Things that annoy me (1 Viewer)

Tv advertisements between plays during football games. Not enough after every score and possession change I guess.
When people say that football is more exciting than baseball, I point out that football is an hour-long game, played in 3 1/2 to 4 hours' time.

Great post, even worse, MLB Network now does them in between pitches via a split screen.
Golf Channel does that, too. At least the split screen isn't as odious as cutting away completely for a commercial. You can still see what's happening in the game or tournament.

Something called "Smart Resume" that appears when I use the DVR record and playback a football game from one of the networks. It appears to be designed to allow you to FF through the commercial breaks and will automatically stop the FF when the game resumes. I say "appears" because it does not work properly. At least on Comcast. Instead it is maddening and not synched to programs or commercials. More infuriating, it often stops at some point and won't allow you to FF beyond that point. Maddening.
The Fox News webpage removing the public comment section of the news articles. These often contained offensive remarks but also many humorous and insightful comments about the articles. Another dumb move after requiring folks to sign up to read most articles - which doesn't function properly.
The glorification and attempts by TMZ to make fan fights at sporting events funny and trivial.

Those incidents are incredibly serious, just ask Bryan Stowe or Marc Antenorcruz’s families.
The proliferation and over-use of orange road cones. Where once 2x cones were ok, now we have 50x, plus a sea of roadwork signs......its exhausting. :)
The proliferation and over-use of orange road cones. Where once 2x cones were ok, now we have 50x, plus a sea of roadwork signs......its exhausting. :)
Particularly annoying when there is no work going on and it looks as though none will ever be done. The US is a disaster in that respect. Every airport is falling down but they have endless construction projects going on that makes it look like a war zone. I heard they spent $2 billion on the Newark airport renovation and it still looks like Germany after WWII. That's how the US operates these days. We spend ten times the money for negligible results. Either due to incompetence or corruption or both.
Another assassination attempt in which the shooter somehow gets in proximity to the former President. Unreal. How does a guy with an AK-47 get out of his car and walk to the within a few hundred yards of the president? No one notices. I wonder if the FBI investigation of this assassin will be as comprehensive as the last one? In the words of Sgt. Schultz they "know nothing, nothing."
The phony, fake, woke Emmy awards. I like Eugene Levy and his son but watching an Emmy category in which the nominees were Colbert, Fallon, and Jon Stewart was a bridge too far. They have practically ended late night comedy with their politically driven shows.
Taylor Swift.

She announces she's throwing her support behind Harris/Walz.............and it blows up in her face, apparently a **** ton of her fans like Trump.

Here's the thing; when you as a celebrity endorse someone, half your fans will love it, the other half will hate it.

Mahomes got it right; he said "Register to vote and vote for the person who best satisfies your needs as president."

BINGO; no endorsement, play both ends against the middle.

Smart man.

So basically, a woman who has written countless songs about her poor life decisions endorses Kamala Harris.......................solid work right there.
Taylor Swift.

She announces she's throwing her support behind Harris/Walz.............and it blows up in her face, apparently a **** ton of her fans like Trump.

Here's the thing; when you as a celebrity endorse someone, half your fans will love it, the other half will hate it.

Mahomes got it right; he said "Register to vote and vote for the person who best satisfies your needs as president."

BINGO; no endorsement, play both ends against the middle.

Smart man.

So basically, a woman who has written countless songs about her poor life decisions endorses Kamala Harris.......................solid work right there.
I could not agree more. Everyone knows how much I like music of ALL genres, literally can listen to classical music to Pantera. I love Madonna, Prince, Michael Jackson, really talented people. That being said and not questioning her talent, I just don't like her music. I don't find it entertaining or mesmerizing like some do. I have tried to like it even, but can't figure it out. Maybe it is because of her publicity over time that soured me. Not her political, but the constant drone about her bad relationships. I felt like that wasn't all the press, but contrived a great deal by her PR staff. Not a big fan suffice to say
Taylor Swift.

She announces she's throwing her support behind Harris/Walz.............and it blows up in her face, apparently a **** ton of her fans like Trump.

Here's the thing; when you as a celebrity endorse someone, half your fans will love it, the other half will hate it.

Mahomes got it right; he said "Register to vote and vote for the person who best satisfies your needs as president."

BINGO; no endorsement, play both ends against the middle.

Smart man.

So basically, a woman who has written countless songs about her poor life decisions endorses Kamala Harris.......................solid work right there.
Couldn't agree more, made me laugh this post. :ROFLMAO:
I'm sure the left wing luvvies will wave their fans on past the ubend as they themselves bob back up to the surface !
I could not agree more. Everyone knows how much I like music of ALL genres, literally can listen to classical music to Pantera. I love Madonna, Prince, Michael Jackson, really talented people. That being said and not questioning her talent, I just don't like her music. I don't find it entertaining or mesmerizing like some do. I have tried to like it even, but can't figure it out. Maybe it is because of her publicity over time that soured me. Not her political, but the constant drone about her bad relationships. I felt like that wasn't all the press, but contrived a great deal by her PR staff. Not a big fan suffice to say
She's a billionaire, with a B who has zero clue of what the average American is going through in this country. It costs on average 1,088.75 for a ticket to one of her shows; the average American is spending 12K more a year just to put food on the table, gas in their car, clothes on their back and a roof over their head, that's 1K a month, imagine having a daughter that wants to go to one of her concerts and having to shell out that sort of money, it's obscene.
I have never understood endorsements, do people really base their votes on stuff like that?

No wonder our country is going down the toilet so fast you can’t even see the swirl.
Saw a clip on YouTube where a reporter was asking people who they are going to vote for now that Taylor Swift has enforced Harris? Some peabrain says "Oh, I love her music, that's great, that settles it, it's Harris for me if that's who she is backing."

Yup, our country has officially gone to ****.
She's a billionaire, with a B who has zero clue of what the average American is going through in this country. It costs on average 1,088.75 for a ticket to one of her shows; the average American is spending 12K more a year just to put food on the table, gas in their car, clothes on their back and a roof over their head, that's 1K a month, imagine having a daughter that wants to go to one of her concerts and having to shell out that sort of money, it's obscene.
Right on. These mega celebrities live in a bubble where everyone they come in contact with thinks alike. She is surrounded by sycophants whose livelihood is dependent on her. They would never contradict her. They think it is slam dunk to jump on the gravy train by espousing their opinions. They have no clue that there are many people who have a contrary view and are no doubt shocked by any backlash.
Law enforcement holding a press conference to congratulate themselves for thwarting an assassination in which they reveal that the assassin hid in the bushes for over 12 hours without anyone detecting him. And then stating that he didn't even come close to shooting the former president when the facts indicate that he was pointing his weapon and just moments from being in range to fire. Not sure what they consider to be a "close" call but they got lucky again. Once again, they failed to secure an obvious shooting location. Like the situation in PA, you could take any child to these locations and ask them where the greatest risk of a shooter is and they would point to exactly where the assassins where located. No one is asking the impossible but if you are on open golf course surrounded by woods, maybe check out the woods.
I could not agree more. Everyone knows how much I like music of ALL genres, literally can listen to classical music to Pantera. I love Madonna, Prince, Michael Jackson, really talented people. That being said and not questioning her talent, I just don't like her music. I don't find it entertaining or mesmerizing like some do. I have tried to like it even, but can't figure it out. Maybe it is because of her publicity over time that soured me. Not her political, but the constant drone about her bad relationships. I felt like that wasn't all the press, but contrived a great deal by her PR staff. Not a big fan suffice to say
Her music is in my "Running" Playlist cuz I hate her music more than I hate running! Makes me focus on that instead of how many more miles I need to log 😁
So in that respect, it is useful!!!


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