This is what’s so frustrating for me when people refer to Dr Fauci.
He is not “pushing” two masks yet. He was asked a question and said combining a surgical and cloth mask is a logically good idea. Given the two different types of materials it begins to give you a similar level of protection as your standard N95 mask.
Yes, researchers are mulling making this recommendation since we are starting to see some of the new variants being able to infect people with smaller payloads which means smaller droplets or aerosol exposure can infect people.
Combined with concerns that recent mutations may make the current vaccines less effective it sounds like a smart thing to do.
It just isn’t helpful to distort messages like this.
We are not out of the woods yet even though we are seeing infection and hospitalizations going down. Letting our guard down or sharing misinformation right as new variants are showing up could be disastrous.
We were too slow responding and being responsible as individuals last year. We can do it differently this year behind a more unified and science led effort.
The problem is as Joe and Doug have pointed out, there was WAY too much misinformation about this virus in the beginning and it seems to have continued to this day.
As I've stated before, one of my youngest customers Mom is a doctor in NYC................she told me this virus has been in the US since last December, that's 13 months and counting.
She said they initially had no clue what this even was, people were coming into the hospital with flu like symptoms and were being treated for the flu, something they in fact did not have.........this virus is clearly 99% to infinity AIRBORNE, you get it by breathing in droplets from an infected person............Fauci way back when said there was no need to wear masks.................mainly so people would not horde them and save them for the frontline workers as we as a nation were woefully undersupplied in PPE for front line workers, God knows how many doctors and nurses got infected in the beginning.
As Joe pointed out, the Chinese blew smoke up everyones *** and downplayed the severity of this virus "it's similar to the flu"..........................yeah right, sure it is.
I'm sure Fauci is a wonderful fella and he means well and has nothing but good intentions, wearing two masks seems like a solid plan................I'm at the end of my rope with all of this, I really am, totally and utterly sick and disgusted with the whole thing just like millions of other Americans are.
I want my ****ing life back, that's really what I want and everyone else wants...................this vaccine roll out has been an unmitigated disaster, my 88 year old Mother has been a prisoner in her house for 11 ****ing months, still waiting for her shot and once she gets it, then what; 47 new strains will pop up and the vaccine will be ineffective vs them, so what do we do then, go back to living like monks until a new vaccine is found?
How much longer is this Bataan Death March going to last; on and on and on and on it drones, MAYBE by the Fall some sort of "normalcy" will return; but what will that be? GUARANTEED we'll all still have to wear masks, so then what, another holiday season flushed down the toilet, more restrictions, more lockdowns, more new strains...........................they should just flip all the ****ing cards and tell us all "Normal is gone forever, get used to wearing a mask for the rest of your life and social distancing too."
All thanks to the Chinese lying to the world instead of coming clean; and they're going to skate on this too, no blowback, no penalties, no repercussions...............they should pay EVERY FAMILY WHO LOST A LOVED ONE reparations; but who gives a ****, my uncle and millions of others who died aren't coming back no matter what, are they.
What a sin.