time to ride off into the sunset (1 Viewer)

This reminds me of the time I bought a high end tv and sound system with the help of a friend of mine and he hooked it all up for me. He went out of the room to use the mens room to wash up and when he came back, I had Gettysburg cranked up on the tv and sound system and he said to me "Leave it to you after getting such an awesome system that instead of playing a shoot em up action movie you are watching a movie about the Revolutionary War"..................I was speechless.

But this is the same guy who said after another of our friends saw Titantic and said the recreation of the sinking of the ship was awesome said "Oh great, thanks for ruining the ending of the movie for me, no sense in me going to see it now"........he was right, no sense at all................of history.

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D. Or should we cry instead?:confused:

I was at the Chicago gathering and heard Andy talk about our collecting as being a niche situation. Price definitely starts to separate alot of people from being fanatical about it..but, it goes way beyond that. My wife..my kids..my friends not having an interest in the historical aspect of the depictions speaks of a greater, much more serious problem. Too many people collect era related items..be it sports cards or tanks and soldiers..that they can relate to. There, practically, arent anyone around to touch bases with world war I items. My uncle is 85 and getting more prescious to me as a close friend and relative..and also because he is a true asset. He is LIVING history. Most neighbors around me know nothing of the Korean War. They know very little of world war II, other than they probably have or had a distant uncle or father who fought in that war. Unless your kids go to a special, talented school, I cant imagine how our history is merely dusted over. I remember purchasing a Ted Williams baseball card in mint condition..I rushed over to my son's house to show him..and he said: "Its a beautiful card, but, who is Ted Williams?" Collecting military items from different wars..or old stamps or old baseball cards, etc is an opportunity for many to learn and to appreciate what use to make this country so great. Again, I dont blame my wife's lack of interest. Some of your children will see the soldiers and might even take it a few steps further and learn about their sacrifice. But, for too many, each generation will produce even more who wont take that extra step..or wont even care to. Andy was right..this is a niche hobby. I love this forum because I can sense people love what they are doing..and in a non-selfish way, they love it for themselves. And, so will I. (Just a sidenote about our American school system. My daughter who is now thirty years old...when she was in junior COLLEGE..while studying for a final exam for her Geography 101 class...actually, stopped reading her text and asked me: "Dad...Canada is a country...right?" Now, why should I ever be disappointed in her because she doesnt know what a tank destroyer is.)

For me its more important to pass on to coming generations an appreciation of what was done so that we could all be free,than to pass on an appreciation of Toy Soldiers.Its the real sacrifice that matters and the lessons learned in History,if they also like the Toy Soldiers all the better,its a bonus but secondary to rememberance.

What is good to see in this country is that in recent years there has been a surge of interest in both world wars.More schools are visiting the Battlefields in France and Belgium and our major War museums than ever before,this is truly heartening to see.And with those kids comes a million different stories of grandfathers and great grandfathers,we can be cynical about kids today,but I am reassured that the memory and pride of our fighting men will go on for some time to come.

I cannot believe how many people know hardly anything of what came before us and what's worse is they have no desire to find out.That's the way animals are,just existing for the moment.At least animals have an excuse.They have no self awareness.
Actually Mark I suggest that generalization about animals is not correct, no matter which scientist suggests otherwise. Higher animals (mostly those that interact with humans) do have a demonstrable self awareness and in fact have a sense of their past and the future but choose to generally focus on the present. I will put my half century of in depth field experience against their lab results any day.;) Since you can't change the past, that is rather rational for them. To me it is fine to appreciate the past and I enjoy learning about it because it helps inform the present and the future. However, at the end of the day, it is the present that requires the greatest attention. Ask any soldier, sailor or airman where their focus was when they were in combat and you will find it was very much on the present.

All that said, I agree that the current population of humans has far too little appreciation of history. I just don't think it is fair to compare their deficiencies to animals who actually have far better adaptive skills and morality than we do in many respects.:)
With all due respect and no offense to anybody who has posted but this has been a very unusual thread :eek:
With all due respect and no offense to anybody who has posted but this has been a very unusual thread :eek:

Don't get your point; a long time respected forum member has decided to take a break from the hobby and members are wishing him the best and also talking about how family members, friends, etc view their hobby.

Is it unusual because there is no name calling, babbling about collection values, complaining about the latest releases or endless lists of items collectors want manufacturers to make for them?

If so, then yes, it is "unusual".................
With all due respect and no offense to anybody who has posted but this has been a very unusual thread :eek:
I agree with George. Also and with all due respect and no offense to anyone, to the extent it is unusual in its diversity of central topics that may be a very good thing; it may make it less likely to be surgically dismembered by the defense of conversation police.:rolleyes::)
I agree with George. Also and with all due respect and no offense to anyone, to the extent it is unusual in its diversity of central topics that may be a very good thing; it may make it less likely to be surgically dismembered by the defense of conversation police.:rolleyes::)

Could we perhaps refrain from this type of sarcasm, it is growing very tiring.
Well, George was being a little scarcastic so that part I understand. As for the rest of your post, Bill, please spare us, it's not only tiring but extremely tiring :(
Well, George was being a little scarcastic so that part I understand. As for the rest of your post, Bill, please spare us, it's not only tiring but extremely tiring :(
You know what is tiring Brad, it is the reason why I have to make these reminders and the attitude of those that require or support that action. So when you are sparing something, think of sparing those who know better.;):rolleyes::mad:
This reminds me of the time I bought a high end tv and sound system with the help of a friend of mine and he hooked it all up for me. He went out of the room to use the mens room to wash up and when he came back, I had Gettysburg cranked up on the tv and sound system and he said to me "Leave it to you after getting such an awesome system that instead of playing a shoot em up action movie you are watching a movie about the Revolutionary War"..................I was speechless.

But this is the same guy who said after another of our friends saw Titantic and said the recreation of the sinking of the ship was awesome said "Oh great, thanks for ruining the ending of the movie for me, no sense in me going to see it now"........he was right, no sense at all................of history.

This is the funniest thing I read all day. I can just see you rolling your eyes and wincing (and I don't even know what you look like!!)
This reminds me of the time I bought a high end tv and sound system with the help of a friend of mine and he hooked it all up for me. He went out of the room to use the mens room to wash up and when he came back, I had Gettysburg cranked up on the tv and sound system and he said to me "Leave it to you after getting such an awesome system that instead of playing a shoot em up action movie you are watching a movie about the Revolutionary War"..................I was speechless.

But this is the same guy who said after another of our friends saw Titantic and said the recreation of the sinking of the ship was awesome said "Oh great, thanks for ruining the ending of the movie for me, no sense in me going to see it now"........he was right, no sense at all................of history.


Look on the bright side - at least he knew about the Revolutionary War! You know - the one fought between the Yankees and the Red Sox:D
A bit random?:confused:

At least it's not the same as that guy who complained that all we did was argue and thus the reason why he left!:confused::mad:
We will miss you mate!:(

Hopefully you could jum on now and then for some banter?:)

I got penalised for a minor word?:confused:
This is the funniest thing I read all day. I can just see you rolling your eyes and wincing (and I don't even know what you look like!!)

I laughed off the AWI comment, but the Titantic comment was a roll on the floor LOL moment as he was so torked off that the ending was ruined for him.

Just amazingly comical, yet pathetically sad at the same time........

Look on the bright side - at least he knew about the Revolutionary War! You know - the one fought between the Yankees and the Red Sox:D

True, a war that has been ongoing since 1918 and one with no end in sight I'm afraid...........;)
Actually Mark I suggest that generalization about animals is not correct, no matter which scientist suggests otherwise. Higher animals (mostly those that interact with humans) do have a demonstrable self awareness and in fact have a sense of their past and the future but choose to generally focus on the present. I will put my half century of in depth field experience against their lab results any day.;) Since you can't change the past, that is rather rational for them. To me it is fine to appreciate the past and I enjoy learning about it because it helps inform the present and the future. However, at the end of the day, it is the present that requires the greatest attention. Ask any soldier, sailor or airman where their focus was when they were in combat and you will find it was very much on the present.

All that said, I agree that the current population of humans has far too little appreciation of history. I just don't think it is fair to compare their deficiencies to animals who actually have far better adaptive skills and morality than we do in many respects.:)

Bill,I agree on the last part 100%.Bill I live in the present too but I also love to learn about the past.I can not understand people who have no interest in nothing and when I say nothing I mean nothing.They just exist.As long as they have something to eat and drink they are happy.I know people like that.
Bill,I agree on the last part 100%.Bill I live in the present too but I also love to learn about the past.I can not understand people who have no interest in nothing and when I say nothing I mean nothing.They just exist.As long as they have something to eat and drink they are happy.I know people like that.
Indeed you are right Mark. I suspect most of us know a few. Sad but true: a truly titanic shame.;)
Well guys, maybe not gonna ride off completely, after much weighing of different scenerios with my toy soldier hobby, I have decided to stick to just one and ONE manufacturer only, and still dabble into my sports hobby as well, this time gonna keep it "simple stupid" not over board, glad to have finally figured out a system that will work for me as well as my family, thanks again guys for all the kind words, another great reason to stay connected to my hobby, I have alot of great guys to chat with all the time, good to be home:):):) Sammy
Well guys, maybe not gonna ride off completely, after much weighing of different scenerios with my toy soldier hobby, I have decided to stick to just one and ONE manufacturer only, and still dabble into my sports hobby as well, this time gonna keep it "simple stupid" not over board, glad to have finally figured out a system that will work for me as well as my family, thanks again guys for all the kind words, another great reason to stay connected to my hobby, I have alot of great guys to chat with all the time, good to be home:):):) Sammy

That's great news Sammy!!!!!:) Great to have you back!!!!! :D

Good decision. I think the one manufacturer is a wise choice. -- lancer

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