The American Civil War Diaries (5 Viewers)

Knew it wouldn't take long for the new KC Rebel Cavalry to make their apprearance in another one your very well done and thought of Diodramas. As in the past I really enjoy the way you bring your figures to life in telling a story and photographing them. Thanks Reb
SUPERBE, Reb my friend did you change your Camera? It seems that your photos get more net and sharp then before…

Excellent photography
Reb...what you do is amazing. My hat's off to you. Love the scenery and the lighting as well as your incredible staging and screen writing. "And the Oscar goes to....UKReb!"

You have made the K&C Reb Cav a must have even for us Yanks!

Glad to see you having fun with these new additions to your collection.

Some of your best yet, and that is saying something. Those new Rebel troopers look great.
Well done, I look forward to each segment. You dioramas are outstanding.
GREAT job UKREB! Awesome collection too.

Stuart's scouts had reported that Sheridan was moving South with nearly thirteen thousand horse soldiers-three times what Stuart could bring to the field- and were on a direct route to Richmond and the Confederate supply trains.

After hard riding Stuart was now north of Sheridan's left flank at a long abandoned stage stop named Yellow Tavern six miles from the Southern capital. Stuart had spread his men along the rolling hillsides both sides of the road to await the blue column to pass below them hoping he could attack Sheridan's force from two sides.


As he watched the deployment of his troops a scout rode up and confirmed that the Federal cavalry were still moving South.


Suddenly there was a shout from one of Stuart's cavalry officers:

"Sir! they ain't moving south anymore. They are coming right at us"


From the north-west a mile across the field suddenly breaking the tree-line appeared hundreds of Union horse soldiers and just behind them............


......Union Artillery


Sheridan was not moving on Richmond, his prize was not the railroad cars and Confederate supply lines. As Stuart stared out to the heavy wave of blue he thought:

"You are coming!"


Seriously Bob,have you ever thought of doing these for museums?

Another excellent episode mate. You make those Reb Cavalry look great. I can see we are in for another thrilling chapter.:cool::D
Another excellent episode mate. You make those Reb Cavalry look great. I can see we are in for another thrilling chapter.:cool::D


Thanks for all of your kind comments as always very much appreciated. I hadn't realised that it had been over two months since I had posted the last chapter but I had been waiting for those Reb cavalry pieces to be released for the start of the Yellow Tavern chapter.

Thanks Bill for the above but really anyone can make a scene look good with these K&C mounted figures they really are something special.

Rob-Museums???? I post these just for you and the rest of the guys on here who are following the story :D But thanks for the compliment! that's another G&T I owe you;)

Wow - Those guys look GREAT ! Can't wait to get mine soon !

Great Chapter Reb - LOVE IT ! :D
UK Reb's great recent dioramas got me hooked on the new Confederate cavalry too. I have very little cavalry in my collection right now. I am awaiting an order of 2 and plan at least 3 more. I also am planning a diorama with the new tent, Lee's belongings, and generals. Fine stuff.
I have the day off from work Bob. Sitting here catching up on my "thread reading" as I enjoy a good cup of coffee. Your latest addition is great as always. THoroughly enjoyed the pictures of your CSA cavalry and also the story line. Huzzah for you.

September 18th 1862-Antietam/Sharpsburg

Following the bloodiest single day of the American Civil war which changed the war's miltary character in as much as "the struggle" lost it's innocence an uneasy truce fell across the battlefield allowing both sides to retrieve their dead and wounded.

General R.E.Lee accompanied by General J.E.B. Stuart rode across the field littered with Confederate casualties. Lee paused and watched one of his surgeons fighting to save the life of a young cavalryman.


The young Reb had been shot in the neck and lay very still


Lee touching his hat out of respect enquired if the surgeon had everything he needed. The surgeon nodded and Lee turning to Stuart said..........



Another outstanding Cliff Hanger and work of art Bob have a great time while visiting Spain.....Joe
Always a pleassure to see your latest additions to the thread!:)

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