Corona virus (4 Viewers)

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Just heard on the news that the Governor of California thinks that 50% of all Californians will be infected.In other words 25 million!{eek3}
Just heard on the news that the Governor of California thinks that 50% of all Californians will be infected.In other words 25 million!{eek3}

He also said that if people stay at home, those projections wouldn’t take place. In other words, if people don’t follow social distancing suggestions, that level of infections would take place.

As you know, we are under a curfew here in NJ, 5am to 8pm. I went out around 645pm to run an errand and the roads were deserted. People are taking this seriously around here.

These idiots aren’t.
Just heard on the news that the Governor of California thinks that 50% of all Californians will be infected.In other words 25 million!{eek3}

Just what kind of experts did he consult with? Great leadership in a time of crisis. Way to establish calm and order. My opinion - he's an idiot. I hope I am right for Californians sake.
He also said that if people stay at home, those projections wouldn’t take place. In other words, if people don’t follow social distancing suggestions, that level of infections would take place.

As you know, we are under a curfew here in NJ, 5am to 8pm. I went out around 645pm to run an errand and the roads were deserted. People are taking this seriously around here.

These idiots aren’t.
Correct on the projection context. Here in Washington State we have been basically doing that since early March as we have been at the epicenter. I do believe that this is the right strategy to limit contagion given that there is still no cure. This is also help prevent overloading our medical infrastructure: flatten the curve strategy. We are all in and everyone has to do his part otherwise this will go out of control given the size of this country.
Reading all of these interesting and intelligent posts, I still think some relevant points have been eclipsed.
1. Jesus had a point and so does Poppo, but that is only relevant to our current discussion if you give up on the world and become a monk (which, believe me, is becoming a more attractive option every day).
2. Bail out the essentials, like the Airlines, but be frugal bailing out Everyone. That may be a future political excuse to destroy Social Security and still the rich will not have to support the Power that allows them to exist.
3. Just be careful when you meet others. Contact has always given me serious medical problems and it is not a joke, but it does not have to exclude all social interaction.
Best Wishes from the sickly and not social
P.S. Enjoy the break from work! seriously. post your art. relax. All the best
He also said that if people stay at home, those projections wouldn’t take place. In other words, if people don’t follow social distancing suggestions, that level of infections would take place.

As you know, we are under a curfew here in NJ, 5am to 8pm. I went out around 645pm to run an errand and the roads were deserted. People are taking this seriously around here.

These idiots aren’t.

8pm-5am Brad.Not mandatory but most people are following.I'm usually not out at those times anyway except to run down to the Sunoco store which is about 3 minutes away.I usually leave for work around 5am as I'm working 6am to 6pm.A new trauma is that you can't get your own coffee at Wawa.{eek3}^&grin .How about that poor family in Freehold,so sad.
This thing is going from bad to worse literally by the minute.

Here in MA, we are looking at a quarantine as measures taken so far have done virtually nothing to slow down the spread.

Frightening to think a short week ago, there was a 500 plus person convention being held in PA and the supermarkets were calm and quiet.

The number of confirmed US cases was at about 2500, that number has zoomed up over 15,000 and according to a nurse friend of mine "this is just the tip of the iceberg", she said our health care system is going to be pushed to the brink within the next couple of weeks, maybe less.

I think it's time I lock things down and shelter in place on my own, we have enough food for two weeks and two full tanks of gas.

Enough is enough.
8pm-5am Brad.Not mandatory but most people are following.I'm usually not out at those times anyway except to run down to the Sunoco store which is about 3 minutes away.I usually leave for work around 5am as I'm working 6am to 6pm.A new trauma is that you can't get your own coffee at Wawa.{eek3}^&grin .How about that poor family in Freehold,so sad.

That Freehold story is a terrible one. For those who don’t know it, four members of a family have died from the virus. See
This thing is going from bad to worse literally by the minute.

Here in MA, we are looking at a quarantine as measures taken so far have done virtually nothing to slow down the spread.

Frightening to think a short week ago, there was a 500 plus person convention being held in PA and the supermarkets were calm and quiet.

The number of confirmed US cases was at about 2500, that number has zoomed up over 15,000 and according to a nurse friend of mine "this is just the tip of the iceberg", she said our health care system is going to be pushed to the brink within the next couple of weeks, maybe less.

I think it's time I lock things down and shelter in place on my own, we have enough food for two weeks and two full tanks of gas.

Enough is enough.

We need to be calm and not panic. The number of cases in the US was bound to increase because of testing. The rate of increase today — so far — is less than yesterday as are the number of deaths. Whether this will remain that way is unknown.
We just got news of the test result of my father in law: positive. He's 75, but fortunately never smoked or drank and has no health issues. Nevertheless, it is a punch on the face of how close this virus is of all of us. The whole family (14) will now be tested since we all had lunch together at his home last Sunday...
Hoping for the best Carlos. Please make sure to practice social distancing.

This thing is going from bad to worse literally by the minute.

Here in MA, we are looking at a quarantine as measures taken so far have done virtually nothing to slow down the spread.

Frightening to think a short week ago, there was a 500 plus person convention being held in PA and the supermarkets were calm and quiet.

The number of confirmed US cases was at about 2500, that number has zoomed up over 15,000 and according to a nurse friend of mine "this is just the tip of the iceberg", she said our health care system is going to be pushed to the brink within the next couple of weeks, maybe less.

I think it's time I lock things down and shelter in place on my own, we have enough food for two weeks and two full tanks of gas.

Enough is enough.

Although Governor Mills has not officially mandated a quarantine; the effect of "EVERYTHING" closed is virtually the same. The only open stores are food markets. As my post a bit ago pointed out everything has to be shut or the business owners are doing so voluntarily. So NO where to go even if I wanted to.

There are a few restaurants that are still open ... BUT … only as a take out.

You must call or go on-line Pay with a CC or Debit card, drive to the location and a person hands you the food while you MUST remain in your car.
This might work for folks who live in an urban of city-like environment but here Waldoboro by the time I got the food home it would be cold.
Especially this time of the year …

Food is plentiful so ZERO issues there, unless you only drink imported Italian wine or imported French foods, etc.:rolleyes:

Stupid things are still being fought over, as in all paper products, hand sanitizers, and such. However it is VERY simple to make your own with just a bottle of rubbing alcohol, Aloe Vera gell. MUST BE 60% alcohol or more. All those are readily available so no issue.

The saddest thing is people are hording "Baby food, Diaper's, and those essential items for children. As with the paper items, stores are no limiting the amount anyone can buy at one time.

As the calm voice of Brad suggest we should just enjoy the chance to relax and be Politically Correct in our "Social Distancing" on this forum.

PLEASE, stay safe everyone … TAKE NO CHANCES!
--- Prisoner 04572636 --- State of Maine

--- LaRRy
Unless you plan to be out of the home or you have run out of soap, hand sanitizer is of limited effectiveness as washing with soap for at least 20 seconds will kill 90% of any germs.

Our restaurants are open around here but only for takeout.

I stocked up on beer and wine last week do I can reduce trips to the liquor store.
We need to be calm and not panic. The number of cases in the US was bound to increase because of testing. The rate of increase today — so far — is less than yesterday as are the number of deaths. Whether this will remain that way is unknown.

Got some encouraging news a short time ago;

We are woefully behind in testing as you stated, my source told me we will be testing 50,000 people a day. And guess what will happen? The number of confirmed cases will go up, up, up, as it should, the more you test, the more people come back positive, MOST of whom show mild if NO symptoms, about 20% of those being tested are coming back positive, again according to my sources.
So the number will go up and the media will run with it and again, people will panic, so expect the supermarkets to get wiped out again.

My source feels like within the next two to three weeks, we will see a spike, then a leveling off in the number of cases, then a decline.

His best guess is 3 to 4 weeks and we will turn the corner, not sure if people will start to go back to work, or if at some point restaurants will reopen, but time will tell.

Let's just get to a leveling off and go from there...………………………
Haver never worked out how to upload images so will describe a couple of cartoons / meme.

1) Colour Sergeant Bourne and Lt Chard from the movie Zulu looking out into the distance and Bourne says " Experts sir, thousands of them".

Funny how TV hosts and many columnists are now experts in viruses and how to deal with them.

2) cartoon of inside Iranian missile launch headquarters with missiles ready to go. One launch crew is about to push a button and he and his mates, some on the floor, are wearing masks and not looking very well. Their commander is on the phone and says "don't push that button, Israel will find the cure in three months".
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