Search results

  1. pylgrym

    Minutemen Toy Soldiers show report..........................

    Sorry I missed you, George. We passed a glance in the hospitality room Saturday. Dorothy snd I only had Friday night and Saturday until after the Ben Hur staplepopping. Too, I only had ten bucks a room and DeAnna cleaned me out, what with the new TSSD Vietnam range and all. Maybe I'll be better...
  2. pylgrym

    The revenant.
  3. pylgrym

    The revenant.
  4. pylgrym

    Your thoughts for next TSSD sets.

  5. Childhood Joys

    Childhood Joys

    A couple shots snapped by me dear old mum
  6. pylgrym


    Then there are the bulls from Disney's herd ... a breed apart, they say ...:o
  7. pylgrym

    Engeneer Bassevitch new set

    Some soldiers are just naturally taller than others!:salute::
  8. pylgrym

    Dangerous Eveloution in Soldier Sculpting

    Gosh, fellows, I thought the forum was about "TOY" soldiers? ' {sm2}
  9. pylgrym

    Chicago Show 2013 Pictures

    Just. Wow. Thanks for taking us to this iconic show! ' pEEgEE{sm4}
  10. pylgrym

    Pvblivs Toy Soldiers

    and GOOGLE will translate the page if you cut and paste it in their search box ... ' pEEgEE
  11. pylgrym

    Model soldiers vs. Toy Soldiers

    I have collected toy soldiers in plastic since 1955. I like model soldiers, and often with my dad's help and encouragement built MONOGRAM, REVELL and RENWAL military kits in the 50's - '60's. Some of the figures are quite engaging. The clubs to which I belong which cross over, i.e. have all...
  12. pylgrym

    Little toy soldier ID help

    ' ' The above two are hasbro - marked Hong Kong - and Tonka, so marked, from the 1960's. I found these here: ' Paul Stadinger is the most knowledgeable collector I know in North America. I think he would say that your hard plastic figure came in a...
  13. pylgrym

    Marx Soldiers Still Alive

    Marx soldiers, accessories, terrain, etc. are very much alive and infiltrating the Young Collector Consciousness by way of toy shows, flea markets, etc. I always sell at a loss to kids with their own money; Granpa pays full retail! You might, if so inclined towwards face-to-face reselling or...
  14. pylgrym

    Marx Soldiers Still Alive

    Don't forget the FACEBOOK pages for armymen!!/groups/armymenhomepage/ ;' ' pEEgEE ' I like to set up juxtapositions of armymen and other toys.
  15. pylgrym

    Ideas for Roman movies?

    I for one would like a sequel to that wonderful stinker, Or, maybe a REAL deserving sequel to ' LOVE those gladiator flicks ... caught one on TCM the other day ... with SPARTANS?? ' pEEgEE
  16. pylgrym

    ACTA English civil war figures 54mm

    NICE! The pikemen I have seen en mass are quite good as well. As a Yank, my only ECW figures as a lad were the HERALD pair (One each: cavalier in blue and yellow-plumed pikeman) now coveted widely...
  17. pylgrym

    Custom shapes. 1/30. Plastic.

    Las Cartulinas Magnificas! 'These Civil War Irregulars figures RIDE WITH THE DEVIL!' ' The Spanish Civil War figures are very effective as well ... toy soldiers taken to a whole new level ... ' To Quote our modifier of plastic figures...
  18. pylgrym

    Eaten by rats!!!

    These would have been nice accessories to throw in a bag and tuck in a corner of the playset I just sold on eBay: ' paul
  19. pylgrym

    Plastic female Russian soldier

    Found a nice pic of the TSSD WWII Sovietskis at the Blog of this bloke: The female sniper reminds me of the first scene in one of my favorite WW II films, foreshadowed in the first five seconds of the trailer...
  20. BigScreen

