COVID the 3rd (3 Viewers)

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A lot of people are of the mindset that Californian's get what they deserve, and let CA burn, etc. But that is a ridiculously narrow view. There are many people in CA who have lived here their entire lives who have never once voted for those who have decimated the state. I find it unnerving how people stereotype and condemn Californian's as a whole when there are many here who have been trying to change things, but the way things have been "set up" here, it is an uphill battle that may never reverse itself. People everywhere should be concerned with how quick this all happened.


Believe me I have sympathy for the people who have to live there but the reality is Californians overwhelmingly voted for the politicians who got them into this mess and continue to support them by large margins. So everyone there has to suffer collectively until that changes. I'm old enough to remember when California had a two party system and folks like Nixon and Reagan could win the state. Those days are long gone, however. There is only one solution for most people now. Move to another state.
This is what’s so frustrating for me when people refer to Dr Fauci.

He is not “pushing” two masks yet. He was asked a question and said combining a surgical and cloth mask is a logically good idea. Given the two different types of materials it begins to give you a similar level of protection as your standard N95 mask.

Yes, researchers are mulling making this recommendation since we are starting to see some of the new variants being able to infect people with smaller payloads which means smaller droplets or aerosol exposure can infect people.

Combined with concerns that recent mutations may make the current vaccines less effective it sounds like a smart thing to do.

It just isn’t helpful to distort messages like this.

We are not out of the woods yet even though we are seeing infection and hospitalizations going down. Letting our guard down or sharing misinformation right as new variants are showing up could be disastrous.

We were too slow responding and being responsible as individuals last year. We can do it differently this year behind a more unified and science led effort.

Maybe Fauci shouldn't give so many TV interviews. I'm sure he must have something meaningful to do in the midst of this pandemic. He causes confusion when he speaks off the cuff. Of course wearing two masks might be safer. Wearing three would even be safer. Or put a bucket on your head and then wear four masks etc. Or as George noted we could all wrap up in aluminum foil. That kind of advice is unrealistic and absurd. It makes Fauci look foolish and undermines confidence in anything people are told. Anyone who is skeptical of even wearing one mask hears a comment like that and says I told you it was all nonsense.
This is what’s so frustrating for me when people refer to Dr Fauci.

He is not “pushing” two masks yet. He was asked a question and said combining a surgical and cloth mask is a logically good idea. Given the two different types of materials it begins to give you a similar level of protection as your standard N95 mask.

Yes, researchers are mulling making this recommendation since we are starting to see some of the new variants being able to infect people with smaller payloads which means smaller droplets or aerosol exposure can infect people.

Combined with concerns that recent mutations may make the current vaccines less effective it sounds like a smart thing to do.

It just isn’t helpful to distort messages like this.

We are not out of the woods yet even though we are seeing infection and hospitalizations going down. Letting our guard down or sharing misinformation right as new variants are showing up could be disastrous.

We were too slow responding and being responsible as individuals last year. We can do it differently this year behind a more unified and science led effort.

The problem is as Joe and Doug have pointed out, there was WAY too much misinformation about this virus in the beginning and it seems to have continued to this day.

As I've stated before, one of my youngest customers Mom is a doctor in NYC................she told me this virus has been in the US since last December, that's 13 months and counting.

She said they initially had no clue what this even was, people were coming into the hospital with flu like symptoms and were being treated for the flu, something they in fact did not have.........this virus is clearly 99% to infinity AIRBORNE, you get it by breathing in droplets from an infected person............Fauci way back when said there was no need to wear masks.................mainly so people would not horde them and save them for the frontline workers as we as a nation were woefully undersupplied in PPE for front line workers, God knows how many doctors and nurses got infected in the beginning.

As Joe pointed out, the Chinese blew smoke up everyones *** and downplayed the severity of this virus "it's similar to the flu"..........................yeah right, sure it is.

I'm sure Fauci is a wonderful fella and he means well and has nothing but good intentions, wearing two masks seems like a solid plan................I'm at the end of my rope with all of this, I really am, totally and utterly sick and disgusted with the whole thing just like millions of other Americans are.

I want my ****ing life back, that's really what I want and everyone else wants...................this vaccine roll out has been an unmitigated disaster, my 88 year old Mother has been a prisoner in her house for 11 ****ing months, still waiting for her shot and once she gets it, then what; 47 new strains will pop up and the vaccine will be ineffective vs them, so what do we do then, go back to living like monks until a new vaccine is found?

How much longer is this Bataan Death March going to last; on and on and on and on it drones, MAYBE by the Fall some sort of "normalcy" will return; but what will that be? GUARANTEED we'll all still have to wear masks, so then what, another holiday season flushed down the toilet, more restrictions, more lockdowns, more new strains...........................they should just flip all the ****ing cards and tell us all "Normal is gone forever, get used to wearing a mask for the rest of your life and social distancing too."

All thanks to the Chinese lying to the world instead of coming clean; and they're going to skate on this too, no blowback, no penalties, no repercussions...............they should pay EVERY FAMILY WHO LOST A LOVED ONE reparations; but who gives a ****, my uncle and millions of others who died aren't coming back no matter what, are they.

What a sin.
The problem is as Joe and Doug have pointed out, there was WAY too much misinformation about this virus in the beginning and it seems to have continued to this day.

As I've stated before, one of my youngest customers Mom is a doctor in NYC................she told me this virus has been in the US since last December, that's 13 months and counting.

She said they initially had no clue what this even was, people were coming into the hospital with flu like symptoms and were being treated for the flu, something they in fact did not have.........this virus is clearly 99% to infinity AIRBORNE, you get it by breathing in droplets from an infected person............Fauci way back when said there was no need to wear masks.................mainly so people would not horde them and save them for the frontline workers as we as a nation were woefully undersupplied in PPE for front line workers, God knows how many doctors and nurses got infected in the beginning.

As Joe pointed out, the Chinese blew smoke up everyones *** and downplayed the severity of this virus "it's similar to the flu"..........................yeah right, sure it is.

I'm sure Fauci is a wonderful fella and he means well and has nothing but good intentions, wearing two masks seems like a solid plan................I'm at the end of my rope with all of this, I really am, totally and utterly sick and disgusted with the whole thing just like millions of other Americans are.

I want my ****ing life back, that's really what I want and everyone else wants...................this vaccine roll out has been an unmitigated disaster, my 88 year old Mother has been a prisoner in her house for 11 ****ing months, still waiting for her shot and once she gets it, then what; 47 new strains will pop up and the vaccine will be ineffective vs them, so what do we do then, go back to living like monks until a new vaccine is found?

How much longer is this Bataan Death March going to last; on and on and on and on it drones, MAYBE by the Fall some sort of "normalcy" will return; but what will that be? GUARANTEED we'll all still have to wear masks, so then what, another holiday season flushed down the toilet, more restrictions, more lockdowns, more new strains...........................they should just flip all the ****ing cards and tell us all "Normal is gone forever, get used to wearing a mask for the rest of your life and social distancing too."

All thanks to the Chinese lying to the world instead of coming clean; and they're going to skate on this too, no blowback, no penalties, no repercussions...............they should pay EVERY FAMILY WHO LOST A LOVED ONE reparations; but who gives a ****, my uncle and millions of others who died aren't coming back no matter what, are they.

What a sin.


It's rare that I comment on anything you post for various reasons.

However, you're "dead on" on this!

My wife and I have just recovered from COVID without any server health effects (e.g. no lung issues) aside from the fact my wife has lost her sense of smell and taste.

We're very grateful, yet, the isolation from life steals your soul and spirit!

My father hasn't seen his children in F***ing year! Criminal! ZOOM isn't cutting it! I'm wondering how the rest of the country is dealing with this *****!!!

The survival rate is huge for most (99.9), yet we should protect "Gramma" and "Grampa", and the few who are most at risk...BUT LET THE REST OF US LIVE!!!

God please bestow the gifts of "discernment" to understand the truth, "Courage" to make sound policy despite possible political ramifications to our leaders. This isn't an opportunity for political opportunism or corporate profit taking on the misery of Americans.

They're consequences!!! China is only part of them.


It's rare that I comment on anything you post for various reasons.

However, you're "dead on" on this!

My wife and I have just recovered from COVID without any server health effects (e.g. no lung issues) aside from the fact my wife has lost her sense of smell and taste.

We're very grateful, yet, the isolation from life steals your soul and spirit!

My father hasn't seen his children in F***ing year! Criminal! ZOOM isn't cutting it! I'm wondering how the rest of the country is dealing with this *****!!!

The survival rate is huge for most (99.9), yet we should protect "Gramma" and "Grampa", and the few who are most at risk...BUT LET THE REST OF US LIVE!!!

God please bestow the gifts of "discernment" to understand the truth, "Courage" to make sound policy despite possible political ramifications to our leaders. This isn't an opportunity for political opportunism or corporate profit taking on the misery of Americans.

They're consequences!!! China is only part of them.


Glad you and your wife are doing better, hopefully her sense of smell and taste comes back.

I haven't seen a single one of my friends since the Super Bowl last year.......haven't been to a toy soldier show since November 2019, that's 14 months and counting.............something has to give here.

And soon.
I finally got an appointment for my daughter and myself to get the vaccine on Monday - purely by luck. Only to learn today that we are expecting 6-12 inches of snow on Sunday/Monday with all that entails to get there. Quite a saga. My parents are getting their second shot today. A big relief for them. From what I read in the press, remarkably the US is rolling out the vaccine much faster than in Europe. So incompetence must be worldwide.
I finally got an appointment for my daughter and myself to get the vaccine on Monday - purely by luck. Only to learn today that we are expecting 6-12 inches of snow on Sunday/Monday with all that entails to get there. Quite a saga. My parents are getting their second shot today. A big relief for them. From what I read in the press, remarkably the US is rolling out the vaccine much faster than in Europe. So incompetence must be worldwide.

Congrats and good luck. My wife and I got mine yesterday, also by luck. I have a feeling that getting an appointment to get the second one won’t be easy, particularly as it has to be the same type as we received yesterday (Moderna).
Believe me I have sympathy for the people who have to live there but the reality is Californians overwhelmingly voted for the politicians who got them into this mess and continue to support them by large margins. So everyone there has to suffer collectively until that changes. I'm old enough to remember when California had a two party system and folks like Nixon and Reagan could win the state. Those days are long gone, however. There is only one solution for most people now. Move to another state.

Yes, we'd like to leave but that is much easier said than done. But it is an eventuality that we will make happen as soon as it's feasible to do so.

I was notified by my PCP/health care clinic at 11:38 a.m. this morning that I was approved to be scheduled for my first shot. I immediately started to get scheduled. The first available was at 5:20 p.m. next Thursday. While trying to schedule that time slot, it disappeared apparently going to someone else that was a little quicker than me. By the time I started to schedule another time slot (literally just a few minutes), the available appointments were clear out to Feb 28th which I was able to get. My wife, going through the same process, is scheduled for Mar 2nd. Later than what we wanted but at least we are scheduled. It was crazy how fast these appointments were being gobbled up.
The UK is doing well with getting the population vaccinated, up to 19.32pm (UK time) today 29th January 7,891,184 people had received the first dose and 478,254 had received their second dose.

I was notified by text message at 0930 last Monday (25th) that I could have the jab and I was given the choice of 4 different vaccination centres in 4 different local Towns including my home town, I also had several time slots available, all this was included in the text message, I chose 0900 on Wednesday 27th in Woking by selecting the drop down box within the message. I sent my selection and got an immediate confirmation message confirming my appointment. Had the jab on Wednesday ^&cool

Stay safe

Congrats and good luck. My wife and I got mine yesterday, also by luck. I have a feeling that getting an appointment to get the second one won’t be easy, particularly as it has to be the same type as we received yesterday (Moderna).

My parents who live in TN got their second shot today. They do it there via a drive through and the shot is given while they sit in their car. Only two other cars in the line. Amazing how different it is from place to place. Absolutely no problem for them to get it. In PA it is almost impossible.
With apologies to those in UK/USA where the virus is more of an issue than in Oz.

Seems there has been a case of a security guard getting the virus whilst working at a quarantine hotel in Perth. So naturally for one case they are going into a five day lockdown in Perth and some other areas.

This is is same as we experienced in Brisbane 2 weeks ago where we got a 3 day lockdown due to a cleaner getting virus whilst working in a quarantine hotel. In that case she had the UK variant but despite being out and about for 4/5 days the only person who got it from her was her husband.

In my humble opinion locking down millions of people for one case is not justified. Now our Premier is begging for financial support from Federal Govt now that she realises the damage constant lockdowns is doing to parts of the state economy. Tens of thousands had to cancel trips to the state due to previous lockdown and now people are becoming wary about making inter state travel plans.

However closed borders was an election winner here and guess what, Western Austraiia has one next month.

Seems the threshold for lockdowns in certain states had become one case. Nothing else matters. This is despite the fact the death rate in Oz for under 70's has been very low. For those over 70 the great majority have been in aged care homes where other factors also involved.
Latest update is that anybody coming into Qld from Perth/WA will have to go into 14 day hotel quarantine. So that will be thousands of incoming passengers cancelling their trips.
Latest update is that anybody coming into Qld from Perth/WA will have to go into 14 day hotel quarantine. So that will be thousands of incoming passengers cancelling their trips.


we are all staying home for the rest of the week, and certainly not travelling.

Good news is that I've got loads of castings to paint, now that the mail has come from the USA and so as long as I don't run out of paint, I'm happy :)

Yes, it may seem an over reaction that with one case of local contagion that 2 million people have to lock down, but I'm sure that a whole lot better that other countries where the virus is running rampant.

For the past 10 months we have only had overseas arrivals in quarantine that have has the virus and he only thing we couldn't do was go outside the country or state, but everything was open and running much like our friends in NZ.

Oh the joys of living on an island :) :)

I read that 20 million vaccine doses are missing in the US and they can't figure out what happened to them. Amazing.
I read that 20 million vaccine doses are missing in the US and they can't figure out what happened to them. Amazing.

They'll blame it somehow on the Patriots........................:wink2:

we are all staying home for the rest of the week, and certainly not travelling.

Good news is that I've got loads of castings to paint, now that the mail has come from the USA and so as long as I don't run out of paint, I'm happy :)

Yes, it may seem an over reaction that with one case of local contagion that 2 million people have to lock down, but I'm sure that a whole lot better that other countries where the virus is running rampant.

For the past 10 months we have only had overseas arrivals in quarantine that have has the virus and he only thing we couldn't do was go outside the country or state, but everything was open and running much like our friends in NZ.

Oh the joys of living on an island :) :)


John mate like you say we're bloody lucky to both be living on islands at the bottom of the Pacific where things are certainly way better than parts of Europe & the US.

We had a slight scare here last week and our media wet themselves with excitement and over hyped reporting......

In saying that the America's cup has still been running and the Wiggles are popping over for a wee visit.^&grin
California is a total disaster on almost every front but they double down on the same people every election cycle. And when things get so bad that people flee the state, they take their politics with them to other places. So I find it hard to have any sympathy for them.

Exactly. My first USAF assignment was Williams AF Base (now the Mesa-Phoenix Airport) in the mid-70s. There were two towns of less than 30,000 people between the base and Phoenix. Not much else except open desert. Today the population is over 500K. Most of those are political refugees from California I bet. And what do they do after settling in Arizona? Vote blue! Chris
Woking hits the headlines today............ for all the wrong reasons. Looks like the South African variant has arrived and the NHS are taking no chances with the publics health. SKY News even interviewed my next door neighbor on the 2pm news when she was passing a testing centre near Goldsworth Park Lake {eek3} My wife and I live just outside the catchment area that has all the community being tested but our daughter, grandson and son in law live right in the middle and our son and his wife live just inside the boundary of the area:eek:

Door-to-door testing for South African variant to start in Surrey | Daily Mail Online

Stay safe

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