The Rebs rushed forward- now with no regard for formation, taking punishing fire on both flanks the fast thinning gray ranks reached the wall following their beloved General
Standing on top of the stone wall Armistead yelled back at his men
"Come on boys! Give them the cold steel!"
The 71st Pennsylvania-part of Webb's brigade facing the furious Reb onslaught began to break. Some of their officers screamed
"Halt! Turn about face and fire you cowards"
On some unpatriotic backs fell the flat of the officers sabres, but men were never made who will stand against levelled bayonets coming at them with such momentum and determination accompanied by blood curdling Rebel yells, the break became a rout
The wall was now thick with the red banners of the Confederacy and the blue flags of Virginia as the Rebs continued to encroach into the Federal position at the Angle
With Armistead still leading from the front Colonel Martin yelled to his men
"The day is ours! Look to your General! Follow him to victory!"
The fighting now on both of the Confederate flanks became bloody bayonet thrusts and furious hand to hand combat as the Rebs held back the blue-lines to enable their colleagues a clear central advance
And as those few brief minutes passed with Armistead and his men over the wall and the 71st falling back in a fear stricken flock of confusion-quite literally in front of Armistead- the road lay open all the way to Washington.
The fate of Gettysburg hung by a spider's single thread
These two hombres are the latest recruits to the Rebs collection-bought them off a dealer at the March London show for a snip of a price-both very heavy 58mm metal kits and finally got around to assembling and painting. Quite pleased with how they came out as both their particular poses will fit into many scenarios I have in mind further downstream.
Great work Bob and a pleasure to see you posting again. I also look forward to seeming them in action. It has been too long since the last installment; I am suffering ACWD withdrawal.These two hombres are the latest recruits to the Rebs collection-bought them off a dealer at the March London show for a snip of a price-both very heavy 58mm metal kits and finally got around to assembling and painting. Quite pleased with how they came out as both their particular poses will fit into many scenarios I have in mind further downstream.
These two hombres are the latest recruits to the Rebs collection-bought them off a dealer at the March London show for a snip of a price-both very heavy 58mm metal kits and finally got around to assembling and painting. Quite pleased with how they came out as both their particular poses will fit into many scenarios I have in mind further downstream.
Many thanks for your kind comments that's at least three of you still following the story.
Rob I'm toying with the idea of introducing a Confederate Tiger tank (without zimmerit of course) into the next episode to knock out that Yankee artillery. Purely to juice up the story-What d'ya think?
You know very well that it is at least five of us.................