Corona virus (6 Viewers)

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So the number will go up and the media will run with it and again, people will panic, so expect the supermarkets to get wiped out again.

On tv they showed that in these days in the US people are also queuing to buy weapons!{sm4}{sm4} Why? {sm4}
On tv they showed that in these days in the US people are also queuing to buy weapons!{sm4}{sm4} Why? {sm4}

My theory is that if people run out of money to purchase basic necessities, there will be riots and civil disturbances; people feel the need to protect themselves if these events should take place. Hope I’m wrong but I’m somewhat concerned.
Brad...I see this's inevitable...when people run out of money...because their job is shut down...and they can't afford food and rent...there are going to be problems...civil could get ugly real quick...
My theory is that if people run out of money to purchase basic necessities, there will be riots and civil disturbances; people feel the need to protect themselves if these events should take place. Hope I’m wrong but I’m somewhat concerned.

I have been saying repeatedly here in Brazil that in the noble attempt to eradicate the disease you may end up killing the patient! If the current strategy to stop the spread is maintained, the economy will inevitably collapse and millions will see themselves without jobs and money to address to their needs...
That's why money (a good standard of living) is important. Makes people civilized. Without a good standard of living, life gets cheap. Then people will be reduced to taking stuff and other unsavory conduct.
The government can not shut down the nation (restaurants, bars, non-essential businesses) for long. I heard in disbelief that 80% of Americans live pay check to pay check. That's rough.
My opinion is shutting down and destroying the economy is probably more destructive than the virus itself. You put millions of people out of work with no hope is a recipe for disaster.You will have many more people living on the streets not being able to support their families.There will be riots,criminals and gangs running amok.Suicide will rise big time.Many people who have never owned a gun are buying them now fearing looting and home invasions.They will panic and probably shoot at anything that moves in the dark.Starting everything back up is not as simple as walking in and turning a light on in your place and be back to normal.You are destroying the hopes of many which is a long more lingering death.
A girl working at Wawa told me tonight that people are miserable and cranky as hell already.She is very scared of what's coming.
There's no doubt its times like this you see the best and worst in humanity. Remaining calm and being kind and supportive of others is the key. Some on here seem to forget this is a global event, not just affecting their own country.

We are definitely heading into a world recession and hard times, but we also need to keep things in perceptive.
but we also need to keep things in perceptive.

Perspective, you are right. Ok you would have been right if your auto correct thing hadn't pulled up the wrong word.

Forget about toilet rolls or meat becoming hard to find I am getting very concerned about the menu on Netflix. I don't think I am going to survive being house bound without some new options coming through soon.

Last night I had to resort to watching Infernal Affairs, a Hong Kong production, upon which the The Departed was based. Spoiler alert, there was no rat at the end and no scene with plastic on the floor.

Useless movie trivia for those who saw The Great Wall movie with Matt Damon. On Netflix if you haven't seen it. The actor who played the Emperor, Andy Lau, was the guy who played the same role Damon did in The Departed.

I might have to raid the piggy bank and subscribe to another streaming service.{sm2}
Went to the local Shoprite this morning. Wasn’t crazy. They even had chicken and a lot of bakery products, which has been in short supply. They also had toilet paper (not that we need any) although the amounts you could purchase were rationed. There were two lines to checkout: one if you had a lot of stuff (very long line) and one for automatic checkout (relatively short).
trying not to get political but our leadership has failed us. We should have been better prepared for this and reacted swiftly and decisively weeks ago instead of these knee jerk reactions.
You may not like the Chinese form of government but it seems that they have their situation under control and are now sending millions of masks, respirators and protective suits to France, Italy
and other countries. While we are accusing and fighting with them they could have been helping us, not to mention who is going to buy our massive debt when this is over.
We seem to have a government running on emotion not logic and intelligence.
What good is shutting down a state if the one adjacent to yours is open?

To avoid a depression we must come up with a multi-trillion dollar package that will put money into the hands of every unemployed worker and small business for at least six months.
We need to put in a stimulus package for infrastructure that will put people back to work. We need to nationalize certain industries to produce the medical equipment we need now.
for those who are critical of our debt where were they when the tax cuts added over a trillion to our debt? With interest rates near zero the maintenance of the debt is manageable and
we can pay it down with discipline and sacrifice over the next 10 years.
Our way of life will change, but we can get through this.
What we need most of all is competent leadership.
And I will add that the media needs to report facts and minimize the punditry. And politicians need to drop the partisanship at least temporarily. And our President needs to tell the truth and be an inspiration.
Let the experts do the talking and lets have a plan that we all understand and must adhere to.
Our people will rise up to the challenge if they know the truth and know what is expected of them.
Rich, with all due respect, I’m not finding your long posts especially helpful. You’re stating what most of us already know.

China is not providing masks out of the goodness of their hearts. See this story,

Yes, our government has made mistakes but it’s the only one we have and piling criticism on top of criticism I don’t believe is helpful.
You're probably right, its selfish to express my emotions.......just hope people can tell their representatives to get things done.
I'm happy to delete but don't know how.
One last post on a positive note.
We have all the resources to be self sufficient and take care of our, water, energy and technology. We will find a cure and vaccine for this and other pandemics.
We only have to remain calm and cooperate with each other.
Rich, with all due respect, I’m not finding your long posts especially helpful. You’re stating what most of us already know.

China is not providing masks out of the goodness of their hearts. See this story,

Yes, our government has made mistakes but it’s the only one we have and piling criticism on top of criticism I don’t believe is helpful.

regardless of who is President, they would not do any better or worse, the Feds could never be prepared for something like this nor could the 50 plus fifedoms. On a positive note, it is nice to see CA and NY working with Trump, i even saw them use the first names of each other this week. That is a positive that they are trying to find a solution together. Trump is no more or less responsible than I am in regards to stopping this virus or preparing for it from the onset. They had limited knowledge with differing expert opinions and did the best and are doing what they can do.

So I agree with your points.

If I may add an opinion, what I really do not find helpful at this time is a portion (albeit a small one at this point) who is continuing to not only sensationalize and panic this disease but using it as political opportunity. I find this distasteful. It is going to take differing viewpoints to agree on how to combat a recession, bail outs, assistance, etc. It is not a one person or one party solution. Additionally, some areas are going to need more assistance than others regardless of the politics and I am hopeful based on the Fed's recent moves that political party is not an issue.

Bailouts are not very efficient. And the hypocrisy of those big corporations and folks who berate any other form of handout as socialism is outrageous. But when the airlines and health care industry need billions from the government it's fine. Most of which ends up in the hands of the CEOs etc. It's outrageous. If those multi-billion dollar industries need tax payer money, they should be forced to pay it back. If you benefit from capitalism during the good times, then you should be willing to accept the bad. If some of the airlines and cruise companies go bust, then good riddance. The customer service on the airlines is atrocious because they have a captive audience and squeeze every last penny by cutting customer service. They used 9/11 as a pretext to make more profit. Time to let someone else give it a shot instead of bailing them out.

In terms of the government response, it is a gigantic effort. They are doing the best they can. I take issue only with the notion that this situation could not have been predicted. There have been pandemics since the beginning of human history. Maybe they can't predict the specifics such as the time and manner, but it doesn't take Nostradamus to know that they are coming. The public health organizations that are funded very well by the tax payers dropped the ball. No plan. Its been haphazard. You can't expect politicians to fix that on the fly. They need to have a plan in place beforehand instead of figuring it out day-by-day. It's too late by then. With that said, the predictions of complete doom are overblown. In a couple weeks things will settle down. In a couple months the news cycle will move on to something else and no one will concern themselves with preparing for the next pandemic like no one concerns themselves with the inevitable earthquakes and fires but instead allow folks to overpopulate those areas to maximize the harm from these events when they do occur. We are much more reactive than proactive in most situations.
Went to the local Shoprite this morning. Wasn’t crazy. They even had chicken and a lot of bakery products, which has been in short supply. They also had toilet paper (not that we need any) although the amounts you could purchase were rationed. There were two lines to checkout: one if you had a lot of stuff (very long line) and one for automatic checkout (relatively short).

Hi Brad

Same here in our local Waitrose Supermarket at 8am this morning, they nearly didn't let me in too shop early because I looked too young :rolleyes2: ^&grin

Stay safe

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