Things that annoy me (3 Viewers)

i understand what you mean, but there is stocking up and there is hoarding, i checked and i have 16 loo rolls, bought them on Saturday. Having a couple of weeks or a months supplies in is OK, but if the volume is such an extent you can see it from space then there is a worry. Plus it can be conbustable and a fire risk.
I am laughing at this thread as it is just so funny. Might be cheaper just to buy a cork or bottle stopper or get ourselves a Lota. We can always use newspaper, but avoid magazines, too shiny and slippy. Come on guys see the funny side. There is a great book called 'The Big Neccesary' about worldwide toilet habits, i saw it in a friends loo, so people have appropreate reading while in there.

Remember - stop looking at your phone in the loo, staring at it as you sit there as you hold it in your lap, remember you hold that thing up to your face for a lot of the time.
You should be so glad you're in the. UK.
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Steve, you're in danger of being put on the ignore list of someone with a self splashing loo who's concerned with the global allocation of TP.
He'll have a fit then when he hears I bought a pack of 24 just at the weekend and I hadn't even run out, and they weren't a limited collectors edition either !
It's amazing the characters one comes across on this forum, for the most part genuine pleasant people, then there is always the oddball.
Mayorkas, who is the head of the secret service, FEMA, and border, was out shopping this weekend in Georgetown. I guess there is nothing going on for him to do.
Best story I ever heard about hording/stocking up; a friend of my parents had a grandson that was in need of a special type of baby formula, his son in law called him and said "We're out of formula for our baby, I've looked everywhere, don't know what to do" he got in his car, went to their house and he and the son in law searched a number of stores until they finally found the formula, there were 12 cans on the shelf, the son in law grabbed all 12, my parents friend said "Why don't you leave some on the shelf in case some other family is in your shoes and needs that formula" so he left a few on the shelf.

It costs you nothing to be nice to people/treat others the way you'd want to be treated.

He was a great man.

Great post and story.

Thanks for reminding me that although is it rare selflessness still exists.

If someone can put a few things back on the shelf, even if it means his/her child will go without, maybe people can wipe their more intelligent end with paper towels, banquet napkins or leaves without hoarding everything in existence.

The takeaway from the recent COVID and hurricane experience is that if a major catastrophe ever occurs, don't count on the government to save you. The US government is run by inept folks who are concerned only with optics. They are completely incompetent and unprepared for any emergency despite the enormous resources available to them.
The takeaway from the recent COVID and hurricane experience is that if a major catastrophe ever occurs, don't count on the government to save you. The US government is run by inept folks who are concerned only with optics. They are completely incompetent and unprepared for any emergency despite the enormous resources available to them.
Same all over, not just the US.

Though I recently heard that one of the agencies in the US, I forget which one was at the time aware of over 425,000 criminals having come over the border along with the other hundreds of thousands illegals and that they were aware that at least 13,000 of them had committed Homicide in their homelands.
The takeaway from the recent COVID and hurricane experience is that if a major catastrophe ever occurs, don't count on the government to save you. The US government is run by inept folks who are concerned only with optics. They are completely incompetent and unprepared for any emergency despite the enormous resources available to them.
Harris wants to give Lebanon 157 Million dollars for God knows what; meanwhile, FEMA is broke and a category 5 hurricane is about to clobber Florida.

And don't be mean to those folks at FEMA, they are all upset people are torqued off at them for not doing their job.

What a country.
Mayorkas, who is the head of the secret service, FEMA, and border, was out shopping this weekend in Georgetown. I guess there is nothing going on for him to do.
And Biden is heading off to a Safari in Africa while Harris is going to do some hard hitting interviews with The View, Colbert and Howard Stern all while another storm is about to clobber Florida.
And Biden is heading off to a Safari in Africa while Harris is going to do some hard hitting interviews with The View, Colbert and Howard Stern all while another storm is about to clobber Florida.
I used to be a fan of Stern but he has turned out be a real disappoint. I can remember him fighting the government on First Amendment grounds when they tried to fine him. Now he is just another tool of the state media. He also apparently is so afraid of COVID that he wouldn't even return to the studio. Does the show from his basement.
I used to be a fan of Stern but he has turned out be a real disappoint. I can remember him fighting the government on First Amendment grounds when they tried to fine him. Now he is just another tool of the state media. He also apparently is so afraid of COVID that he wouldn't even return to the studio. Does the show from his basement.
That's the state run media.

I'm sure CBS, ABC and NBC are all over the story of the hundreds of Americans stranded in the mountains of North Carolina, they're using horses and donkeys to bring them supplies/rescue them vs helicopters.

But Axelrod is happy, that's less Republicans that can get to the polls and vote; that POS actually said that.

Beyond disgusting.
That's the state run media.

I'm sure CBS, ABC and NBC are all over the story of the hundreds of Americans stranded in the mountains of North Carolina, they're using horses and donkeys to bring them supplies/rescue them vs helicopters.

But Axelrod is happy, that's less Republicans that can get to the polls and vote; that POS actually said that.

Beyond disgusting.
Remember it's all just "disinformation." Things are going well. Everyone is "happy." LOL. The woman running FEMA apparently has time to do interviews about people being mean to FEMA and setting up a "rumor response" webpage. She reminds me a lot of the incompetent who they had put in charge of the secret service. Results no longer matter, however. The polls are unchanged.
Remember it's all just "disinformation." Things are going well. Everyone is "happy." LOL. The woman running FEMA apparently has time to do interviews about people being mean to FEMA and setting up a "rumor response" webpage. She reminds me a lot of the incompetent who they had put in charge of the secret service. Results no longer matter, however. The polls are unchanged.
God forbid you put people in charge of things like the border, FEMA, The Secret Service, Energy and Transportation who are actually qualified to do the job vs "Diversity and inclusion"....................

A complete and total....
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God forbid you put people in charge of things like the border, FEMA, The Secret Service, Energy and Transportation who are actually qualified to do the job vs "Diversity and inclusion"....................

A complete and total
Things can still get worse where you are George.

Hope you guys at least can get Your Country back.

Hurty words, meaning telling the truth about and against the protected demographic will get you jail time here, leaving them free to commit more crimes.
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Things can still get worse where you are George.

Hope you guys at least can get Your Country back.

Hurty words, meaning telling the truth about and against the protected demographic will get you jail time here, leaving them free to commit more crimes.
.....don't forget Steve, you must also use their pronouns, otherwise you'll 'trigger' the alphabet folks and end up in the clink for using more hurty words.... :ROFLMAO:
And Biden is heading off to a Safari in Africa while Harris is going to do some hard hitting interviews with The View, Colbert and Howard Stern all while another storm is about to clobber Florida.
Outstanding.......the middle east is on the brink, a massive hurricane is about to slam into Florida and Biden is off chasing elephants in Africa and Harris is enjoying cuddle time with the nut jobs on The View, chats with limp-d%#k Colbert and sit-ins with crazy Howard......what could go wrong. 🤪😂🤪🤪
Outstanding.......the middle east is on the brink, a massive hurricane is about to slam into Florida and Biden is off chasing elephants in Africa and Harris is enjoying cuddle time with the nut jobs on The View, chats with limp-d%#k Colbert and sit-ins with crazy Howard......what could go wrong. 🤪😂🤪🤪
That about sums and it and made me laugh. As I often say, you just can't make it up.
Things can still get worse where you are George.

Hope you guys at least can get Your Country back.

Hurty words, meaning telling the truth about and against the protected demographic will get you jail time here, leaving them free to commit more crimes.
IF there isn't a change come November, this country is done.
Outstanding.......the middle east is on the brink, a massive hurricane is about to slam into Florida and Biden is off chasing elephants in Africa and Harris is enjoying cuddle time with the nut jobs on The View, chats with limp-d%#k Colbert and sit-ins with crazy Howard......what could go wrong. 🤪😂🤪🤪
Have to give Stern credit, he dove deep into what all Americans were wondering; what brand of cereal does Harris have for breakfast.

What a fraud and a sellout he has become.

They did ask her on the View "If you could change anything from the past 4 years, what would it be?".............ok, there's her chance.........."Not have the border wide open/do a better job with government spending/have a better foreign policy/get tougher of crime"..........Nope; she said "I wouldn't change anything."

She manages to screw up the easy questions too.
I always think of a paraphrase something Max says in "The Lost Boys":

"Silly people! Never let progressives at the levers of power. It renders you powerless."


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