Search results

  1. D

    Plastic Spartan Prototypes on Ebay

    Seems like once again someones placing RC's head on the chopping block............The Lt. YES Lt. someone is putting his head on the chopping block, RC himself, i have purchased from Beaugeste and all deliveries come from Conte Las Vegas, also if you read one of his other auctions, i think...
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    Treefrog Treasures and Conte

    granted, may have been somewhat of a "cheap shot" but its all in how its interpreted, never said i had an unfortunate experience, as for "nuff said" i would be more than happy to have a friendly exchange of words with yourself Spitfrnd, this probably would not the be the best place, i myself...
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    Treefrog Treasures and Conte

    Treefrog Treasures is a fine upstanding company :), you can figure out the rest from there.............................................:eek: "nuff said"
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    Vegas Hobby Shops

    March Through Times is located in Reno, NV i do believe, not sure if you have that much time or not,
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    Collectors Showcase eBay sales of DAK & ACW

    And they say silence is a "virtue" lol anyway, here in lies the problem, in the grand scheme of things the toy soldier world,historical miniature world or whatever you want to call it, its really not that large as compared to most industries and the demand is simply not there, it seems that...
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    Sons of the South

    you bet Vamp, have post office ticket in hand, as soon as i can get outa work i'm there, will update after that :D that's a pretty good likeness, don't ya think? :p those guy's have taken the forum back to "fun" i would say, can't wait to see the reprisal :eek:
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    Sons of the South

    well, i jumped off the deep end with out thinking, and i should have known better, anyone who was worried about the size issue or compatibility of the new SOS vs old Conte have no fear, take a look at HB's forum, great clear pictures showing the actual comparison, no doctoring no diorama, they...
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    Scale - Whats going on???????

    Ecellent! glad to see some participation, thanks mod and dm for opinions, and thank you K&C for your take on things. I never meant to suggest that all companies should get together and produce everything in the same size, between different era's size does not really matter, i mean not many of...
  9. D

    Scale - Whats going on???????

    i am starting this thread for discussion and hopefully some answers, not picking or choosing certain companies for "bashing" (sad that i even have to make the latter statement lol) lets talk about them all! well, seems to be of late that the scale of figures is becoming more discussed with...
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    Sons of the South

    lol, sorry about that, my attention span is that of a "peanut", guess you can never beat that horse enough (resale) and as for the ....... thing, was kinda new to me even if it is gettin old, i've got a few diddies myself that surpass that one by miles and miles, but i won't be as honest as you!
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    Sons of the South

    Great, glad to hear your opinion Vamp. still awaiting my troops arrival, but am very hopefull after what you have said, hopefully i will see soon enough myself, correction though my friendly creature of the nite, i don't think anything was said about re-sale value in this instance (which is a...
  12. D

    Conte's WWII (BOSS), Like them, don’t like them, why?

    yes, like them alot, still a bit too dark on the painting, but Conte addressed this stating for the period look thats what they were after, just as he stated the lack of extra gear to be able to use figures elsewhere. agree with binder about pricing, a bit up there Conte's new releases with...
  13. D

    Do K&C figures have enough action?

    the beauty in K&C is they tackle and cover the whole spectrum of poses, action, battle, stationary, they don't limit themselves no matter what period, that's what makes them so diverse and collectable, NO LIMITS with them.
  14. D

    Do K&C figures have enough action?

    LOL, take it easy Jazz (just kidding) this could be a good topic of discussion, not all companies are alike and that in turn appeals to alot of different collectors. K&C makes an awesome product no doubt, (i can not allow myself to get pulled into the K&C web at this time but the crusader line...
  15. D

    Sons of the South

    well said TSB, i don't think any of us are trying to be negative or doing any company bashing, we are disussing what's going on with the SOS, unfortunately it will be taken as negative comments toward Conte, my personal Conte collection rivals that of Louis's k&c so this would stand to reason...
  16. D

    Sons of the South

    yes, very nice indeed, but a complete different perspective on poses, "it is what it is" instead of "beating this horse" to death and getting carried away, how about if we could get someone here, to whip out his digital camera, place some figures on a table, the old and the new and see a...
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    Sons of the South

    who knows what the thinking is over there in Conte land, i just wonder about those vikings now...............................:eek:
  18. D

    Sons of the South

    its a good thing i am renovating my basement right now, have a 5' x 8' brick fireplace to destroy this weekend, am quite sure all my frustrations about this will be taken out on that brick and mortar :D should feel better by the end of the weekend, not sure now if i even want to open my SOS...
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    Site Re-organization

    Now this i like, roaming around the site and having it change on you very second :) This is a really nice format coming, you just keep improving and improving and improving and making this a better place. Keep it up :cool:
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    Sons of the South

    fine sir there is no doubt that your diorama work is second to none, your display, enhanced photography is amazing, now this being said it is very easy to manipulate a 4x6 photo and make it look good with different size figures but when you have a 2' x 2' display and you want to mix and match...