Isreal (3 Viewers)

.......And to think this is our future generation and the ones that will supposedly be running things when we're all older & retired and attempting to enjoy the fruits of a lifetime of hard graft.....

Toddy, I think 'graft' may have a different meaning in New Zealand compared to most other countries {eek3} ^&grin
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Toddy, I think 'graft' may have a different meaning in New Zealand compared to most other countries {eek3} ^&grin

Means 'hard work' here and a common saying, so would have thought it meant the same thing everywhere else too.......clearly not?
Means 'hard work' here and a common saying, so would have thought it meant the same thing everywhere else too.......clearly not?

'Graft' may mean hard work in New Zealand and maybe the UK but to most Australians and Americans 'Graft' suggests; political corruption defined as the unscrupulous use of a politician's or government officials authority for personal gain. Yeah, so not something you'd suggest to an Aussie Police Officer, he may whip out his Glock {eek3}
Yes graft to us means corruption. We use it a lot over here.
US military bases attacked 10 times in Iraq and Syria in last 24 hours, And that FOOL does nothing.:mad::mad::mad:
'Graft' may mean hard work in New Zealand and maybe the UK but to most Australians and Americans 'Graft' suggests; political corruption defined as the unscrupulous use of a politician's or government officials authority for personal gain. Yeah, so not something you'd suggest to an Aussie Police Officer, he may whip out his Glock {eek3}

Oh well I guess the underlying meaning has diminished somewhat over here which puts a whole new spin on my original post. Never mind, let me re-phase how about a life time of hard slog?
Oh well I guess the underlying meaning has diminished somewhat over here which puts a whole new spin on my original post. Never mind, let me re-phase how about a life time of hard slog?

Meanings change over the years especially with American English influencing peoples speech and understanding everywhere, and now, where as yes Graft going by the dictionary meaning is work, these days people think of it as corruption when Grift is corruption. So now you have to double check as to what context someone may be using the work !
Meanings change over the years especially with American English influencing peoples speech and understanding everywhere, and now, where as yes Graft going by the dictionary meaning is work, these days people think of it as corruption when Grift is corruption. So now you have to double check as to what context someone may be using the work !

I remember my early school years when we taught spelling the old (UK) way and later had to learn the newer spelling such as 'color' when our schools adopted more American educational systems. Initially the American's influenced Australian language etc when a large number were based in Australia during WW2 and subsequently Australia allowed a higher ratio of American TV shows in comparrison, which also influenced our language etc. It's now to the point where British movies appear on our SBS TV channel which concentrates on Foreign language shows.
Up to 87 now.

My wife had eye surgery last week. She needed some eye drops. So we drove to the local pharmacy that has been here for decades. It has gone out of business. Boarded up like something out of a dystopian movie. Decided to get some lunch. Drove to the place. It was closed even though it was supposed to be open. Drove to another place. They had a big sign asking for "patience" because they had no workers. The end is near for the US. Things are coming unhinged.
My wife had eye surgery last week. She needed some eye drops. So we drove to the local pharmacy that has been here for decades. It has gone out of business. Boarded up like something out of a dystopian movie. Decided to get some lunch. Drove to the place. It was closed even though it was supposed to be open. Drove to another place. They had a big sign asking for "patience" because they had no workers. The end is near for the US. Things are coming unhinged.

So true. No strong leader to pull country together.
US military bases attacked 10 times in Iraq and Syria in last 24 hours, And that FOOL does nothing.:mad::mad::mad:

We shot down a Drone, does that count?? Oh yea, the same terrorists group Houji mammas 😉 that we took off the terror watch list group....not sure this Country can last another year with that Imbosile destroying the Country from within.
We shot down a Drone, does that count?? Oh yea, the same terrorists group Houji mammas 😉 that we took off the terror watch list group....not sure this Country can last another year with that Imbosile destroying the Country from within.

With every disaster that has unfolded over the last couple of years, the polls are still about 50-50. The early voting changes have altered politics in a way that may never be undone. In PA, we have almost two months of early voting. When Jimmy Carter had a disastrous presidency, he lost in a landslide. But ideology matters more than results these days. So I don't see anything changing in the next election.
With every disaster that has unfolded over the last couple of years, the polls are still about 50-50. The early voting changes have altered politics in a way that may never be undone. In PA, we have almost two months of early voting. When Jimmy Carter had a disastrous presidency, he lost in a landslide. But ideology matters more than results these days. So I don't see anything changing in the next election.

I'm gonna give you some insight from the Butcher's corner...I've never heard so much complaining on food prices in my 39 year career, I mean EVERYDAY!!! and the average folk that shop, vote, have seen enough in 3 years, I consider myself a Independent and who's going to better the Country, be it economic, Security, etc...and I can **** sure tell you in Arizona who people are not voting for in 2024 unless there are the most drastic changes ever made and I don't see this Administration doing anything differently .
With every disaster that has unfolded over the last couple of years, the polls are still about 50-50. The early voting changes have altered politics in a way that may never be undone. In PA, we have almost two months of early voting. When Jimmy Carter had a disastrous presidency, he lost in a landslide. But ideology matters more than results these days. So I don't see anything changing in the next election.
God I hope you are wrong.{eek3}
God I hope you are wrong.{eek3}

Me too but imagine the hue and cry if that happens. I can see widespread riots given the level of hatred and narrative about the end of democracy.
I thought today was a good laugh on Harvard's part, the University put out a long statement on social media about defending thier President Gay and her point of views on freedom of speech, they conviently twisted some words of course and once the replies started mounting up against the college keeping her on as President, they cut out replies and rebuttal 🤣🤣 freedom of speech?? And they can't even handle responses on Social media. That college is so full of **** they should start a manure company.
I thought today was a good laugh on Harvard's part, the University put out a long statement on social media about defending thier President Gay and her point of views on freedom of speech, they conviently twisted some words of course and once the replies started mounting up against the college keeping her on as President, they cut out replies and rebuttal 🤣🤣 freedom of speech?? And they can't even handle responses on Social media. That college is so full of **** they should start a manure company.

Freedom of speech and tolerance for other viewpoints is now a one-way street. If the speech is something they agree with, then there are no limitations. Even riots and violence are justified for the cause. No such freedom is permitted for contrary views. These people live in a bubble where they all think alike and believe that only a small minority of uneducated racists could possibly hold a contrary opinion. People who they view as evil and powerless. They are shocked when they face a backlash not understanding that their views are the outliers.
Freedom of speech and tolerance for other viewpoints is now a one-way street. If the speech is something they agree with, then there are no limitations. Even riots and violence are justified for the cause. No such freedom is permitted for contrary views. These people live in a bubble where they all think alike and believe that only a small minority of uneducated racists could possibly hold a contrary opinion. People who they view as evil and powerless. They are shocked when they face a backlash not understanding that their views are the outliers.

YUP. Try having an educational conversation in Maryland on the 2nd amendment and the right to be a gun collector, range shooter. Holy crap, it is the proverbial head against wall. My favorite line is when I ask "what do you think an assault rifle is?". Every single time "you should not have the right to own a machine gun". Me _ you do know an AR15 is not a machine gun right? It is a semi auto rifle. "No its not it is an assault rifle/machine gun" Me - sorry , the definition of an assault rifle is a fully automatic machine gun. "OH................followed by silence". Then here is my favorite line to put them over the edge.....You do know that you can legally own a machine gun in all 50 states, right? "What do you mean". Me- well those true assault rifles are regulated by federal law and if you pass the background check and can afford the firearm as well as the $200 tax stamp, its legal. Guess what happens next - crickets and end of convo. It is amazing how "facts never lie".

Now, most of the time, the above doesn't happen as it usually turns into a shout and then storm off in my State.

For the record, I don't have an opinion on Federal law regarding the regulation of true assault rifles. Personally, I don't own one and that is a choice, not due to any other factor.


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