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  1. L

    NEW RELEASE: 7th Union Cavalry With Custer in Command!

    Maybe he's having premonitions of Crazy Horse et al
  2. L

    River Nile Series Discounted in USA

    I just looked.:smile2: It's on the Britains UK site. Order em there and save
  3. L

    Battle of Agincourt

    Are these compatible in size with collector showcase Agincourt?
  4. L

    New release: Agincourt!

    Sometimes a nit is best left unpicked. Especially at times such as this when simple compliments of CS's great work would suffice? Finding minor issues with this stunning range seems miserly Their Agincourt range looks positively super . Glad to see you agree it is stunning Thanks also for your...
  5. L

    New release: Agincourt!

    Most impressive. Beautiful Seems to me there always needs to be a trade off in sizing of things like reins versus break ability Some of you have previously criticized CS for making Roman swords and such too thin. Now they are criticized for making parts too thick. Sure seems CS can't catch a...
  6. L

    Britain's Zulu War

    Calendar is terrific Appreciate your sharing these
  7. L

    Britains new(?) plastic releases

    Agreed. You can still find 1980s Deetail at a reasonable price so why buy these inferior versions. I'm actually looking for some Deetail Arabs to go with my NorthWest Frontier Conte and Jenkins Highlanders
  8. L

    Britain's Zulu War

    1st picture some Conte 2nd picture ALL Conte? Yet here on WB section of forum?
  9. L

    Britain's Zulu War

    Looks to me like most of these exciting figures are by Conte especially in the 2nd photo and not WB yet the photo of the beautiful diorama is here on the WB forum???
  10. L

    New Releases For June 2012

    very nice are more sudan dervishes on the way? it seems JJ and WB are curtailing or slowing their sudan ranges
  11. L

    ROM025-ROM030 Ancient German Warriors!!!

    very nice like the horn blower the best
  12. L

    New ACW Zouaves

    Conte go well in scale with Britains. The faces on Conte are generally more lifelike and real looking. The Conte bases are sometimes larger and show more detail but this also seems minor to me. Britains bases seem to be getting smaller and thinner which must be a cost control decision. I know...
  13. L

    Thoughts on the new Romans.

    am in total agreement with your post. Seems this thread is in danger of being hijacked. FL discussion and touting belongs IMHO on the FL section of the forum . Thanks for speaking up and saying what needed to be said
  14. L

    Thoughts on the new Romans.

    Count me out. Just canceled my plans to mix a few of these with some of my other Romans. First wave had painfully thin swords which you guys reported as breaking and glaring errors in the armor plate and now the second wave has new problems. I feel bad for CTS as I'd guess dealing with china is...
  15. L

    Britains Westcoaster 2012

    I'm glad somebody else mentioned the faces as I didn't want to be the first to dampen the party. One guy looks horribly bug-eyed and in general I am not happy with the faces. Did a different sculptor do these?
  16. L

    Pirate size comparisons

    Many of the Marx poses are available at some cake stores as they are used as decorations on pirate themed cakes. Hard plastic and horribly painted but close to 54mm. You might check with your local bakery. I managed to get 6 poses a few years back. Took forever to convince lady to just sell me...
  17. L

    Conte has announced a Western range.

    Thank you for alerting us. The figures look great and I especially love the dancehall queen. Reminds me of Jayne Mansfield in Sheriff of Fractured Jaw or Monroe in the film she did with Robert Mitchum. A beaut of a sculpt. The cowboys look wonderful as well.
  18. L

    NEW RELEASE: Rome 43AD Catapault & Fighting Sets

    Looks like mainly old Conte Barbarians in the foreground? The 2 ranges look mighty nice together
  19. L

    Conte has announced a Western range.

    Thanks Lt for sharing these. I think they are terrific and can't wait to see the finished product. In plastic or metal these appear to be superb sculpts.