush to board an airplane even though everyone has an assigned seat and the plane isn't leaving until everyone is on board. There is an almost irresistible herding instinct when you are waiting to board and folks start congregating around the gate. There always seems to be plenty of overhead space for carry-on luggage. So that can't be the entire explanation to bull rush the plane. Similar when the plane lands. If you are sitting in the aisle seat and do not immediately stand, the person sitting by the window starts to freak out even if it is clear that the aisles are blocked.
You know what these young people do not understand is that their social media footprint is forever and trust me when I tell you that employers look at it (we do in practice) and regardless of what anyone tells you, the tone, the posts and the history of your accounts will come back on you. I have seen it first hand. These "protesters" do not even realize what they have done to themselves. Of course, I heard Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah are always "hiring".


Israel was attacked and they are defending themselves; what part of that do these college aged morons not understand?

I hope aligning yourselves with terrorists to virtue signal to the rest of us how woke you are was worth it.
Hard to believe that these college kids are suppose to be the best and brightest as they can't even say a complete sentence. I guess we have to keep clear that the vast majority of them are good kids who will do well in life.
I see that California wants a law that charges drivers a tax by the mile. When are we going to stand up to the little twits and make it clear that they serve the American people not govern them.
The mad rush to board an airplane even though everyone has an assigned seat and the plane isn't leaving until everyone is on board. There is an almost irresistible herding instinct when you are waiting to board and folks start congregating around the gate. There always seems to be plenty of overhead space for carry-on luggage. So that can't be the entire explanation to bull rush the plane. Similar when the plane lands. If you are sitting in the aisle seat and do not immediately stand, the person sitting by the window starts to freak out even if it is clear that the aisles are blocked.

I am ok with people lining up so that we depart on time.

I have a problem with people who can’t read. They line up for group 1 with a HUGE 3/4 printed on a boarding pass.
I see that California wants a law that charges drivers a tax by the mile. When are we going to stand up to the little twits and make it clear that they serve the American people not govern them.Mark
Oregon has had a mileage tax system, 2 cents per mile, since 2015. I think it's voluntary and participants receive credit for gasoline taxes at the pump (40 cents per gal).
Hard to believe that these college kids are suppose to be the best and brightest as they can't even say a complete sentence. I guess we have to keep clear that the vast majority of them are good kids who will do well in life.

Colleges are now money driven entities. The kids coming out of high school do not have the math and English skills to pass minimum college academic standards from the past. They would mostly flunk out but college administrators know there is a ton of money to made. So the courses have been dumbed down to accommodate and diplomas are more often sold than earned to anyone who can pay the tuition. They also dropped the SAT and other entrance requirements which opened a floodgate of applicants. As a result, they can charge outrageous tuition secured by taxpayer loans, and the money flows to them like an ocean. It must be a great gig.
Colleges are now money driven entities. The kids coming out of high school do not have the math and English skills to pass minimum college academic standards from the past. They would mostly flunk out but college administrators know there is a ton of money to made. So the courses have been dumbed down to accommodate and diplomas are more often sold than earned to anyone who can pay the tuition. They also dropped the SAT and other entrance requirements which opened a floodgate of applicants. As a result, they can charge outrageous tuition secured by taxpayer loans, and the money flows to them like an ocean. It must be a great gig.

UT Austin is reinstating mandatory SAT submission with standards and they eliminated DEI considerations. Going back to old school - you earn the admission, there are no participation trophies. Additionally, preference is going to fully resort to Texas residents. I can proudly say, my son, submitted scores, treated it as a competitive admission and got in from out of State. In other words, he earned it, not sure that can be said for a lot of admissions since 2020.

Again, I do agree that College is definitely a big business and that is not only in Sports, it is in academics too. They need a constant annuity of tuition, that is what fuels the engines. The worst offenders are the ones that structure their admissions and graduation rates so that they capture more federal funds.

UT Austin is reinstating mandatory SAT submission with standards and they eliminated DEI considerations. Going back to old school - you earn the admission, there are no participation trophies. Additionally, preference is going to fully resort to Texas residents. I can proudly say, my son, submitted scores, treated it as a competitive admission and got in from out of State. In other words, he earned it, not sure that can be said for a lot of admissions since 2020.

Again, I do agree that College is definitely a big business and that is not only in Sports, it is in academics too. They need a constant annuity of tuition, that is what fuels the engines. The worst offenders are the ones that structure their admissions and graduation rates so that they capture more federal funds.



Great and informative post.

Academics should matter in scholastics/academia.

The worst offenders to me are those schools that put sports before education.


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