The American Civil War Diaries (2 Viewers)

I hope Reb doesnt like them to much. He may be inclined to wait for them to depict the next chapter; not sure I can wait that long. Im jonesin for the next release.


You must have read my mind :)-these new cavalry releases have indeed coincided perfectly with the diaries dio's next chapter that being the big horse soldier fight at Yellow Tavern and the demise of Stuart.

They look to be superb sculpts with a few brilliant non-standard poses-especially the about to mount figures-I'm very impressed and intend purchasing at least six of the eight. I'll have to forego the standard bearer as I'm sure you would have noticed he is carrying the First National Flag of the Confederacy and by 1864 practically all of these had been superseded by the Second Colors. Also the fellow aiming his carbine is wearing the Texas star on his hat- I could grind that off and do a repaint so he fits in with Stuart's Virginians but with that front brim folded back sure makes him look the archetypal Texan.

So sorry Harris you just might have to wait until after release date for the next episode- as these guys are far to good to exclude- but then again there is always the slaughter at the "Mule Shoe" which I could bring forward ;)


You must have read my mind :)-these new cavalry releases have indeed coincided perfectly with the diaries dio's next chapter that being the big horse soldier fight at Yellow Tavern and the demise of Stuart.

They look to be superb sculpts with a few brilliant non-standard poses-especially the about to mount figures-I'm very impressed and intend purchasing at least six of the eight. I'll have to forego the standard bearer as I'm sure you would have noticed he is carrying the First National Flag of the Confederacy and by 1864 practically all of these had been superseded by the Second Colors. Also the fellow aiming his carbine is wearing the Texas star on his hat- I could grind that off and do a repaint so he fits in with Stuart's Virginians but with that front brim folded back sure makes him look the archetypal Texan.

So sorry Harris you just might have to wait until after release date for the next episode- as these guys are far to good to exclude- but then again there is always the slaughter at the "Mule Shoe" which I could bring forward ;)


I have never been so tempted to join the ACW fray as right now,those new Reb Cavalry look really good.

I have never been so tempted to join the ACW fray as right now,those new Reb Cavalry look really good.


I agree Rob - although I won't be getting them, the new ACW figures look extremely well done.


You must have read my mind :)-these new cavalry releases have indeed coincided perfectly with the diaries dio's next chapter that being the big horse soldier fight at Yellow Tavern and the demise of Stuart.

They look to be superb sculpts with a few brilliant non-standard poses-especially the about to mount figures-I'm very impressed and intend purchasing at least six of the eight. I'll have to forego the standard bearer as I'm sure you would have noticed he is carrying the First National Flag of the Confederacy and by 1864 practically all of these had been superseded by the Second Colors. Also the fellow aiming his carbine is wearing the Texas star on his hat- I could grind that off and do a repaint so he fits in with Stuart's Virginians but with that front brim folded back sure makes him look the archetypal Texan.

So sorry Harris you just might have to wait until after release date for the next episode- as these guys are far to good to exclude- but then again there is always the slaughter at the "Mule Shoe" which I could bring forward ;)


I sincerely hope these new figures live up to your expectations and look forward to your further chapters.


You must have read my mind :)-these new cavalry releases have indeed coincided perfectly with the diaries dio's next chapter that being the big horse soldier fight at Yellow Tavern and the demise of Stuart.

They look to be superb sculpts with a few brilliant non-standard poses-especially the about to mount figures-I'm very impressed and intend purchasing at least six of the eight. I'll have to forego the standard bearer as I'm sure you would have noticed he is carrying the First National Flag of the Confederacy and by 1864 practically all of these had been superseded by the Second Colors. Also the fellow aiming his carbine is wearing the Texas star on his hat- I could grind that off and do a repaint so he fits in with Stuart's Virginians but with that front brim folded back sure makes him look the archetypal Texan.

So sorry Harris you just might have to wait until after release date for the next episode- as these guys are far to good to exclude- but then again there is always the slaughter at the "Mule Shoe" which I could bring forward ;)

Sooner is always better for the things we really enjoy; like your marvelous episodes Bob but I am sure you will find great ways of featuring these interesting new cavalry poses. I am sure it will be worth waiting for.

My one disappointment would be with most of the horses for these sets. The heads in particular appear to mainly depict a rough bred, draft type horse that would not have been a primary choice for cavalry but perhaps the horses available to the cavalry late war were so limited that that type was pressed into service. Certainly it would not seem to fit early war. Even then parts of the head are a bit to large and unrefined, especially at the eyes and as you progress toward the nose area. Most of these also have the gapping mouth, exposed teeth issue that I have discussed before in spades. 44, 45 and 47 appear to be the best horse examples although the pose for 44 is a tad unusual for what the trooper is doing and the position of the reins seems rather careless for an experienced cavalry soldier. I would hate to meet 43 on a dark night. Overall, the horses in this set do not appear as accurate to me as in some earlier Napoleonic releases. Perhaps I have been blessed with only having spent my equine time with the runway models of the species. Anyway, it would be interesting to see what horses or photos the artist used for these models?
If the cavalry is anything like the JEB Stuart they did earlier then they will be truly great additions to our collections. Ill be disappointed if you keep us waiting Reb but I know that if you do wait when you come back with those new figures it will be in a phenomenal display.
Excellent sculping,fantastic paintjobs,imaginative poses,but unfortunately,like their infantry,wholly inaccurate.There are no records of a general issue of yellow caps ever to the reb cavalry,even though they were authorised.The usual issue caps were grey,with the bulk of cavalrymen preferring the slouch hat.Stars on hats were quite common though,with troops from Texas,Mississippi,Missouri and Arkansas often seen with their hats adorned in this manner. The first Richmond Depot cavalry jackets issued in the Eastern theatre of war in 1861 and early 1862 (Richmond Depot 1s),were trimmed in fine yellow tape,then no trim at all for the rest of the war.In the West no trim was the norm at the start of the war,then blue trimmmed Columbus Depot coats were issued to all troops,be they cavalry or infantry!Seldom were sky blue trousers issued.Grey or black were issued from Richmond and plain grey or tan from the other Deep South depots.In the Trans-Mississippi white issue jackets were the norm.
It seems K and C have used some very outdated books in their research which leaves these figures set in an early war time frame and belonging to some mythical Hollwood army unit.It looks like I'll have to get the paint brushes out again!
Jeff (Away for a few weeks now)
I may be wholly wrong here but it seems to me you don't often see cavalry figures in the act of mounting up etc,with this latest release you have figures riding and about to ride,looks like there could be some great dio scenarios with these.

I may be wholly wrong here but it seems to me you don't often see cavalry figures in the act of mounting up etc,with this latest release you have figures riding and about to ride,looks like there could be some great dio scenarios with these.


Rob- That's exactly what attracted me to them -Of course Tullock is right very few Reb cavalrymen wore such fancy uniforms as the K&C figures are depicting-although even a layman not familiar with the ACW I think would know they are Reb horsemen and to be honest Bill is also correct that a couple of the horses do indeed look a little like fairground dobbins.

But for me it is the unique poses that make these particular figures exceptional which lend themselves to a number of great scenarios especially when placed with with the previous Confederate K&C releases. Personally I can't wait to get hold of them and if the need arises, I too am a dab hand with a paint brush :D

Awesome ACW diorama photos UKREB! Your set up hits the mark for each scene. You placed your figures in very good positions, making each scene, "Come to Life". I wonder where I saw that quote? lol/ It's perfect. Your ACW collection is also fantastic. Both compliment themselves.
We need to get together and play soldiers! Great stuff REB.
Awesome ACW diorama photos UKREB! Your set up hits the mark for each scene. You placed your figures in very good positions, making each scene, "Come to Life". I wonder where I saw that quote? lol/ It's perfect. Your ACW collection is also fantastic. Both compliment themselves.
We need to get together and play soldiers! Great stuff REB.

Thanks Nick

Anytime you want play soldiers in my back-yard you just shout :D

Thanks for the compliments however, you and Alex are not exactly slouches when displaying your boys in blue and grey-your Grant's command and march-by really was one of the best ACW set-ups I've seen-and I've seen quite a few in my time :D

Thanks Reb.
We have another ACW diorama being set up. It's going to be a scene from a famous battle. That's all I can say.
Amazing what can be done with today's new fangled technology! I enjoyed that - well done.


Absolutely marvoulous slide show. Takes me back to my younger years when I was a very serious Civil War re-enactor; Co. K 2nd WI (Iron Brigade), Co D 10th Tenn (Sons of Erin) and Co E 52nd Va Inf. Thank you very much . . . . . Mike
That was a treat gents. Thanks. Your collection never ceases to amaze me, Reb, and I wish like heck I had your focus.

Fantastic!.Thanks Shiloh for showcasing Bobs amazing work,it truly deserves being filmed and you've done a great job here.

Very well done, Shiloh, I am glad to see that no animals were hurt in the filming of this epic.

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